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Verbally перевод на испанский

329 параллельный перевод
The secret information is to be communicated verbally to General Dratsenko.
La información secreta se debe comunicar oralmente al general Dratsenko.
Just reprimanding you, sir. Castigating you verbally, as it were. Well, what about, Miss Alma?
Solo estoy reprendiéndole castigándole verbalmente como se merece.
Max, why does Professor Whitaker have to transmit his rocket-fuel formula to the American scientists verbally?
Max, ¿ por qué el profesor Whitaker debe transmitir su fórmula de combustible a los científicos verbalmente?
Some prefer to be provoked verbally, others to be called back, but...
Algunos prefieren la provocación verbal, otros las llamadas.
Listen. " In the presence of cardinal BeIIarmine, Commissary Segizi imposed an injunction on GaIiIei, in the name of the Pope and the Congregation of the holy Office, to abandon Copernican opinion and neither sustain it, teach it, or defend it, verbally or in writing.
Ante el cardenal Bellarmino, el comisario Seggízzi ordenó a Galilei en nombre del Santo Oficio abandonar la opinión copernicana no enseñarla ni defenderla por palabra o por escrito.
And I swear that in the future I will not affirm such things, either verbally or in writing.
Y juro que en el futuro no afirmaré ni de palabra ni por escrito cosas así.
This agency employs you to investigate... on behalf of one its television personalities, a certain matter the particulars of which you have been given verbally.
Esta agencia le requiere para que investigue sobre un asunto relacionado con una de mis actrices de la televisión. Los datos particulares le han sido dados verbalmente.
Then give it to me verbally.
Entonces démelo verbalmente.
This was all done verbally?
¿ Y todo esto se hacía verbalmente?
Listen, look, very simply, musicologically and ethnically these Rutles were essentially empirical main-longuees, so they rhythmically radical yet verbally passé and temporarily transcended lyrical content welded with historically innovative melodical material, transposed and transmogrified by the angst of the Rutland ethic experience, which elevated them from essentially alpha exponents of, in essence merely beta potential harmonic material into the prime cultural exponents of Aeolian codensic cosmic stanza form.
Mire, en pocas palabras, musicológicamente y étnicamente, los Rutles crearon una amalgama esencialmente rítmica y verbal. Temporalmente, trascendían el contenido lírico... rodeado de material melódico innovador... transformado por la angustia de la experiencia Rutland, que los elevaba de exponentes alfa de material armónico... hasta los primeros exponentes de una forma estrófica de popurrí.
You can throw up verbally as Well as you can nutritionally.
Es increíble cómo puedes vomitar verbal y nutricionalmente.
- Yes, verbally.
- Parecía que sí.
- He became verbally abusive.
- Me insultó.
The transformation of a capable combat officer, accustomed to war and women, into a silent alcoholic who only opens up to his daughter, and not verbally, is a kind of impersonal power. It's something like a shot.
Un oficial hábil en cuestiones de guerra y de mujeres que se transforma en un callado alcohólico que sólo se abre a la hija, sin palabras, conlleva cierto poder impersonal.
The young people enjoy it when I "get down" verbally.
A los jóvenes les gusta que hable como ellos.
Wouldn't it be better for them to be answered verbally?
No sería mejor que te las contestarán verbalmente?
- Please respond verbally. - Yes, I did.
- Le ruego que responda verbalmente.
You verbally abused your wife for nine years, then you started in on the judge, Dr. Giordano.
Usted insultaron a su esposa durante nueve años, entonces usted comenzó en el juez, Dr. Giordano.
Now, I understand that your compulsion to assaultwomen verbally stems from a constant exposure to violent and sexist images from a male dominated media.
- Sí doctora Comprendo su deseo de dominación verbal a las mujeres... gracias a los estereotipos sexuales presentados por los medios...
He verbally and physically abuses her.
El abusaba de ella física y psicológicamente.
Verbally. Nobody wanted to put anything down on paper.
Verbalmente Nadie quería poner nada por escrito
Nice example! You could have explained that to me verbally.
Podrías haberlo explicado con palabras.
It's in our time that an entire religious sect has been actively incited by its leaders to murder a distinguished novelist because he wrote a book that was seen as threatening the verbally handed-down beliefs of that sect.
Fue en la actualidad, que una secta religiosa fue incitada por sus líderes a matar un novelista, cuyo libro fue considerado una amenaza para sus creencias verbalmente transmitidas.
