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He said he had nothing to do with Sister Cesnik's death.
Dijo no tener nada que ver con la muerte de la hermana Cesnik.
I just felt it was always a little different with Gerry.
Yo siempre pensé que era un poco distinta con Gerry.
Everybody that was involved with Cathy has to be cleared.
Primero, a todos los que estuvieron involucrados con Cathy.
I went out to Minnesota a celibate Jesuit priest, came back 12 years later a Methodist pastor, married with two kids to Diane.
Fui a Minnesota como sacerdote jesuita célibe y regresé 12 años después como pastor metodista, casado con Diane y con dos hijos.
Gemma and her crew told me that they went with Koob to the Carriage House.
Gemma y su equipo me contaron que fueron con Koob a Carriage House.
I'll tell you the truth, I would take everything he says with a gigantic boulder of salt.
A decir verdad, tomaría todo lo que él dice con pinzas gigantes.
I was in no way involved with it, never have been, never would have been.
No estuve involucrado de manera alguna. Nunca lo habría estado.
Not from Annapolis with Koob.
No desde Annapolis con Koob.
If this conversation is something you don't wanna have with me, I'm okay with it.
Si esta conversación es algo que no quiere tener conmigo, lo entiendo.
I know that Russell had called you when Cathy went missing... and that you had come there that night with Gerry.
Sé que Russell lo había llamado cuando Cathy desapareció y que usted había ido allí esa noche con Gerry.
'What exactly was the nature of your relationship with Sister Cathy?
"¿ Cuál era la naturaleza exacta de su relación con la hermana Cathy?".
I think I can begin to live with that more easily now than I did two months ago, just loving you within myself.
Creo que puedo empezar a vivir con eso más fácilmente ahora que hace dos meses, amándote dentro de mí misma.
Later on, this one detective kept pursuing me and kept finding out more and more about my relationship with Cathy.
Luego, este detective me siguió persiguiendo y siguió descubriendo más y más sobre mi relación con Cathy.
You're just curious about her relationship with me that you don't understand, but that's got nothing to do with this.
Solo tiene curiosidad sobre su relación conmigo porque no la entiende, pero eso no tiene nada que ver con esto.
And he was justifying his roughness with me.
Justificaba su brutalidad conmigo.
I don't know where he came up with that.
No sé de dónde lo sacó.
And the idea that it had something to do with me...
Y la idea de que esto estaba relacionado conmigo...
And we couldn't come up with anything that said he knew about or knew it was gonna happen or had any part in doing it.
Y no pudimos encontrar nada que dijera que él sabía o supiera que esto iba a pasar o estuviera involucrado en hacerlo.
She didn't talk much to begin with.
Ella igual no hablaba mucho.
I... I could not connect with her that well.
No podía conectarme muy bien con ella.
She lived in the house with Cathy.
Vivía con Cathy.
And she said, " You know, Trish, if you wanna come live with me, you know, I have the room here.
Y ella dijo : " Trish, si quieres vivir conmigo, tengo el cuarto disponible.
Mother Maurice gave them permission to experiment with teaching in public high school and being nuns out in the regular world.
ESCUELA DE LAS HERMANAS DE NUESTRA SEÑORA La madre Maurice les dio permiso para experimentar con la enseñanza en la secundaria pública y ser monjas en el mundo común.
Joseph Maskell and Father Magnus came into the apartment as she was visiting with the two Sisters.
Joseph Maskell y el padre Magnus entraron al departamento mientras ella visitaba a las dos hermanas.
When I questioned whether or not she was sure if Sister Russell was present, she was a little bit impatient with me and said, " I told you she was there.
Cuando le pregunté si estaba segura o no de si la hermana Russell estaba presente, ella se impacientó un poco conmigo y dijo : " Le dije que estaba allí.
Sister Helen Russell Phillips was with these priests.
ENTREVISTA EN 1995 ENTRE TOM NUGENT Y EL DETECTIVE BUD ROEMER Helen Russell Phillips estaba con estos sacerdotes.
Well, it started with Kennedy.
Bueno, empezó con Kennedy.
