Like it or not перевод на испанский
4,178 параллельный перевод
Like it or not, you do too.
Te guste o no, tú también tendrás que hacerla.
Whether you like it or not, you're part of a bigger team.
Te guste o no, eres parte de un gran equipo.
When you're a kid, and you grow up here, you're kind of a part of the gang whether you like it or not.
Cuando eres un niño, y creces aquí, eres parte de la pandilla de alguna manera te guste o no.
Like it or not, one day you just wake up and you're a mother.
Te guste o no, un día despertarás y serás madre.
Whether you like it or not, I'm Annie's best friend right now.
Te guste o no, soy el mejor amigo de Annie ahora mismo.
And as stockholders of this company, we have every right to explore them, whether you like it or not. Hmm.
Y como accionistas de esta compañía, tenemos todo el derecho a explorarlas, le guste o no.
Whether you like it or not, believe me, you're gonna fix it.
Aunque no quiera, lo va a arreglar.
You're gonna fix this fucking penguin, whether you like it or not.
Vas a arreglar este pingüino, aunque no quieras.
Like it or not, you need an assistant.
Te guste o no, necesitas un asistente.
Like it or not, we're part of you.
Nos guste o no, somos parte de ustedes.
Chief of concierge medicine, whether you like it or not.
Jefe de medicina a la carta, te guste o no.
Well, we lost Runt, so we're gonna find him, like it or not.
Perdimos a Mini y lo encontraremos, les guste o no les guste.
Like it or not, there's a little part of you that's not a douche.
Te guste o no, hay una pequeña parte de ti que no es un gilipollas.
Whether you like it or not,
Te guste o no,
You have a responsibility here whether I like it or not.
Tienes una responsabilidad te guste o no.
This thing is coming out whether you like it or not.
Esta cosa va a salir te guste o no.
That's his job, like it or not.
Ese es su trabajo, te guste o no.
Whether you like it or not, I'm here to stay. Hmm...
Te guste o no, estoy aquí para quedarme.
Whether they like it or not.
Les guste o no.
I bet Dad would come home and expect his dues to be paid whether she felt like it or not.
Apuesto a que papá llegaría a casa y querría tener relaciones quisiera ella o no.
Well... like it or not, you're in the foxhole with me.
Bueno, me guste o no, estás en la trinchera conmigo.
And I'm going to make my choice, whether you like it or not.
Y yo voy a tomar mi decisión, te guste o no.
Like it or not, we're kind of raising Danny together.
Te guste o no, estamos como criando a Danny juntos.
Like it or not.
Me guste o no.
So whether you like it or not, Chief, the system works.
Así que le guste o no, jefe, el sistema funciona.
But like it or not, I think you just were. Riley :
Pero te guste o no, creo que fuiste elegido.
'Cause whether you like it or not, we're in this together.
Porque os guste o no, estamos en ésto juntos.
Like it or not,
Te guste o no,
Believe it or not, we all remember what it was like to be so sure that the way we felt would never change.
Lo creas o no, todos recordamos como era estar seguro de que lo que sentíamos no cambiaría nunca.
It's not like I'm gonna be alone with him or anything.
No voy a estar sola con él ni nada así.
It's not like I'm trying to save the witch heritage or anything.
No es como si intentara salvar la herencia de las brujas ni nada.
I mean not like I've seen you not in person or anything like that, it's just Jo's talked about you and you've become like this concept, this idea...
Quiero decir, no es como que no te haya visto en persona o algo por el estilo. es sólo que Jo me ha hablado de ti y has tomado ese concepto, esa idea...
It's not like I have a phone number or an e-mail.
No es que tenga un número de teléfono o un correo electrónico.
I mean, it's not like they're asking you to bear children Or anything like that... -'cause you can't do that.
Digo, no es que te estén pidiendo que tengas hijos o algo por el estilo... porque no puedes hacer eso.
But it's not like--even if you were gonna compare it to a disease, I wouldn't say heart disease or cancer or brain disease.
Pero no es como... incluso si fueras a compararlo con una enfermedad, no diría enfermedad del corazón o cáncer o enfermedad del cerebro.
It's not just that, I-I feel like you're waiting for me or something.
No es solo eso, siento como si me estuvieras esperando o algo.
It's not like you're into details or anything.
No es que estés dando detalles.
No, it's not like remembering Lexie or... Or Lucy.
No, no es como recordar a Lexie o Lucy.
So, would you like something to add to it, or not?
Entonces, ¿ le gustaría algo que añadir a la misma... o no?
It's not like you have to grind your own wheat or anything.
No es como si tuvieras que moler tu propio trigo o algo así.
Yeah, we may not have hair on our arms or the courage to look a girl in the eye, and we sometimes yearn for the days of scheduled nap time, but we're still men- - small men, but men nonetheless- - and it's time to start acting like it.
Sí, es posible que no tengamos vello en los brazos o el valor de mirar a una chica a los ojos, y que a veces anhelamos los días de la siesta programada, pero seguimos siendo los hombres... hombres pequeños, pero hombres, al fin... y es el momento de empezar a actuar como tal.
And after you've questioned it, after you've drilled some answers out of it, like whether or not you have a family,
Y después de que lo interrogaras, después de que le sacaras algunas respuestas, como si tienes o no una familia,
I mean, it's not like I'm gonna make a living off of it or anything.
Quiero decir, no es como si fuese a ganarme la vida con ello o algo.
He'd say he was going to see his Aunty Fayne, but he said it not like a big lie or anything, he said it with a twinkle in his eye.
Decía que iba a ver a su tía Fayne, pero no lo decía como una gran mentira, lo decía con un brillo en los ojos.
Why can I not eat my snack, or do you wanna ruin it, like my gazebo plan?
¿ Por qué no puedo comerme mi barrita, o quieres arruinarlo como lo del cenador?
It's not like I'm going on a romantic dinner or anything.
No es que vaya a ir a una cena romántica ni nada parecido.
No. Not like you knew it was me or I knew it was you.
No es como si supiéramos quiénes éramos.
It's not like I notarized her vagina or anything.
No es que haya notarizado su vagina o algo así.
It's not like I'm a criminal or anything.
No es que sea una delincuente o algo.
This sign isn't going anywhere, whether I want it to or not... much like you in this neighborhood.
Esta señal no va a ninguna parte, lo quiera o no... tanto como tú en este barrio.
However, if an auditory specialist, like moi, tirelessly analyzes the audio print, it is possible to discern whether or not a voice is a recording or... as in this case, organic.
Sin embargo, si un especialista auditivo, como yo, analiza incansablemente la huella de sonido, es posible distinguir si la voz es una grabación o... como en este caso, si es orgánica.
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
or not 1023
or nothing at all 18
or nothing 52
or not at all 35
or not to be 27
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
or not 1023
or nothing at all 18
or nothing 52
or not at all 35
or not to be 27
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
like me 894
like a 442
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
like me 894
like a 442
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like an angel 29
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like always 190
like a cat 27
like i care 29
like you 1448
like your dad 19
like an angel 29
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like always 190
like a cat 27
like i care 29
like you 1448
like hell 158
like you said 759
like us 230
like yours 81
like father 112
like your mother 32
like the sun 18
like you used to 18
like you do 64
like you said 759
like us 230
like yours 81
like father 112
like your mother 32
like the sun 18
like you used to 18
like you do 64