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What were they thinking перевод на испанский

165 параллельный перевод
What were they thinking?
¡ Es repugnante!
What were they thinking!
¡ Han perdido la cabeza!
Especially during the holidays. What were they thinking, putting a prison next to a train station! Are we drinking something or what?
Odiaba el colegio, no se conformaba con armar jaleo y suspender, y memorizaba textos equivocados de cara a su padre
What were they thinking? !
¿ En qué pensaban?
What were they thinking?
- ¿ Qué se pensaban?
What were they thinking?
¿ Qué es lo que pensaban realmente?
Breaking away from Earth, what were they thinking?
Separarse de la Tierra, ¿ en qué estaban pensando?
God Almighty, what were they thinking?
¡ Santo Dios! , ¿ qué estarían pensando?
What were they thinking?
¿ Qué estaban pensando?
What were they thinking?
¿ En qué pensaban?
What were they thinking, some of those toys?
¿ En qué pensaban con esos juguetes?
- What were they thinking?
- ¿ Qué están pensando?
What were they thinking, sticking me with a beat-up bucket of bolts like this?
¿ Cómo se les ocurrió darme un coche tan destartalado?
"What Were They Thinking?" take seven.
¿ Cómo se les ocurre? Toma siete.
What were they thinking, having another baby at their age?
¿ Cómo se les ocurre tener otro bebé a su edad?
Take those fellas out there today - When they didn't try to date you up... you could tell what they were thinking by the way they looked at ya.
Por ejemplo, los de hoy. Si no te invitaban a salir, se les notaba lo que pensaban por su forma de mirarte.
That is what they were thinking.
Eso es en lo que estaban pensando.
I guess I know what they were thinking.
Creo que sé lo que pensaban.
You were just thinking of what your mother and father would feel... If they saw one of those photographs of us.
Estabas pensando en cómo se sentirían tus padres si vieran una de esas fotografías nuestras.
All you had to do was look at those faces to guess what they were thinking.
Con solo mirarlos uno sabía lo que estaban pensando.
In right-thinking circles, in high society in Paris, they sympathized with our soldiers, whose troubles were unfortunately nothing compared to what came later.
En círculos con ideas de derechas, en la alta sociedad en Paris, ellos congeniaron con nuestros soldados, cuyos problemas eran desafortunadamente nada en comparación con lo que vino luego.
- What were you thinking of? - Renato, they believe it!
Se la creen.
I knew what they were thinking so I had to take it...
Me dije : "Si puedo conseguir una taza de café, puedo vencer a esta noche."
I wish I knew what they were thinking.
Desearía saber en qué están pensando.
That's what they were thinking.
Eso es lo que creían.
Miriam and Beulah, I could see what they were thinking when we came out.
Miriam y Beulah, se notaba lo que estaban pensando cuando salimos.
Those letters could be the only record of what they were thinking at that time. Crucial for their biographers.
Sería la única constancia de lo que pensaba, crucial para su biógrafo.
But what would the world be like if people said whatever they were thinking all the time, whenever it came to them?
¿ Cómo sería el mundo si la gente dijera lo que piensa constantemente, cuando se les ocurriera?
Do not be angry with me what those five players from the Slope Sua could not come tonight because they were suddenly broke out in a rash of... poison oak and I thought it would be tasteless to appear tonight. I was thinking.
- Al final no vendran, hubo un contratiempo, pero bueno al menos podran ver mi show, asi que piensen...
- But that " s what they were thinking.
- Pero eso pensaban todos.
What a wonderful time they had to have sitting around there, thinking up all of the different things they were gonna do in that film
Seguro que la pasaron de maravilla, sentados allí, pensando en todas las cosas que iban a hacer en esa película.
Well, what do you call intentionally misleading the Baxters and the Cushmans... into thinking that they were going to receive the child... so that Debra Elkins could receive as much money as she could?
¿ Cómo llama a engañar intencionalmente a los Baxter y a los Cushman para que piensen que iban a recibir al niño para que Debra Elkins cobrara todo el dinero que pudiera?
I always knew exactly what they were thinking
He adivinado exactamente lo que pensaban
If the doctors... had any idea what you were thinking... you know, them awful... dark thoughts... what do you think they'd do?
¿ Si los doctores supieran en lo que estabas pensando... todos esos pensamientos negativos... qué piensas que harían?
And I knew what they were thinking.
Yo sabía qué era lo que pensaban.
Hey, you don't know what they were thinking.
Oye, tú no sabes lo que estaban pensando.
But they were having such a good time I couldn't bring myself to tell them what I was thinking.
Quizás, ellos lo estaban pasando bien, no pude decirles lo que estaba pensando,
And so you could find out really how the people were thinking by what song they sang.
Y así podías enterarte por lo que cantaran lo que realmente las personas pensaban.
She knew what they were thinking - what is that attractive man doing with her?
Sabía qué pensaban : ¿ qué hace con ella ese tipo tan guapo?
So I don't know what they'd think of me and I didn't know what they were thinking then
Así que no sé lo que pensarán de mí. Y no sabía lo que pensaban entonces.
They tell you one thing when they're thinking another, then they swear they had said what they were thinking.
Te dicen una cosa cuando están pensando en otra, a continuación, juran que habían dicho lo que pensaban.
I wonder what they were thinking.
Me pregunto qué pensaron.
Because we were asking people to think about things that they had never thought about before and they liked thinking about them. Like what they felt inside, what motivated them, what was their life about, what was important to them.
estas personas, estabamos preguntadoles que pensaban acerca de cosas... que ellos... nunca habian pensado antes, y les encantaba pensar acerca de ellas siii, acerca de como se sentian por dentro, que los motivaba, como les iba en su vida
If I were you, I'd be thinking about what I was gonna say... if they ask me to be on the Night Stalker Task Force... as a homicide detective.
En tu lugar, yo estaría pensando en qué decir... si me mandan al grupo especial de investigación del Merodeador Nocturno... como investigadora de homicidios.
They offered to help. What were we thinking?
- ¿ Por qué no aceptamos su ayuda?
I hurt you, and I had to spend hours on a stinky bus... next to a guy that was spitting into a can... thinking about all the minutes going by that I wasn't at your graduation... and they were hurting you... because it was so selfish of this person who wasn't me to do what she did.
Te herí, y tuve que pasar muchas horas en un autobús apestoso... junto a un tipo que escupía en una lata... pensando en los minutos que pasaban sin estar en tu graduación... y eso te hacía daño... porque esa persona, que no soy yo, fue tan egoísta para hacer lo que hizo.
I don't know what the hell they were thinking!
¿ Qué estaban pensando?
But that's only if you couldn't take what they were thinking... which really means only if you can't see yourself... for what you really are.
Pero es sólo porque no puedes aceptar lo que están pensando... lo que significa sólo que si no puedes verte a ti mismo... no sabrás lo que realmente eres.
Don't know what they were thinking.
No sé en que estaban pensando.
What makes you think they were thinking?
¿ Qué le hace creer que estaban pensando?
You'll never know what I am thinking, or who I am. " As if they were saying," lt's only a body. "
Como si dijeran :

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