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Quantrill перевод на испанский

125 параллельный перевод
- You mean when he joined Quantrill's guerrillas?
- ¿ Al unirse a las guerrillas de Quantrill?
I know'cause I gave it to him myself the day he went to join Quantrill.
Lo sé porque se la di yo mismo el día que fue a unirse a Quantrill.
We was with Quantrill for a spell, till they got him.
Dicen que tiene al estado de Missouri justo donde quiere tenerlo.
We could do with a mite. Just a little sidemeat or something.
Estuvimos con Quantrill, hasta que le cogieron.
Old man come pretty near gettin'killed by some of Quantrill's men.
A mi papá casi lo matan los hombres de Quantrill.
The most savage and merciless among the lawless tribes whose organized violence terrorized the country were the men who marched, raided and killed under the ominous black flag of William Clarke Quantrill.
El grupo de fueras de la ley más salvaje y cruel, que con su violencia organizada aterrorizaba a todo el país, estaba formado por hombres que avanzaban robando y matando amparados en la siniestra bandera negra de William Clarke Quantrill :
"Quantrill guerrillas strike Kansas border with fire and swords."
"Los partisanos de Quantrill atacan la frontera de Kansas con violencia."
Quantrill must be quite some man.
Quantrill debe ser un santo.
If they ain't Quantrill's men, I'm a horse thief.
Si no son hombres de Quantrill, yo soy un ladrón.
So Quantrill sent you in to do a little spying, huh?
¿ Quantrill os ha enviado para espiar?
How long you fellows been with Quantrill?
¿ Desde cuando estais con Quantrill?
Are you Quantrill men, or aren't you?
- ¿ Sois hombres de Quantrill?
What're you trying to do? Go Quantrill one better, hanging little kids?
¿ Intenta imitar a Quantrill matando a estos jóvenes?
Quantrill never done no such thing.
El nunca hizo algo así.
If you are figuring on joining Quantrill, don't do it.
Si habeis pensado en uniros a Quantrill, olvidadlo.
Quantrill and what's left of his guerrillas are as good as hung right now.
Quantrill y sus partisanos deberían estar muertos.
I sure thought we was gone when old Jess busted out and stuck up for Quantrill that way.
Pensé que estábamos perdidos cuando el viejo Jess defendió a Quantrill.
To hear you talk, you'd think you and Quantrill was old friends.
Oyéndote, se diría que Quantrill y tú sois viejos amigos.
Quantrill's got two horns, two hoofs and a long tail.
Quantrill tiene dos cuernos, cascos y rabo.
You know, riding with a man like Quantrill, we're liable to all be famous one of these days, that is if the war lasts long enough.
Quien se una a un hombre como Quantrill, puede ser algún día famoso, si la guerra dura lo suficiente.
With the regulars it would, but not with a guerrilla outfit like Quantrill's.
Con el ejército regular, sí pero no con un uniforme como el de Quantrill.
Looks like our Mr. Quantrill is close by these parts sure enough.
Parece que Quantrill está bastante cerca.
Wouldn't be heading for Quantrill's headquarters, would you?
¿ No ireis a ver a Quantrill, verdad?
Well, we'd better get going, or the war'll be over and we'll be old men before we even see Quantrill.
Tenemos que partir o la guerra se acabará y seremos viejos antes de haber visto a Quantrill.
Every day's a bad day for them Yankees when Quantrill holds court.
Cuando Quantrill hace acto de presencia, es siempre malo para los Yankees.
Well, that's what we rode all the way from Missouri for, Mr. Quantrill.
Para eso hemos venido de Missouri, Mr. Quantrill.
Colonel Quantrill.
Coronel Quantrill.
Quantrill told him to pick a fight with you to test your mettle.
Quantrill le pidió que peleara para probaros.
Do you think Quantrill's fighting a war?
¿ Creeis que Quantrill está en guerra?
Quantrill's responsible for that, for all of it.
Quantrill es el responsable de todo eso.
Information that would lead us straight to Quantrill's headquarters.
Una información que nos conduciría al cuartel general de Quantrill.
You mean, sir, we've got a spy in Quantrill's camp?
¿ Tenemos un espía con Quantrill?
That's right. He's one of Quantrill's right-hand men,
Exactamente, uno de los brazos derechos de Quantrill,
I heard when Quantrill swears anyone in, he likes it kinda fancy-like.
Se dice que cuando Quantrill promete algo, hace las cosas a lo grande.
Comrades and fellow soldiers, we are gathered here to take into our midst, if they be worthy, five volunteers in the service of Quantrill's Guerrilla Arny.
Camaradas y soldados, estamos aquí para acoger, si son dignos de ello, a cinco voluntarios en el ejército de Quantrill.
Kit Dalton, you are henceforth and forevermore sworn comrades and blood brothers of this, the company of Quantrill's Guerilla Army.
Kit Dalton, Sois ahora y para siempre camaradas y hermanos de sangre del ejército de Quantrill.
That Colonel Quantrill sure chatters like a magpie, don't he?
Ese coronel Quantrill habla más que una urraca, ¿ verdad?
Jesse hangs on pretty near every word Quantrill says.
Jesse siente cada palabra de Quantrill.
Well, how does it feel to be a member of the grand and glorious secret order of the Quantrill Clowns?
¿ Qué se siente siendo miembro de la grande y gloriosa orden secreta de los bufones de Quantrill?
Well, when you put that on, you're officially a member of the Quantrill Raiders.
Cuando te lo pongas, serás oficialmente un soldado de Quantrill.
Quantrill's talking to the group leaders right now.
Quantrill habla a los jefes de los grupos.
Why did you join Quantrill, Jesse? You and Frank?
¿ Por qué se han unido a Quantrill usted y Frank?
Quantrill kills, too.
Quantrill mata también.
Quantrill always tells us that just before every raid.
Quantrill nos dice eso siempre antes de un ataque
Tell me, how did you enjoy your first taste of Quantrill warfare?
¿ Te ha gustado tu primera batalla en la guerra de Quantrill?
Quantrill's going on another raid.
Quantrill quiere atacar otra vez.
Bloodshed and murder don't mean anything to Quantrill.
Las matanzas no significan nada para Quantrill.
Quantrill. Quantrill!
¡ Quantrill, Quantrill!
Where's Quantrill?
- ¿ Dónde está Quantrill?
¿ Quantrill?
They're Quantrill men.
Hombres de Quantrill.

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