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That's nice of you перевод на испанский

1,519 параллельный перевод
And Cordelia's been really nice... to me, anyway... but I kind of have this burning desire not to flunk all my classes, and I heard a rumor that you were the person to talk to if I wanted to get caught up.
Pero tengo el ardiente deseo de no suspenderlo todo. - Podrías ayudarme a ponerme al día.
Gee, that's so nice of you to ask, but Owen and I were, sort of...
- Gracias por invitarnos pero Owen y yo íbamos a...
- Well, that's, that's awfully nice of you.
- Bueno, eso es muy amable de ustedes.
It's nice of you to say that.
Gracias por decirlo.
Pero ambos sabemos que lo fue.
En primer lugar, trata de engancharte.
I, I I know this is an ideal sort of kissing moment you know, night, moon, boat, water lapping you know, it's, um... i t's perfect and I'm I'm not feeling that it would be nice but I don't really know anything about you and I'm I'm still on the rebound
Ya sabes : la noche, la luna, el bote, el agua... Tú sabes, es perfecto.
Yeah, that's really nice of you
Sí, eso es muy amable de tu parte.
- That's nice of you.
- Muy amable.
That's very nice, but I think what you need... are like some psycho, out-of-control homeless guys.
Sabes, eres muy amable pero creo que probablemente necesitarían unos vagabundos psicópatas, fuera de control, chicos...
That's nice of you to offer, but I got all the help I can use right now.
Cuánto te lo agradezco, Karen pero ya tengo toda la ayuda que necesito.
That's so nice of you. Yeah, it was.
Fuiste muy gentil.
That's very nice of you. Did you hear that?
Es un detalle de su parte. ¿ 0íste eso?
That's very nice of you.
- Es muy amable.
That's nice of you. I didn't expect it of you.
Que bueno que lo digas, no lo esperaba viniendo de ti.
Oh, that's really very nice of you, Eva, thank you.
Es muy amable de su parte, Eva, gracias.
That's really nice of you.
Eso es muy bueno de su parte
Well, that's very nice of you to say, Peter.
Bueno, eso es muy amable por tu parte, Peter.
Sure, that's so nice of you, thanks.
Claro, eso es muy amable de tu parte, gracias.
That's very nice of you.
Es muy agradable de tu parte.
That's nice of you. I'm actually picking up Gina from school.
Voy a recoger a Gina al instituto.
That's incredibly nice of you.
Es un detalle. Gracias.
That's incredibly nice of you.
Muy amable por tu parte.
That's nice of you, but it was so much simpler when it was just you and me doing our thing.
Sólo me gustas como amiga. Hola, soy Joan.
That's nice of you.
Es Ud. muy amable.
Well, that's darn nice of you.
Eso fue muy amable de tu parte.
That's very nice of you, Stan, but I have a girl over there on the side.
Eso es muy amable de tu parte, Stan, pero tengo una chica de allá en la lateral.
With all the shock of the new, it's nice to have one place that you can come back to where everything's predictable.
Sí, porque con tanta novedad, está muy bien tener un lugar donde volver y donde no hay imprevistos.
And that's nice of you to say.
Fue lindo de tu parte decirlo.
That's nice of you, but I'm affraid is not very realistic.
Es un detalle por su parte, pero me temo que no es muy realista.
That's nice of you.
- Muy amable de su parte.
That's so nice of you.
Qué amable de su parte.
By the way, I think it's really nice of you that even after you moved you still keep storing that stuff for Joey.
Ah, quería decir que es una ternura que, a pesar de haberte ido sigas guardándole las cosas a Joey.
That's unusually nice of you.
- Extraño, pero buen detalle.
There's plenty of nice gents that want a date with you.
Hay muchos hombres agradables que quieren salir contigo.
You see, some of you girls will go on to have interesting jobs and careers, but all of you pretty ones won't have to worry about that, because you can marry a nice man, and that's why we have Home Ec!
Algunas de ustedes tendrán trabajos y profesiones interesantes. Pero las más lindas no tendrán que preocuparse por eso y podrán casarse con un buen hombre. Por eso tenemos la clase de Hogar.
That's really nice of you kid! Thanks!
Es genial de tu parte, gracias.
Thank you. Jack. That's nice of you to offer.
Gracias, Jack qué amable invitarme.
The ticking of your biological clock. How you probably couldn't afford that nice new suede coat on a G-woman's salary. How you threw away a promising career in medicine... to hunt aliens with a crackpot, albeit brilliant, partner.
El tictac de tu reloj biológico, aquel abrigo de ante que no pudiste comprar con tu sueldo de agente del FBI, el haber dejado una prometedora carrera médica para cazar alienígenas con tu excéntrico aunque brillante compañero, llegar al meollo de una conspiración mundial
That's a really nice picture of the two of you.
Es una foto muy linda de los dos.
That's really nice of you.
Eso es muy amable por tu parte.
That's when I say, "honey, I know I'm boring you. Why don't you go next door and have a nice game of hearts with Mrs. Memmershef?"
Entonces le dije : "Cariño, sé que estás aburrida... ve a jugar a las cartas con la vecina, la Sra. Memarchev".
That's nice of you.
Es usted muy amable.
- That's a nice photo of you, uh, and Al De Niro.
Me gusta esta foto tuya con Al De Niro. Robert De Niro.
That's a nice little photo of you Jimmy...
Es una buena foto, Jimmy.
That's really so nice of you.
Qué amable de tu parte.
That's nice of you... but I insist on paying you for your work.
Muy amable. Pero insisto en pagarle por el trabajo.
Thank you so much, that's very nice of you.
Muchas gracias, muy amable de su parte.
That's nice of you to say.
¡ Qué amable de tu parte!
Oh, thanks. That's really nice of you, Barone.
Gracias, es muy amable de tu parte, Barone.
That's really nice of you.
'The Grateful Dead':

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