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Obligated перевод на испанский

838 параллельный перевод
I'm obligated to her for a little item called rent.
Le debo una cosilla llamada alquiler.
You wouldn't feel obligated if you stayed, would you?
- ¿ Se sentiría obligada por quedarse? - ¿ Debería?
What's he done for you that you should feel obligated?
¿ Que hizo por ti que te sientes tan obligada a ayudarle?
But she feels obligated to look after him because he helped her in the past.
Lo que pasa es que ella se siente obligada a cuidarle porque le ayudó en el pasado.
She is obligated to leave for three days.
Estará fuera de París tres días.
You're obligated!
¡ Tiene la obligación!
- To whom you'll be obligated for passage.
- ¿ A quién le pedirás los pases? .
- I don't wanna be obligated about Red.
- Aún no he renunciado a él.
They're not obligated to.
No están obligados.
Nor are we obligated to use them.
Ni nosotros a utilizarlos.
To explain certain absences in which I was obligated many times by a relationship I couldn't confess.
Para explicar ciertas ausencias a las que me veía obligado muchas veces una relación que no le podía confesar.
We feel obligated to have your consent before we do anything.
Sé que necesitamos tu consentimiento antes de hacer nada.
Puts them in a frame of mind where they naturally feel obligated, don't you know.
Ponlas en cierto estado mental y se sentirán obligadas.
Michel, I am obligated to do you harm.
Michel, me veo obligado a hacerte daño.
We are very much obligated to you.
Estamos en deuda con usted.
I don't want to feel obligated or anything.
No quiero que te sientas obligado a nada.
If I felt obligated, I wouldn't be here now.
Si me sintiera obligado, no estaría aquí.
Ted was obligated to save the situation.
Ted tuvo que salvar la situación.
But then we'd be legally obligated to hand you over to the police.
Pero entonces estarías legalmente obligada a entregarla a la policía.
Don't feel obligated to stay dressed for me.
No te sientas obligado a seguir vestido por mí.
You never obligated me to flatter you!
No me obligue Vd. a adularla.
You were obligated to measure it before entering.
Su obligación era haber tomado las medidas antes de entrar.
And you would have been obligated to listen to me.
Sabía que de otro modo nunca lo reconocerías.
I wouldn't want you to feel obligated.
No quisiera que se sintiese obligado.
You needn't feel obligated. Since there's no snow...
No queremos que se sienta obligado.
She's obligated, ain't she?
Ahora se siente obligada.
Burt, in some way you feel obligated to me...
Burt, de alguna forma te sientes obligado hacia mí...
I don't want him back because he's grateful and obligated and I...
Yo no quiero que vuelva por gratitud o porque se sienta obligado y yo..
Maybe he feels obligated.
Se sentirá obligado.
I am obligated to them.
Me siento en deuda con él.
You obligated to me.
Estás en deuda conmigo.
I am deeply obligated to you and Dr. Baque If not for you, I never found Kyra
De no ser por ustedes, no hubiese conocido a Kyra.
Once I took it, I'd be obligated to stay.
No, el hecho de aceptar me obligaría a seguir.
I feel obligated to warn you... that some of the sensations, some of the physical reactions... which the actors on the screen will feel... will also be experienced for the first time in motion picture history... by certain members of this audience.
Me siento obligado a advertirle que algunas de las sensaciones y algunas de las reacciones físicas que sentirán los actores en la pantalla las sentirán también, por primera vez en la historia del cine algunos de los espectadores.
We're obligated to solve it together.
Estamos obligados a resolverlo juntos.
By treaty with Judea, Rome has obligated itself not to interfere in religious matters.
Por un tratado con Judea, Roma está obligada... a no interferir en asuntos religiosos.
Nobody feel obligated- - Celebrate whatever you feel like celebrating
Nadie se siente obliga'o Se festeja lo que se cuadre
You're really obligated to Lucy for doing this.
Le debes mucho a Lucy por hacer esto.
- Obligated?
- ¿ Deberle?
Certainly you're obligated.
Claro que se lo debes.
Did it occur to you, either of you, that I didn't want to be obligated?
¿ Se os ha ocurrido que no quería deber nada?
Sure, you are obligated to do so.
Claro, estás obligado a hacerlo.
I'm obligated to Don Vincenzo!
Es mi obligación hacia Don Vincenzo!
Peppino Califano is a scoundrel, but for the Church, he isn't obligated to marry Agnese.
Peppino Califano es una porquería, pero para la Iglesia el no esta obligado a casarse con Agnese.
He's not obligated... according to the Church?
No esta obligado... de acuerdo a la Iglesia?
Don't feel obligated.
No te sientas obligado.
Though you're not obligated...
Pero si no quieres...
Mr. Springer, we enjoy socializing with my husband's clients not because we feel we're obligated to, but because we want to.
Sr. Springer, me gusta socializar con los clientes de mi esposo no por obligación, sino porque lo disfrutamos
Those who feel we are obligated to pay this fee should signify in the usual way.
Los que sentimos que estamos obligados a pagar esta tasa debe significar en la forma habitual.
- Please don't feel obligated.
- Por favor no te sientas obligado.
We're not obligated to answer.
No estamos obligados a responder.

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