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Tasha перевод на испанский

1,413 параллельный перевод
We couldn't before, obviously,'cause Tasha said you were an ugly dyke, but that's not true, is it?
No podíamos antes, obviamente, porque Tasha dijo que eras una lesbiana fea pero eso no es verdad, ¿ no?
- Do you know where Tasha is?
- ¿ Sabes dónde está Tasha?
Justine, it's OK, Tasha wants to meet me in the art room.
Justine, está bien. Tasha quiere reunirse conmigo en la sala de arte.
- Bradley and Tasha, they're both dead.
- Bradley y Tasha, los dos están muertos.
- Tasha's in the art room.
- Tasha está en la sala de arte.
It is coffee, tasha.
Es café, Tasha.
- Hi, Tasha.
- Hola, Tasha.
Tasha, hold on!
Tasha, ¡ Espera!
This is Tasha.
Ella es Tasha.
Listen, I'm at The Planet with Tasha, and we were just talking about this little idea when it ran by you.
Escucha, estoy en el Planet con Tasha, y estábamos hablando de una gran idea y quería comentártela,
No, but either is Tasha.
No, pero tampoco Tasha lo es.
We tell Tasha that, she's gonna freak out!
Un momento, ¿ Tasha lo sabe? ¡ Va a alucinar!
Alice and Tasha are going to try to get her to get over this Dylan Moreland.
Alice y Tasha están intentando que se olvide de la tal Dylan Morgan.
See you, Tasha.
Oh, I'm going to Hit tonight, you guys, with Tasha and Jamie, if you wanna go.
Voy a ir a "Hit" hoy con Tasha y Jamie por si quieren venir.
- You and Tasha. - Yeah, definitively.
Sí, definitivamente.
We think that Tasha and Alice are having a third wheel cruch with Jamie.
Tasha y Alice están enamoradas a tres bandas con Jamie.
- Tasha, I really wanna go.
¡ Tasha! ¡ Quiero irme!
I mean, Tasha's never opened up like that before.
Tasha nunca se había abierto así antes.
Listen, I hope you brought your dancing blownics because Tasha, Jamie and I are gonna wipe the floor with you.
Escucha, espero que hayas traído tus zapatos de baile, porque Tasha, Jamie y yo vamos a barrer el piso contigo.
I did. I mean, Tasha stayed up with me.
Lo hice, Tasha se quedó despierta, también.
Do you think there's something going on between Tash and Jamie?
¿ Crees que hay algo entre Tasha y Jamie?
Tasha Williams and
Tasha Williams y
Do you have feelings for Tasha?
¿ Sientes algo por Tasha?
I love Tasha.
He dejado a Tasha.
And I'm only speaking for myself, but yeah, I think I have fallen in love with Tasha.
Hablo sólo por mí, pero... Sí, creo que me he enamorado de Tasha.
I don't even think Tasha...
Y ni siquiera creo que Tasha...
The only person that I ever really loved as much as Tasha was Dana.
La única persona que he amado realmente tanto como a Tasha fue Dana
Yeah, she's uh... What can I say? She's really upset about that whole thing with Tasha and that girl, Jamie.
Sí... está... bueno, está muy preocupada por lo de Tasha y esa chica, Jamie.
- Are you all right, Tasha?
¿ Te sientes bien, Tasha?
- I calculate this using the binomial distribution.
Hola. Soy Courtney, esta es Tasha.
- TaSha and Shamika
"Tasha" y "Shamika"...
Tasha was just protecting me, because she knew that he had hit me before when I lived with him.
¿ Habeis considerado pasar un tiempo separados? Eso podría darle a Cate el espacio emocional que necesita.
The D.A.'s pressing charges against Trey
Fuí a casa de Valerie. Tasha me ha dado la dirección.
You show up to Tasha's, and I will take care of everything else.
- ¿ Vino para desayunar? - Si. No, estoy bien.
I heard Tasha got sent away. That ought to lower your profile.
Traje puré de patatas al ajo.
Oh, so you guys haven't sealed the deal yet?
Y Tasha del campamento y el baile, y él es...
I'll be at Tasha's tonight, okay? I'll...
De un tipo malo a otro, nunca dejes cosas de valor, en un cuarto que no tiene puerta.
Have you checked Tasha's apartment?
No quiero.
Why would Lux be at Tasha's apartment? She wouldn't be there alone.
Dios, tú no te paras a pensar antes de saltar a la cama con alguien, ¿ verdad?
Behind Tasha's back? Yes. And Sam is jealous.
Si, porque no creo que haya bastante almidón en la mesa.
If you had just left things alone, if you hadn't gone to Valerie's, then, then I wouldn't have gone, and Tasha wouldn't have gotten in trouble, and there never would've been a trial.
Te dije que tendria que haberme ido. Me voy a buscar a Sam. Emma... no.
Where's that, back to, uh, Sunnyvale with Tasha?
Dónde es eso, volver a, uh, Sunnyvale con Tasha?
This is about more than just Tasha.
Esto es algo más que Tasha.
I told you, Tasha and I had a surprise for you tonight.
Te lo dije, Tasha y yo tenemos una sorpresa para ti esta noche.
Uh, Tasha at Renée Strauss can pick out a dress that is appropriate and not ridiculously expensive.
Tasha de "Renace Strauss" puede escoger un vestido que sea apropiado y no ridículamente caro.
She's shopping with Tasha.
- No está. - Se fue de compras con Tasha.
So tasha threw hamster poo at Molly, and she started crying because some of it got on her grapes.
Entonces Tasha le arrojó popó de hámster a Molly, y ella comenzó a llorar porque algo de eso le cayó a sus uvas.
I told Math.
Es nuestro primer Acción de Gracias con Lux y Tasha, estamos todos juntos, y me gustaría que lo pasáramos bien.
⠙ ª And the world spins madly on. ⠙ ª TASHA : Cate Cassidy, the perfect mom.
Cate Cassidy, la madre perfecta.

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