He was with the House Assassination Committees with Kennedy and Martin Luther King.
Estuvo en el Comité del Asesinato de Kennedy y Martin Luther King.
He was also hired by the family... of Mary Jo Kopechne with Ted Kennedy.
También lo contrató la familia... Accidente misterioso... de Mary Jo Kopechne por Ted Kennedy.
"You know, we would really like to have Dr. Spitz come to the scene with us."
"Nos gustaría que el doctor Spitz viniera a la escena con nosotros".
This type of trauma would be from an impact with a dense, heavy object that was forcefully struck against... the, uh... skull.
Este tipo de traumatismo sería por un impacto con un objeto pesado y denso que se golpeó con fuerza contra el cráneo.
And so, I didn't want anything to do with anyone who actually was remembering, too.
No quería tener nada que ver con nadie que también lo recordara.
You could walk people with them.
Podías dirigir gente con ellas.
When I was a detective with the Baltimore Police Department in the'90s, I was studying to be a funeral director.
Cuando yo era detective en el Departamento de Policía en la década de los 90, estudiaba para ser director funerario.
So, to see him come out of that church that day with handcuffs on... there were charges to be filed, or it was a pretty intense investigation going on.
Así que verlo salir de esa iglesia ese día con las esposas puestas... Se presentarían cargos o se estaba realizando una investigación muy intensa.
The police came to our office and met with and spoke to our victims.
La policía vino a nuestra oficina, se reunió y habló con nuestras víctimas.
All of my notes... from my interviews with the victims, including their contact information, and my notes of what they described happening to them, I turned over.
Todas mis notas... ABOGADA DE ESTUDIANTE DESCONOCIDA Y ALUMNA DESCONOCIDA... de mis entrevistas con las víctimas, su información de contacto y sus descripciones sobre lo que les pasó, las entregué.
The cover here says "With one box of exhibits."
La portada dice : "Con una caja de pruebas".
And when I go through the civil cases that were filed against the priests and the archdiocese, every one I can find was either dismissed on the statute of limitations or it was settled by the church with a cash settlement.
Y cuando revisé los casos civiles que se presentaron contra los sacerdotes y la arquidiócesis, todos fueron desestimados por el estatuto de limitación o fueron arreglados por la iglesia con una compensación en efectivo.
I think whoever did it is guilty... and has had to live with something for a long time, hiding... concealing, avoiding.
Creo que quien lo hizo es culpable y ha tenido que vivir con algo mucho tiempo, ocultándose, escondiéndose, evitando.
I can't walk around with that anger inside me.
No puedo andar con esa ira dentro de mí.
It had nothing to do... with being rescued from a fall called original sin.
Esto no tenía nada que ver con ser rescatado de una caída llamada pecado original.
And I've lived with him for 34 years, so, I think I have a good read on that.
Y hace 34 años que vivo con él. Creo que puedo decirlo con certeza.
The detectives that I met with when I went to Baltimore in March...
Los detectives con los que me reuní cuando fui a Baltimore en marzo...
It says there was an envelope addressed to Ms. Marilyn... with Cathy's handwriting.
Dice que había un sobre dirigido a la señorita Marilyn con la letra de Cathy.
Made a nice living out of it, wound up with three dental offices.
Me fue muy bien. Terminé con tres consultorios odontológicos.
Wound up with 12,000 patients.
Terminé con 12 000 pacientes.
I was a practicing dentist with a drug problem.
Era un dentista activo con problemas de drogas.
Great dentist with a drug problem.
Un gran dentista con problemas de drogas.
I'd be up at the rectory with Father Maskell.
Estaba en la rectoría con el padre Maskell.
Let's leave it with that.
Dejémoslo ahí.
without 110
within 177
withdraw 82
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
within 177
withdraw 82
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your 48
with your mother 23
with this ring 42
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with your father 34
with her 211
with your 48
with your mother 23
with this ring 42
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with your father 34
with her 211
with whom 203
with that in mind 45
with us 243
without me 305
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with good reason 53
with it 82
with that said 19
without you 442
with that in mind 45
with us 243
without me 305
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with good reason 53
with it 82
with that said 19
without you 442