Paper cut перевод на испанский
272 параллельный перевод
The paper cut-outs on the wall add a touch of interior design.
Sobre la pared, la presencia de este papel recortado y la alineación de las tapaderas denotan un cierto sentido de la decoración.
Just before I left for Lisbon, I cut myself, a paper cut.
Justo antes de salir para Lisboa, Me corté, un corte con un papel.
- You unfold it. I could get a paper cut.
Yo podría cortarme.
You know, like a paper cut?
¿ Ya saben, como cuando se cortan con un papel?
Have you had a paper cut on your tongue?
¿ Alguna vez se han cortado la lengua con un papel?
While you're at it, why don't you give me a nice paper cut... and pour lemon juice on it?
¿ Por qué no me corta con papel y le echa limón?
It wasn't a paper cut, was it?
No fue un corte con papel, ¿ o sí?
There's nothing between your legs, it's like a wisp of cotton candy framing a paper cut.
No hay nada entre sus piernas, es como un manojito de algodón de azúcar enmarcando un corte de papel.
Well, I'd like to see Arthur Gold argue that Kathy got a paper cut from her application.
Quisiera ver a Arthur Gold argumentando que el sangrado lo causó una hoja de papel.
Haven't you ever had a paper cut before?
¿ Nunca te has cortado con el filo de un papel?
The real pain in the ass is when you get a paper cut... on your tongue.
La verdadera molestia es cuando te cortas con un folio... en la lengua.
Just a small cut from that paper clip.
Me he cortado con un clip.
Can't we cut out of paper a kite or something?
¿ No podríamos echar a volar una cometa?
I sometimes feel like those silhouettes artists cut out of black paper and paste against a white card.
A veces me siento como una silueta de papel negro pegada sobre un fondo blanco.
¿ No podría volar una cometa o recortar muñecas de papel?
You shall have your laboratory to do anything. Cut out paper dolls for all I care.
Tendrá su laboratorio y hará lo que le plazca.
They have a piece of paper with a lot of little holes cut out in it, and when they put it on top of the letters, they see only the words that tell them what they want to know.
ellos tenían un papel lleno de agujeros.
Don't I help you cut paper for the windmills?
¿ Y yo no ayudo a cortar papel para los molinillos?
This was in the paper, and I cut it out.
He recortado esto del periódico.
- Are you counting on your paper or your knife to cut his percentage?
¿ Recortarás el porcentaje con el cuchillo?
Now, while balancing himself on one foot with nothing between him and the ground but this knife-sharp wire, he will cut in two a paper tube held in the mouths of these fair young damsels.
Ahora, mientras se balancea sobre un solo pie, sin nada entre el suelo y él, salvo ese alambre afilado, cortará en dos un rollo de papel que sostienen con la boca estas bonitas damiselas.
Haven't I repeatedly told you not to cut up the paper until I've read it?
¿ No te dije que no cortes el periódico antes de yo leerlo?
Here, one man would cut the paper to size, another would place it in a frame, stamp it into a pad of ink made of glycerine and lampblack and then press it onto the paper.
Un hombre cortaba el papel a la medida exacta. Otro lo colocaba en un marco y lo estampaba con un sello con tinta fabricada con glicerina y hollín presionándolo sobre el papel.
I cut this out of the paper. lt's about you.
Recorté esto. Es sobre ti.
My paper will cut her down to size.
Mi periódico le bajará los humos.
Cut these words out of a book, and glue them on paper.
Corté estas palabras de un libro y las he pegado en este papel.
Why, he didn't even cut paper.
Ni siquiera rompió el papel,
Every year whole forests are cut down for paper for these grotesque daubs.
Cada año se cortan árboles para proporcionar papel a estos mamarrachos.
The paper which was published at 2 : 15 was stolen from an overcoat pocket brought here, cut out and slipped into the missal.
El periódico salió a las 2 : 15, fue robado del bolsillo de un empleado, traído aquí, recortado y colocado en el misal.
old dad's got a technique that'll cut that iron like it was tissue paper.
