They don't like it перевод на испанский
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I don't know, it's like they're not human
No lo se, Es como si ellos no fueran humanos
Do they know each other? They don't seem to know each other, but... it's like the recognize the one another Who knows who? Is that the beiginning or the end?
No parecen conocerse, pero es como que se reconocieran.
It seems they don't like us or what we do!
Parece que no les gusta como somos ni lo que hacemos.
We do have to break through this barrier where they do tell us, or they say, they don't like it when their kid snag.
Tenemos que atravesar esa barrera donde nos dicen que no les gusta que sus hijos fastidien.
They do allow some nervous crying, but you can tell they don't like it.
Sí permiten que llores de nervios, pero no les parece bien.
The only reason I didn't do it was not because I don't like their products, as much as I just don't like the way they conduct themselves on the network.
La unica razón por la que no lo hice fue porque no me gustan sus productos. como tampoco me gusta la manera en la que llevan su canal
They'll put'em in your face... but, it's, like, "don't talk about'em, just..."
Te las ponen en la cara, pero no puedes hablar de ellas.
They're all gonna meet Wyatt on the first date, and if they don't like it, tough.
Todos conocerán a Wyatt en la primera cita y si no les gusta, pues nada.
Somehow, I don't think they're going to see it like that.
No creo que ellos lo vean de esta manera...
They don't like it when you shoot at'em
No les gusta que les dispares.
Well, it's just like living with a girl, only they don't steal your makeup.
Bueno, es igual que vivir con una chica, pero no te quitan el maquillaje.
Yes, but I never know where the maid puts that guide they send you, so I always wind up turning it on after a movie has already started and I don't like to come in on the middle of things.
Sí, pero jamás sé donde la criada pone el programa que envían Entonces acabo por encender cuando la película ya ha comenzado Y me gusta verlas desde el principio
After you commit, it don't matter what you wash with... they smell infidelity on you like cat piss.
Apenas lo haces, no importa con qué te laves huelen la infidelidad en ti enseguida.
I don't know what it is about me they like so much.
No sé que es lo que tengo que les atraigo de esas maneras.
Don't you occasionally like to see if they're getting it anywhere close to right?
Vamos, ¿ no te gusta ver ocasionalmente si de algún modo se están acercando a la verdad? ¿ Hola?
Hey, I-I don't like this engagement either... but it's not like they can break it off.
Hey, no me gusta lI \ ~ este compromiso tampoco... pero no es así \ ~ lo pueden romper.
- It looks like they don't have it together.
- Parece como si no estuvieran organizados.
Well, because there already is a group that calls themselves the Crips, and I don't think they'd like it too much.
Bueno, porque ya existe un grupo que se llaman "Los paralíticos", y no creo que les guste mucho.
And with their weather today, they should have a nice, clear view of it. If it can bring happiness to the children of Mananga,... even if only for a brief moment, regardless of the ulterior motives of the people who built it, ... even a piece of debris like that has some value, don't you think?
seguro que se ve de maravilla desde allí. basta con que traiga la felicidad a los niños de Mananga durante un instante para que ese pedazo de basura valga la pena.
What if they don't like it, eh?
¿ Y qué, si a ellos no les gusta? , ¿ eh?
They don't much like it, but it doesn't harm them
No les gusta mucho, pero no les hace daño.
Don't ask me why they call it "looking into infinity", when they're staring at a woman's pussy... but hey. At least I don't let them climb all over me... like those Babushka sluts do.
No me preguntes por qué lo llaman así, mientras se la pasan mirando el sexo... al menos no se tiran encima... como esos idiotas del Babushka, jodiéndolo completamente todo.
Surprised they don't market it like that.
Me sorprende que no lo promocionen así.
I don't think your parents would like it if they thought we weren't taking care of you.
No creo que a tus papás les gustara pensar que no nos ocupamos de ti.
They feel like it's something we don't have anything to do with.
Ellos piensan que es algo con lo cual no tenemos que ver.
You think they will like what you don't? I don't think they'll like it either.
Lo que no te gusta a vos, pensás que a ellos sí les va a gustar no, creo que tampoco les gusta.
Or maybe it's just that successful writers like you throw tantrums when things don't go the way they expect.
O quizás es sólo que escritores exitosos como usted tienen rabietas cuando las cosas no van como ellos esperan.
I have sisters who get that look in their eye when they're cornered and don't like it.
Mis hermanas lucen igual cuando las acorralan y no les gusta.
You know, it was like... I don't know what they call it. I mean, there was pain. Invasive procedure.
Sabes, era como no sé cómo lo llaman procedimiento invasivo.
