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See what they know перевод на испанский

393 параллельный перевод
Then I'm coming back here and go to college to see what they know.
Después volveré e iré a la universidad a ver qué saben.
You chat to the locals, see what they know about him.
Vea lo que sabe la gente del pappus.
Let's see what they know about Wallace's death.
A ver lo que saben sobre la muerte de Wallace.
We'll put you at a bench first, see how things are talk to the men, see what they're saying, and then you can let me know.
Vamos a probarlo primero, para ver como marcha, hable a los muchachos, vea lo que dicen y hágamelo saber.
They have a piece of paper with a lot of little holes cut out in it, and when they put it on top of the letters, they see only the words that tell them what they want to know.
ellos tenían un papel lleno de agujeros.
Under the circumstances... they'll know what is coming... when they see it.
Dadas las circunstancias... adivinarán lo que se avecina... cuando las vean.
For a man who may become a political figure, people like to know his wife, like to see what she looks like, and most important of all, they like to see the two of them together.
Para un hombre que puede volverse una figura política, a la gente le gusta conocer a su mujer, ver cómo luce, y sobre todo, verlos juntos.
You know what people say when they see her?
¿ Sabe lo que dice la gente cuando la ve?
- See, they know what's best for you.
- Ellos saben Io que es bueno.
well, I might not exactly be..... what they call a madre nobile, but you have been..... so sweet to me, that I don't know what I..... wouldn't do to see you happy.
Aunque no soy lo que se dice un espíritu noble, han sido tan amables conmigo, que haría cualquier cosa para hacerlos felices.
well, I might not exactly be what they call a madre nobile, but you have been so sweet to me, that I don't know what I wouldn't do to see you happy!
Aunque no se puede decir que sea un espíritu noble, han sido tan amables conmigo que haría cualquier cosa para hacerlos felices.
You see, lady, it is here that lovers came to question the Sibyl... When they wanted to know what the course of their love would be.
Mire, aquí era donde venían los amantes... a preguntarle a la Sibila, cuando querían conocer... el destino de su amor.
Jeff, you know, if someone came in here, they wouldn't believe what they'd see.
Jeff, si alguien entrara aquí, no podría dar crédito a sus ojos. - ¿ Por qué?
When people come to church they'll see you among the saints and know what love means.
Cuando la gente venga a la iglesia te verán entre los santos y sabrán lo que significa el amor.
You know what we have to do every day... to see that they stay up and that the crews are sate?
¿ Sabes lo que hay que hacer cada día para asegurarnos de que vuelen de forma segura?
You see, I have my own ideas about what newspapers should be... and I know they can be a great deal better than they are.
Tengo mis propias ideas sobre cómo deberían ser los periódicos... y sé que pueden ser mucho mejores de lo que son.
When people come in to see a restoration, we like to know where they're coming from, what they think.
Cuando la gente viene a ver una restauración, nos gusta saber qué opinan.
You know, the Americans may not understand what they see here.
Los americanos puede que no entiendan lo que vean aquí.
Our families don't care about what they don't see, or know.
A nuestras familias no les importa lo que no ven o no saben.
His brother thinks it's because he's got a sense of humor, see, which he's got but I know what they laugh him at and when I think of that guy
Su hermano piensa que es porque él tiene sentido del humor, ¿ se da cuenta? Y lo tiene
I don't know why we don't simply tell everyone that we're witches and then they'd see what wonderful, nice people we really are.
No sé por qué no decimos a todo el mundo que somos brujas y entonces verían lo amables y maravillosas que somos en realidad.
You know what's said of people who see things when they're awake?
¿ Sabe qué dicen de los que ven cosas cuando están despiertos?
Can you imagine what it's like being in love with someone, to look and them, to see them and know they've been destroyed?
¿ Puedes imaginar lo que, es estar en amor con una persona, para mirar y ver que ha sido destruido?
