Whatever you decide перевод на испанский
527 параллельный перевод
Now, I've decided that whatever you decide is all right with me. Good-bye.
He decidido que estoy de acuerdo con lo que decidáis por mí.
And I hope whatever you decide will be for the best.
Y espero que decida lo que decida, sea para bien.
There's not much I can say, I don't know your business. Whatever you decide to do will be all right.
No puedo opinar mucho, yo no entiendo de tus asuntos,... pero lo que tú decidas, seguro que será lo mejor.
Colonel, whatever you decide, if you want me- -
Coronel, lo que decida, si quiere que yo...
Whatever you decide, you better decide quick.
Decidáis lo que decidáis, hacedlo rápido.
Whatever you decide is fair.
Lo que usted decida será... justa.
You can pick up all the tabs and buy all the horses... and spend whatever you decide on your dear mother and your delicate sister.
Puedes pagar todas las cuentas, comprar caballos, y gastarte lo que quieras en tu madre y tu hermana.
Whatever you decide, the secretary wants me to thank you For the job you've done already.
Decidas lo que decidas, el Secretario quiere que te agradezca todo lo que has hecho.
Whatever you decide, let Hoka know.
Decidas lo que decidas, díselo a Hoka.
Whatever you decide, I love you.
Decidas lo que decidas, te quiero.
Whatever you decide to do, Cordy, I'll back you up 100 %.
Hagas lo que hagas, tendrás todo m ¡ apoyo.
Whatever you decide... Division 3 has given it's position.
Se cual sea vuestra disposición, en la Unidad 3 tenemos nuestra postura.
- Whatever you decide.
- Eso me lo debe decir usted cuando lo decida.
Whatever you decide will be best for her.
Lo que sea que decidas será lo mejor para ella.
Whatever you decide.
Haz lo que quieras.
I am now a football coach... and I want to be the best one I can possibly be... just like I want you to be the best at whatever you decide to do.
Soy entrenadora y quiero ser la mejor entrenadora. Como quiero que sean las mejores en lo que hagan.
Whatever you decide, I'll support you fully.
Decida lo que decida, yo lo apoyaré plenamente.
Well, I just wanted to tell you that, but whatever you decide is okay with me. I thought I'd find you here.
Oh, bien, solo quería decirte eso, pero lo que sea que decidas, estará bien para mi.
Yes, I am, and whatever you decide is acceptable to me.
Sí, lo lamento y lo que usted decida, lo aceptaré.
Whatever you decide will be yours for life.
Lo que ahora elijas será para toda la vida.
Whatever you decide, I'll support you.
Y decidas lo que decidas, cuenta conmigo.
I just don't want to be without you. I'll leave it up to you. Whatever you decide is fine.
No quiero estar sin ti, pero lo que tú decidas estará bien para mí.
No, but he said that whatever you decide with Mr. Rattinger is fine with him, and he'll talk to you when he gets home.
No, pero dijo que lo que decidas sobre el señor Rattinger está bien para él y hablará contigo cuando regrese.
Now, your love for Lily will get you through this whatever you decide.
Tu amor por Lily te ayudará con esto sin importar lo que decidas.
Whatever you decide to do is inevitable.
Sea lo que sea que hagas, es inevitable.
Perhaps Doctor, but just a look at the dossier and whatever you decide.
- Tal vez, doctor, pero eche un vistazo al expediente y luego decida.
Whatever you decide to do, remember what we learned.
Cualquiera que sea su camino, recuerden lo que aprendimos.
Whatever you decide to do, you'd better do it soon.
Decida lo que decida, hágalo pronto.
Amy, whatever the results are, or whatever you decide to do you're gonna need someone's support.
Amy, sean cuáles sean los resultados o decidas lo que decidas vas a necesitar el apoyo de alguien.
Whatever you decide I'll back you up.
Eres mi socia. Lo que decidas tendrá mi apoyo.
Whatever you decide, that's what we'll do.
Nosotros haremos lo que tú decidas.
I'm going to do whatever you decide.
Haré lo que quieras.
I tell you, I won't stay married to that addleheaded little - a man must stand by what he does, Bob, so whatever you decide to do,
Te lo dije, no me mantendré casado con esa pequeña necia...
All I can do is to stand here, a poor, broken-down old policeman... and wait for whatever you want to tell me.
Lo único que puede hacer este pobre policía es quedarse aquí a ver si usted se decide a contarle algo.
I'm sure, dear, whatever they decide about you will be with Dr. Kik's consent.
Lo que decidan será con el consentimiento del Dr. Kik.
Whatever they decide about you, it'll be with Dr. Kik's consent.
Lo que decidan será con el consentimiento del Dr. Kik.
Doctor, you admit that they've done a good job, that they've been practically self-governing. And just because it is important, I can't very well take it out of their hands. Just as I can't go over their heads whatever they decide.
Doctor, admite que hago un buen trabajo, casi se autogobiernan y justo porque es importante, no puedo quitárselo de las manos igual que no puedo pasar por encima de ellos.
Decide whatever you have to, after the test.
Decida lo que quiera después de la prueba.
The joy of knowing that you live strengthens me against whatever they decide.
La alegría de saberte viva me hará soportar cualquier condena.
If you decide you want to get up and go out, we'll do whatever you want to do.
Si quieres levantarte y salir, iremos adonde tú quieras.
Later, you can decide whatever you like.
Después podrá pensarlo y decidir lo que quiera.
Whatever you want. Decide.
Lo que quieras, tú decides.
- Oh, golly. Whatever you people decide is fine with me.
Corcho. mí me parece bien lo que ustedes decidan.
Whatever you may decide, and even if this decision will deprive me of the hope of ever seeing you, that sorrow of mine will be alleviated by the belief
Independientemente de cuál será Ia decisión que tomes, incluso si por ella pierdo para siempre Ia esperanza de verte, será un alivió para mí, en medio de mi aflicción, Ia convicción
Whatever you do, polyglot beats bilingual, bilingual beats...
Lo que uno decide hacer, el políglota vence al bilingüe, y el bilingüe vence al...
Whatever you two decide.
Decidan ustedes dos.
Well, whatever you and Mike decide is...
Bueno, lo que sea que tú y Mike decidan es...
But you know, at some point, I had to decide that whatever hell you and Daddy were going through was your business.
Pero, en un momento, tuve qué entender que, lo que pasaba entre ustedes dos, era asunto suyo.
Whatever you two decide to do about that I shouldn't be in this room.
Y sobre lo que decidáis sobre esto, yo no debería estar presente.
You decide, whatever you want.
Tú decides, lo que quieras.
The courts will decide whatever you tell them to.
Los tribunales decidirán lo que usted les diga.
whatever you say 750
whatever you need 442
whatever you think is best 17
whatever you want 745
whatever you are 68
whatever you think 49
whatever you like 108
whatever you do 548
whatever you want to do 42
whatever your name is 57
whatever you need 442
whatever you think is best 17
whatever you want 745
whatever you are 68
whatever you think 49
whatever you like 108
whatever you do 548
whatever you want to do 42
whatever your name is 57