We were married for перевод на испанский
221 параллельный перевод
- We were married for 7 years.
- Llevamos casados 7 años.
Lieutenant, we were married for 22 years.
Teniente, estuvimos casados durante 22 años.
We were married for 2 years... and I saw where my life was going... and I didn't and I don't want that kind of life.
Estuvimos dos años casados... y vi en qué se convertía mi vida... y no quería ni quiero ese tipo de vida.
We were married for several years and had two children and three cars, and he kept the cars.
Estuvimos casados varios años y tuvimos dos hijos y tres automóviles, él se quedo con los autos.
Well, we were married for a very long time.
- Bueno, estuvimos casados mucho tiempo.
- We were married for 38 years.
- Stan, estuvimos 38 años casados.
We were married for 38 years.
Estuvimos casados 38 años.
We were married for 35 years.
Estuvimos casados por 35 años.
We were married for 35 years... and she never once raised her voice to me.
35 años de casados, y nunca me levantó la voz.
We were married for 11 years.
Estuvimos casados? durante 11 años.
We were married for 28 years, never separated, even for a day.
¡ Qué queda por decir? Estuvimos casados durante 28 años, jamás separados, ni siquiera un día.
We were married for nearly 40 years, you know.
¡ Llevábamos 40 años casados!
We were married for 27 years.
Estuvimos casados 27 años.
Except for a short while after we were married.
sólo te tuve un tiempo, cuando nos casamos.
You know, ever since we were married that one over there has been after me for not eating enough.
No irá a decirme lo mismo hoy, ¿ verdad, Sra. Willis?
I went back for her. We Were married in indianapolis,
Volví para recogerla, y nos casamos en Indianápolis.
It'll be just like before we were married, asking you for a date.
Como cuando éramos novios, te invitaré a salir.
Your uncle, rest his bones, he didn't get over that frightened look for three years after we were married and then...
Tu tío, descanse en paz, estuvo asustado hasta tres años despues de habernos casado. Y despues...
It's our first separation for more than a day or two since we were married.
Es nuestra primera separación de más de un día desde que nos casamos.
We were to be married the following week. I had my trousseau bought and... and a special dress and hat for the wedding.
Nos íbamos a casar la semana siguiente, yo había comprado mi ajuar y un sombrero especial para la boda.
When we were married, the justice of the peace said something about for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse. Remember?
- Cuando nos casamos... el juez dijo algo sobre la riqueza, la pobreza, las buenas o las malas.
Though we've been married for 15 years in all that time we were together for only 15 months one Christmas, two birthdays.
Aunque hemos estado casados 15 años solo 15 meses estuvimos juntos en todo ese tiempo unas Navidades, dos cumpleaños.
For a few seconds once, we were even married.
Durante unos segundos incluso estuvimos casados.
So, the wife persuades a woman to take care of our children for $ 10 a day, which is more than I made the first five years we were married.
Mi esposa convenció a una mujer para cuidar a los niños... por 10 dólares al día, que es más de lo que yo ganaba los cinco primeros años de matrimonio.
Oh, it used to worry me before we were married... for days at a time...
Antes de casarnos casi no comía.
Oh, Sarah, if only we were married, we could be happy for always.
Sarah, si estuviéramos casados podríamos ser felices para siempre.
It's so thrilling to find you waiting for me. Just like we were married and I was coming home from work.
Es tan emocionante encontrarte esperándome... como si estuviéramos casados y estuviera regresando de trabajar.
We were married in the old family church in West Virginia... and blissfully set sail for a Cape Cod honeymoon.
Nos casamos en la vieja iglesia familiar en Virginia del Oeste... y extáticos zarpamos hacia nuestra luna de miel en Cabo Cod.
And then for a year there, we were sort of making plans for getting married until one gloomy day, this older woman pops up from Omaha and she cries and wrings her hands and pleads with me that I should leave him alone, for his own good.
Y luego durante un año estuvimos haciendo planes para casarnos hasta que un infausto día apareció esa mujer madura que venía de Omaha. ... y empezó a llorar desconsoladamente, rogándome que le dejara en paz por su propio bien.
We were never married... and it was only a few days ago that I - I learned for sure about the boy.
Nunca nos casamos... y hace unos pocos días... supe con certeza que tenía un hijo.
Yes, when Grace and I were married, we went to Europe for our honeymoon.
Cuando nos casamos, fuimos... a Europa de luna de miel.
For heaven's sake, that we were in love with each other. And that we're going to be married.
Por Dios, le dije que estamos enamorados... y que nos vamos a casar.
We were going to be married... oh, for heaven's sake... don't get your back up.
No trato de cambiar nada. Sólo estoy hablando.
I didn't start the day we were married. Not for weeks and weeks.
No empecé cuando nos casamos, sino después de muchas semanas.
We were married six months later, and lived for a while on the Rue Lebouteux.
Nos casamos 6 meses más tarde. Al principio... vivimos en la Calle Lebouteux.
For your information, we were legitimately married... ... by a justice of the peace.
Para tu información, estamos casados legítimamente por un juez de paz.
We were married on the day I left for the war in my house at the foot of Mount Fuji.
Nos casamos el día que fui a la guerra en mi casa, a los pies del monte Fuji.
I liked Martha for at least three years after we were married. And then one day it just dawned on me I loved her.
Martha me agradó durante tres años después de casarnos... y un día, me di cuenta de que la amaba.
When she left for New York with her parents, we were going to get married.
Cuando se marchó a Nueva York con sus padres íbamos a casarnos.
We were only married for two days.
Sólo llevamos casados dos días.
We were married, for Christ's sake!
Estuvimos casados, por Dios.
I've been married to you for 32 years and I'm no closer to you than the day we were married.
He estado casada contigo por 32 años... y no estoy más cerca tuyo que el día que nos casamos.
And we were also married for 3 years.
Y también estuvimos casados por 3 años.
For the 10 years we were married, your opinion was my opinion!
¡ Casados, tu opinión era mi opinión!
That's why I did what I did for Clip. That's how come I know so much about you. Because... we were married.
es por eso que ayude a Clip y se mucho sobre vos porque... estuvimos casados exacto
You know, the same business that we lived on for three years while we were married.
El mismo negocio del cual vivimos los tres años que estuvimos casados.
This gave me something to live for... but it also meant I had to get a job... if we were to get married.
Me dio una razón para vivir, Pero también significó que tuve que conseguir un trabajo, si nos íbamos a casar.
For years we've been single and proud and never noticed that two of us were, to all intents and purposes, married all this time.
Siempre solteros y orgullosos de serlo no vimos que dos de nosotros estaban casados.
When we were just married we were taking a walk and we saw an ad for Rock Toilets.
Hace años, recién casados, íbamos por la calle y vimos un anuncio de los sanitarios Roca.
We were so poor my parents got married for the rice.
Nosotros éramos tan pobres, que mis padres se casaron por el arroz, saben.
We were only married for a few years.
Pero a ti no.
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were young 47
we were here first 26
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were young 47
we were here first 26