But if someone cares with others, could know through what I did with Rudy Mina Purefoy and what goes with her husband, who fills one with son or two a year, like clockwork. They are not satisfied while do not see us as a swollen elephant.
como si fuera un reloj no descansan hasta que parecemos elefantes
Frankly, I don't know what they see in him.
Francamente, no sé que le ven.
Please see that they know what they have to do.
Infórmales de qué deben hacer.
Let men know what cruelties the Spanish work, and let them see that if I fall, they come down with me and England.
Que los hombres sepan de las crueldades que el español obra, y que vean que si me caigo, ellos caerán conmigo y con Inglaterra.
I don't know what you think, but I would have liked to see what they were like.
No sé lo que piensa, pero me hubiera gustado ver cómo eran antes.
I don't know what we will do now but when people see how you look, perhaps they will come in,
No sé que es lo que vamos a hacer ahora. Cuando la gente te vea quizá quiera entrar.
You know, I've been watching people to see what they do with umbrellas when they come in out of the rain.
He estado observando a la gente para ver qué hacen con ellas cuando entran a un lugar.
I see. I thought you'd want to know what they found.
Pensé que querría saber qué encontramos.
I don't know the peasants very well but, judging by what I see I can't think that they are very happy.
No sé gran cosa de los campesinos, pero a juzgar por lo que veo... tampoco creo que sean precisamente muy felices.
In casting you out, the other gulls have only hurt themselves, and one day they will know this, and one day they will see what you see.
Al expulsarte, las otras gaviotas solo se perjudican a sí mismas y algún día se darán cuenta. Algún día verán lo que tú ves.
- I'll never know what they see in each other.
- No entiendo qué ven el uno en el otro.
I'll be glad to avoid them if I could just see them and know what they are.
¡ Podré evitarlas si me las apaño para saber cuáles son!
With the tickets they give to Francine, you don't know what we went to see yesterday.
Uh.. Con esas entradas que le dan a Francine, no sabes lo que fuimos a ver ayer.
You never know what they're going to do, you see, when they grow up.
Nunca se sabe qué van a hacer cuando crezcan, ya ve.
You will see things and judge them before you know what they mean.
Juzgará as cosas antes de saber lo que significan.
Oh, Lord, let them see the light, they don't know what they're doing.
Oh, Señor, permíteles ahora que vean la luz, puesto que no sabían lo que hacían...
They both look in the same direction, I don't know what they see, but if something passes down through women, I should go look there, find out what it is.
Las dos miran en la misma dirección, no sé lo que ven, pero si algo pasa abajo según las mujeres, debiera ir allí, y ver qué es.
I do not know what they see in her.
No sé qué le ven.
- Don't know what they're gonna do to you, but since Mr. T. ain't here, I'm gonna be too busy licking'their boots to see!
No sé qué harán contigo, pero yo estaré demasiado ocupado lamiéndoles los zapatos... como para ver algo.
I do not know what they see in him.
No sé que ven en este hombre.
Now, inside, there were people, of course, and you could see the people looking through the windows, because they didn't know what's happening.
No entendía como la gente podía desaparecer así.
- Let's see if l- - You never get to know what they look like, or who they are.
Si voy en autobús llegaré a California el jueves por la noche...
This is incredible, I simply don't know what they see in me.
Esto es increíble, simplemente no sé lo que ven en mí.
They never know that a certain percentage... of what they see is not there.
Nunca sabe que cierto porcentaje... de lo que ven no está ahí.
"I don't know what they want with me be - cause you see I most certainly dislike them"
"Esas cosas que dijiste son raras y falsas".
Because they go out there, they see what's available, you know, those fat, bald-headed little twerps that have no idea how lucky they are that they can't get a woman, and they come crawling back to you, thankful,
Porque salen y ven lo que hay : Hombres bajitos, feos y calvos que no saben la suerte que tienen de no tener mujer y luego vuelven arrastrándose convencidas de que no encontrarán nada mejor que nosotros.
I wanna know who they see and what they talk about.
Quiero saber a quién ven y de qué hablan.
- Know what'll happen if they see you?
- ¿ Sabes lo que pasará si te ven?

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