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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ N ] / Not relevant

Not relevant перевод на испанский

521 параллельный перевод
It's not relevant!
No es relevante!
The Prosecution is trying to influence the jury, with facts not relevant to this trial!
La acusación trata de influir al Jurado con hechos ajenos a este proceso.
I'm sorry, Counsel, but the question is not relevant at this time.
Lo siento, abogado, pero la pregunta no es pertinente.
What sort of questions are these? It is not relevant.
Pero ¿ qué más da?
But this is not relevant.
En fin, no tiene sentido. ¿ Cómo que no?
- The matter is not relevant.
- El asunto no es relevante.
It is not relevant.
No es pertinente.
You're right, not relevant.
Tienes razón, eso no viene al caso.
- That information is not relevant.
Esa información no viene al caso.
Not relevant.
Don't tell me it's not relevant.
No me digas que no es relevante.
And why he did it is not relevant.
Y por qué lo hizo es irrelevante.
Because it's not relevant.
Es irrelevante.
- Then she is not relevant.
- Entonces no es relevante.
This testimony is not relevant.
El testimonio no es relevante.
- This crime is not relevant to this case.
- Este delito no es relevante para el caso.
Our own political posturing is neither moral not relevant.
Ni nuestra posicion politica, no es ni moral ni relevante.
The point is, it's not relevant to what's going on here.
La cuestión es que no es relevante para lo que pasa aquí.
The witness's religion is not relevant here.
La religión del testigo no es relevante.
This is not relevant.
No es relevante.
Because it is not relevant.
Porque no es pertinente.
Again it is not relevant.
Tampoco es pertinente.
I consider him to be sick, for reasons not relevant to these proceedings.
Lo considero un enfermo por razones no relevantes en esta Corte.
It is not relevant.
No es importante.
It's not relevant, Jack.
Eso no influye.
It's not relevant.
No influye.
Mr. Bates's views are not relevant Mr. Holmes.
La visión del señor Bates no es relevante, señor Holmes.
Who knows, Mr. Gibson, what is and what is not relevant.
Quién sabe, señor Gibson lo que es y lo que no es relevante.
That's really not relevant here.
Ahora eso no importa.
That's not relevant to this discussion.
Eso no viene al caso.
The mars hobbies are not relevant.
Los pasatiempos del acusado no son relevantes, abogado.
And that's not relevant, sir.
Eso no es relevante, señor.
- This is not relevant.
- Eso no viene al caso.
It's not relevant.
No es relevante.
That's not relevant?
¿ Y eso no es relevante?
Those pictures are not relevant to this investigation.
Las fotos no son importantes para la investigación.
They're not relevant any more.
Ya no tienen importancia.
This would not be relevant to any issues before the court.
No es relevante para ninguna cuestión ante el tribunal.
Not that it's relevant, sir, but you astound me, Mr. Ambassador.
No es que esto sea relevante... pero me asombra, Sr. embajador.
I, er, I found this, and I don't know whether it's relevant or not, but hold onto it safely.
Yo, eh, me encontré esto, y yo no sé si es relevante o no, pero lo guardé de forma segura.
Nevertheless, the new elements were not considered relevant, and were thought to be the result of George Dumurrier's infamous creative ideas.
Sin embargo, los nuevos elementos, No se consideraron relevantes, y se pensó que eran el resultado de las... infames ideas creativas de George Dumurrier.
But thereafter, I could not think of anything connected with it that was either relevant or true.
Pero tras eso, no se me ocurrió nada en relación con ello que fuera relevante o verdadero.
Let's not harp on, but let's not forget relevant things either!
No se trata de machacar, sino de recordar provechosamente.
We heard that you were not there, but I wouldn't say it was relevant.
Nos entereamos que no estuviste, Pero no diría que fué relevante.
My dear girl at my age one either lives just long enough to make presents useless or not long enough to make the question relevant.
A mi edad, se ha vivido tanto, que los regalos ya no te hacen ilusión.
Your Honor, the question is whether or not Hettinger... is mentally competent at this time. His testimony of seven years ago is no longer relevant.
La cuestión es si el Sr. Hettinger está ya bien mentalmente.
If they prove not to be relevant, there's no reason for me to mention them.
Si no son relevantes, no tengo por qué mencionarlas.
But whether it's relevant or not, I don't know.
Pero si es relevante o no, no lo sé.
It's not relevant now.
Ahora ya no importa.
That's not really relevant.
Eso no es relevante.
Mr. Stamphill, I do not believe that the exercise time of an inmate is relevant. Well, I do.
No creo que el tiempo de ejercicio de un interno sea relevante.

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