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They want to see you перевод на испанский

650 параллельный перевод
They want to see you over at the death house.
Quieren verte en el corredor de la muerte.
They want to see you down at the department in the morning.
Quieren verla que en el el departamento mañana.
You have to come out. They want to see you.
Tienes que venir. ¡ Quieren verte!
Do you know why they want to see you?
¿ Sabes por qué quieren verte?
They want to see you over there, Mr. Bannister and them.
El Sr. Bannister dice que vayas.
That's just the way they want to see you.
Así es como te quieren ver.
They will notify you where and when they want to see you.
Ellos le notificarán dónde y cuándo desean verla.
Yeah? Newton and some of the fellows from the ore train just rode in and they want to see you before anybody else.
Newton y algunos hombres de la caravana han vuelto y quieren hablar con usted antes de ver a nadie.
But they want to see you. Well, I don't blame them.
Han venido a verme, pero quieren verte a ti.
They want to see you.
Un mensaje. Quieren veros.
They want to see you.
Querían verte.
But Lautrec, Pissarro, Bernard, they want to see you.
Pero Lautrec, Pissarro, Bernard, todos quieren verte.
They want to see you right away.
- Quieren verte inmediatamente.
Those are some students I've met downstairs, and they want to see you,... but this dickhead won't let us.
Son unos estudiantes que he conocido abajo, y quieren verte, pero este filibustero no nos deja pasar.
~ They want to see you.
- Quieren verlo a usted.
I think they just want to see one time where you show them something different.
Siempre, estoy cansada.
- The thing is, they have seen this look from you, so I think they want to see something else you can do with a higher arch brow- -
Lo que ellos ya vieron es tu look, Entonces, creo que ellos quieren ver que mas puedes hacer.
Well, now that they have seen the stairwells, Do you want to see the rooms?
Bueno, ahora que ya han visto el hueco de la escalera, ¿ no querrán ver también las habitaciones?
I want you by my side tonight, I want everyone to envy me... when they see me with the most handsome singer ever...
Esta noche quiero que estés a mi lado, para que me envidien... al verme con el más guapo y el más cantor.
They'll want to See you alone.
Ellos querrán estar a solas contigo.
Kitty, they'll want to See you alone.
Kitty, ellos querrán estar contigo a solas.
Well, you could see it with him if you'd come to California and do that picture they want you for.
Bueno, podrías verlo con él si vinieras a California y hacer esa película que ellos quieren que hagas.
It's you they want to see.
Es a ti a quien quieren ver.
But now you want them down just so she won't see them'cause they're not pretty for her to see.
Pero ahora quieres demolerlo sólo para que ella no lo vea, porque no es algo lindo para que ella lo vea.
Well, er... you see... The Morris Store doesn't want their girls to marry. And I heard today that they check up on their employees.
Bueno, mire en la tienda Morris no quieren que sus chicas se casen y hoy me han dicho que visitan a las empleadas.
Say, uh... have you got any idea what they want to see Johnnie about?
Dime, eh... ¿ Tienes idea de por qué quieren ver a Johnnie?
I see. I got nothing against you personally. But the next time any of my clients decide they might want to kick up a fuss.
No tengo nada contra usted, pero cuando otro cliente quiera molestarme, recordará lo que le pasó a usted.
- They're very effective. - Do you want to see the birds?
Trabajan muy bien.
I've got about two more minutes. You want to see how they took Paris?
Me quedan dos minutos, ¿ quiere saber cómo tomaron París?
They do want to see you. Both of them. Very much.
Pues claro que quieren verles, los dos quieren, es sólo que...
You see, the reason they want me to go is so that I'll forget about you.
Ellos quieren que me vaya para que me olvide de ti.
I don't want to see what they'll do to you.
No quiero ver lo que te harán.
He said he had to promise not to see you again... Do not want to know... me they just want money.
Dijo que tenía que prometer no volver a verte que yo no te interesaba y que sólo querías dinero.
They thought you'd want to see them about the practice mission.
Han pensado que querría verles por lo de la misión de prácticas.
It's you they want to see.
Eres tú a quien quieren ver.
They'll want to see you right away.
Le verán enseguida.
I want you to see things as they are and not... And not go on hurting yourself.
Quiero que veas las cosas como son y no y no seguir haciéndote daño a ti misma.
By the time they've unloaded their freight, you'll never want to see one of them again.
Y cuando descarguen la mercancía, olvídese de ellos.
I want you to see the extent of these secrets for which they have hounded me.
Quiero que conozca los secretos por los que me persiguen.
You'll see. If you don't want to give money to congregations, they return it to you.
Duque, si no quiere dar su dinero a la Congregación, se lo devolveré.
I want you to check them right now to see whether they're in order or not.
Quiero que las chequeen para comprobar si funcionan o no.
- Do you want to see where they go?
- ¿ Vemos adónde va?
You see, I want to make certain that they understand that I come as their friend. - Sure.
Sakini, quiero estar seguro de que los habitantes de Tobiki comprenden que vengo aquí como amigo.
They said you didn't want to see me, not even for Christmas.
Me han dicho que Ud. no quería volver a verme ni entre cuatro velas.
You can stay here with us and continue to bring joy to my grandson. Well, thank you, sir, but you see I just received a letter from my agent and he said that they want me to appear at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas.
puede quedarse aquí con nosotros y seguir dandole alegria a mi nieto bueno, gracias Sr, pero acabo de recibir una carta de mi agente, y dijo que ellos quieren que aparezca para actuar en el Sands Hotel en Las Vegas.
You must understand, Mrs. Kirby, the last thing I want is to see a member of my department standing in the dock of the Old Bailey. So the less circumstantial evidence they can produce against your husband, the better pleased I shall be.
Comprenderá, señora Kerry, que lo que menos deseo es ver a un miembro de mi departamento ante un tribunal.
No, they're horrible, I don't want you to see them.
Son horribles. No quiero que las veas.
- Objection! You want people to see what happened to his brain so they can bring him back to his senses, don't you?
¿ Quiere que esta buena gente sepa qué le pasó al cerebro de Bert para que puedan ayudarlo a recuperar la cordura?
They told me you would always be disfigured! Didn't ever want to see me!
¿ Y que no querías verme?
You want to see the way they're bringing him up, Bill.
Querrías ver la forma en que lo están criando, Bill.
You're a nice young man, I do not want to see how they hurt you.
Eres un joven agradable, no quisiera ver cómo te hacen daño.

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