I decide that teaching my son he / she is alone, a traditional one and it cleans party to the American style of the people of the ones that they don't like to take care from the earth deles / delas to be invaded
Yo decido que enseñarle a mi hijo es solo, una tradicional y limpia fiesta al estilo americano de personas que no les gusta ver a su tierra ser invadida
You know, it's like people don't even invite me to their parties because they think I'm in training or something.
La gente no me invita a fiestas porque creen que estoy entrenando.
They don ´ t know what it ´ s like to be pregnant.
Ellos no saben lo que es estar embarazada.
Don't be silly. I've told my folks all about you. It's Like they knew you a lifetime.
Pero si les he hablado tanto a mis padres de ti que es como si te conocieran de toda la vida.
But they don't seem it, I mean, you feel like you might stretch and reach and you might just touch them.
Pero no parece así Siento que si... extiendo, enseguida podría tocarlas.
"... and so on ", but I don't tell him they're paying me because then it isn't a secret anymore, my friend tells it to another and another, and another, then I end up like the biggest whore and it isn't really like that.
".. y I ´ ho hecho impazzire ", pero no le digo que yo pagano.. .. porque luego no es más un secreto porque mi amigo debería ser padecido.. .. a contarlo y yo pasaría por un puttana..
And fat girls, well, normally they have big breasts well I don't like that, it's not my style.
Y una mujer gorda es normal qué tenga mucho seno,.. .. por lo tanto no me va, no es mi tipo.
It's like they pretend they don't see him the girls play dumb so that they don't get picked. "Don't pick me, ok".
Ellos simulan no verlo,.. .. hacen las falsas necias para no hacerse elegir.
It wasn ´ t like nowadays, girls give everything away for free, they don ´ t hook their customers, they don ´ t make friends, and then, of course, you lose the Iong-term investment.
No era como ahora, las chicas iban por libre, no elegían clientes, no hacían amigos, y perdían el tiempo como las brasileñas.
But if you don't want it to blow up where you live... well, like they say, you better cough up a little...
Pero si no quieres que explote donde tú vives, bueno...
They're going to make a doll after you... you don't like it?
Harán una muñeca a partir de ti... ¿ No te gusta la idea?
You don't necessarily have to be the biggest star. As long as you come with it then people coming out. They like to see live performances... because it's a savvy audience.
no tienes por qué ser ser la estrella mas grande mientras vengas con lo que tienes, la gente vendrá a verte les gusta ver actuaciones en directo... porque es una audiencia inteligente
It's ridiculous. They act like monkeys are just as open as... waiting for people to fuck them, man. Monkeys don't wanna be fucked by people.
es ridículo, como si los monos fueran tan abiertos como... si esperasen a personas que los follen... los monos no quieren ser follados por personas pensadlo, pensad lo difícil que es atrapar a un mono... y follárselo, es ridículo
People like it or they don't...
A la gente le gusta, o no le gusta...
Yeah, Mom. I just spoke to Social Services... and although they don't like to do this... if you can prove that it's a bad environment for a child... and I would suggest saying what you just said to me, don't change a word...
Hablé con Servicios Sociales y aunque no les gusta hacer esto... si demuestras que es un mal entorno para un niño- -
- They don't like it.
- No les gusta.
People like it a little warmer, don't they?
A la gente le gusta que haga calor, ¿ no?
If people think you don't like them, they want it even more.
Si la gente piensa que no le agradas... lo quieren aún más.
I mean,'cause once you've had that once you've felt that way about somebody and they've felt that way about you, and-and then it ends, and-and they don't feel that way about you any more ; it's like you're more alone than before you ever met'em.
Porque una vez que lo has tenido y has sentido eso por alguien, y ella siente eso por ti y luego se acaba... y ya no siente eso por ti... es como estar más solo que antes de conocerla.
I mean are they not coming or maybe they just don't deliver SAT scoring when it's negative like it's too embarrassing for the victim?
Quiero decir, no van a venir o tal vez ellos no entregan los resultados del SAT cuando son negativos, osea que son muy vergonzosos para la victima?
It's like if you like someone you're not supposed to show it and if you hate someone you're supposed to pretend that you like them so they don't know that you hate them, but if you love someone...
Es como si te gusta alguien como se supone, lo muestra y si odias a alguien como se supone, finges que te gustan para que ellos no sepan que los odias, pero si amas a alguien...
They don't like it when the kids around here choose a career over hanging out on street corners.
No quieren que los chicos de aquí estudien, en vez de vagar en las esquinas.
they don't 727
they don't like me 19
they don't work 32
they don't exist 52
they don't give a shit 20
they don't listen 19
they don't know yet 28
they don't understand 42
they don't get it 22
they don't hate you 16
they don't like me 19
they don't work 32
they don't exist 52
they don't give a shit 20
they don't listen 19
they don't know yet 28
they don't understand 42
they don't get it 22
they don't hate you 16