Sources say that 20 to 30 students began verbally abusing the popular singer-candidate midway into the concert.
De 20 a 30 estudiantes insultaron al popular cantante y candidato a mitad del concierto.
Well, I guess that makes two of us. You're being verbally abusive to me, Mr. Peterson.
¡ Me ha insultado, señor Peterson!
Verbally defibrillated.
- No. Oralmente.
I'm sure you'd want the children to step out of the room before you verbally bash their father. Hm?
Estoy segura que quieres sacar a los niños de esta habitación antes de hablar mal de su padre. ¿ Verdad?
Instead of coming back at me verbally, like I did they took their doughy fists and they pounded on me until a mutual agreement was reached that I leave.
En lugar de responderme verbalmente, como lo hice yo me golpearon con sus pezuñas Hasta que por mutuo acuerdo me fui.
They know they'll need to communicate verbally if they join the Federation.
Saben que deben comunicarse de forma verbal si se unen a la Federación.
No. You'll work verbally, too.
Hazlo verbalmente.
You threatened your wife verbally.
Ha amenazado a su esposa... verbalmente.
You're before me for having on Dec. 30 verbally abused public law enforcers
Comparece ante mí, porque... el 30 de diciembre ultrajó verbalmente a agentes de la fuerza pública.
Verbally you were...
Al menos verbalmente.
You can feel it, but I haven't heard it coming verbally from him.
Puedes sentirlo, pero no lo he escuchado verbalmente de él.
Doctors are still not able to get through to her verbally, but there's no way to know, what if anything she remembers. When the Asteroid crashed.
Aun no se logra hablar con ella así que no se sabe que recuerda del impacto.
Don't worry, we're here to help you. I won't just thank you verbally, I'll visit your house to thank you. It's nothing.
no se preocupe, estamos aquí para ayudarlo no solo se lo agradeceré verbalmente, la visitare a su casa para agradecerle no es nada. los bandidos se han marchado, será mejor que Ud. se marche también
I, Cory Matthews, hereafter referred to as'insignificant speck,'pledge never to contact the "Great One", verbally or non-verbally, during any and all school hours, from this day forward, forever and ever. "
Yo, Cory Matthews, en lo sucesivo, "mota insignificante," prometo nunca contactar a "Su grandiosidad," verbal o no verbalmente, durante ninguna de las horas de clase,
And, uh, if you have to defend it... physically, verbally, spiritually, whatever way you have to defend it, is... Brooklyn people are always ready to pay the price for what they believe in.
Y si tienes que defenderlo físicamente, verbalmente, espiritualmente tienes que defenderlo la gente de Brooklyn está dispuesta a pagar el precio de sus convicciones.
Well, you seemed very verbally entangled.
Parecían compenetrados en la conversación.
If you cannot speak English, an interpreter will be provided. If you cannot read, questions will be given to you verbally.
Pueden pedir un intérprete o que les lean las preguntas.
I tend to process things verbally so can you break down into words how you did that?
Yo proceso las cosas verbalmente. ¿ No podría explicarme lo que hizo en palabras?
Aren't we supposed to spar verbally first?
No debemos pelear verbalmente primero
He became verbally abusive and I ordered Billy out of the house.
Me agredió verbalmente y le dije que se fuera.
I like Simon enough to batter you unrecognizable, if you verbally abuse him or touch that dog again.
Simón me cae bien. Lo suficiente como para dejarte hecho un puré si lo atacas verbalmente o vuelves a tocar a ese perro.
I don't care. I prefer to communicate verbally, thank you.
No me importa, prefiero comunicarme verbalmente, gracias.
- July 1995. Subject verbally abused co-workers, had to be restrained.
El sujeto agredió verbalmente a sus compañeros ".
The man was verbally assaulting his date.
Ese hombre insulta a su pareja. Podía decir :
No, never verbally.
- No verbalmente.
Sorry, I guess I have a problem expressing myself verbally.
Perdona, me cuesta expresarme con palabras.
and the punishments provided for by the holy canons, and as such, we verbally degrade you from all major and minor orders, and we expel you from our ecclesiastic forum and from our Holy Immaculate Church, whose mercy you have not deserved.
Y de las sanciones impuestas por los santos canones. Y como como tal lo degradadmos De todos las ordenes superiores e inferiores
We'll work verbally.
Trabajaré verbalmente.

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