Bien, papá tiene una técnica que le cortará el cinturón de castidad como si fuese papel.
I'll cut through that like tissue paper. "
Cortaré a través de eso como si fuera papel "
They cut down trees to make paper to print that?
¿ Cortan árboles para publicar cosas así?
I cut, I treat, I clean, I brush, I boil and then with sanding paper. It's very greasy.
Corto, trato, limpio, cepillo, hiervo y luego con papel de lija.
With the knife, you cut the paper on the fold.
Después cortas con el cuchillo el papel justo en su dobla.
I use them to cut paper.
Estas tijeras quedan requisadas.
The scissors cut the paper.
Las tijeras cortan el papel.
There's just no way to cut up this paper... and paste together this note without making a mess.
No hay modo de recortar este periódico y confeccionar la nota sin hacer este desastre.
Along comes Mr. Whitey, by the time he's finished with that net it looks like a kiddy's scissors class has cut it up for a paper doll.
Aparece el Srto. Blanco y cuando ha terminado con la red... es como si unos niños la hubiesen recortado para hacer muñecos de papel.
I wouldn't be able to cut my way through tissue paper with that, let alone Carly out an autopsy.
Con esto no podría cortar ni un papel... mucho menos, llevar a cabo una autopsia.
His last trip, he brought me paper figures to cut out.
De su último viaje me ha traído unas figuritas recortables.
I see here, written on a paper which last night I amused myself scribbling, that Rodrigo is worth a full salary if whole, but worthless if cut in half.
Aquí veo, escrito en un papel que esta noche me he entretenido en garabatear que Rodrigo vale un sueldo si está entero pero que no vale nada si le cortan por la mitad.
The paper's cut off in two snips with a short-bladed scissors.
El papel está cortado de dos tijeretazos con unas tijeras de hoja pequeña.
The letter has been torn neatly enough along a fold and the leader article in the Times the Leaded Bourgeois printers, unmistakable has been chosen from which to cut the message but the message is all quickly cut with an appropriate short bladed scissors and the gluing of the print of the paper is smudged and misaligned.
La hoja fue cortada limpiamente por el doblez... y el artículo de la primera plana del ´ Times ´,... la letra burguesa es inconfundible... de donde cortaron el mensaje, pero está cortado torpemente... con tijeras inapropiadas de hoja corta... y la cola con que lo pegaron se manchó y mal alineada.
It's a paper cut.
Me corté con papel.
well, scissors cut paper, will.
Bueno, tijeras de corte de papel, wiii.
Immediately, I cut a chicken's head, burned yellow paper, and became his brother.
Inmediatamente, corté la cabeza de un pollo, quemé papel amarillo, y me convertí en su hermano. Cállate!
- Yes, sir. The approved method is to cut a small square of brown paper equivalent to the pane of glass, smear it in treacle and then...
El método autorizado es cortar un pequeño cuadrado de papel de embalar equivalente a la hoja de cristal, embadurnarla de melaza y luego...
During the bank robbery, the actual thief cut his hand... on the teller's paper spindle.
Durante el robo del banco, el verdadero ladrón se cortó la mano... Con el pincha papeles de la cajera.
I cut up little pieces of paper
Corté pequeños trozos de papel
- The paper's cut out expense accounts.
- Cortaron los gastos de representación.
cut me some slack 38
cut the crap 312
cut the shit 95
cut the bullshit 49
cut the rope 18
cut it out 1141
cut me loose 54
cut it off 87
cut me 25
cut her some slack 21
cut the crap 312
cut the shit 95
cut the bullshit 49
cut the rope 18
cut it out 1141
cut me loose 54
cut it off 87
cut me 25
cut her some slack 21
cut the music 27
cut off 20
cut the power 34
cut to the chase 69
cut it 259
cut him some slack 34
cut that out 75
cut him off 63
cut him 23
cut them off 19
cut off 20
cut the power 34
cut to the chase 69
cut it 259
cut him some slack 34
cut that out 75
cut him off 63
cut him 23
cut them off 19