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Wouldn't've перевод на испанский

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Cos I wouldn't like to think you've turned against me.
Porque no me gustaría pensar que te has puesto en mi contra.
- You wouldn't've helped.
- No podrías haber hecho nada.
I wouldn't want you to judge me on everything I've done in the past.
No quería que me juzgaras por todo lo que he hecho en el pasado.
I've obviously done that or I wouldn't be here.
Obviamente hice eso, o no estaría aquí.
I wouldn't ask, but I've never had a director who's a bigger pain in my ass than Stanley Kubrick.
No preguntaría, pero nunca he tenido un director que haya sido un dolor de culo más grande que Stanley Kubrick.
And I thought after the day you've had, you wouldn't want to face more flame. Keep my strength up.
Mantuve mis fuerzas.
They wouldn't insult me sending anyone ranking less, and anyone ranking higher would've thought it was beneath him... or her, as the case may be, and I haven't been called "sir" in two years.
No me insultarían mandando a alguien de menor rango... ni de mayor tampoco, hubiera sido difícil negociar con él, o ella, y no me han llamado Señor en dos años.
They've not been brought up to get everything they want. Even if we had the money, I wouldn't give it to'em.
Aunque hubiese tenido dinero, no se lo dejaría
but i would've gone back with him but i wouldn't have killed hitler.
Yo volvería en el tiempo con él pero no mataría a Hitler.
I don't think you've ever felt that way about anyone in your life... or else you wouldn't let that happen. - Whoa! - [Horse Whinnies]
No creo que haya sentido eso por nadie en su vida... o no permitiría que esto pase. ¿ Vio a Jacob?
You've been acting a tad out of character, wouldn't you say?
Has estado comportándote de forma un poco errática, ¿ no crees?
And that was Clerks and everything I've ever fucking done since then. So I've accomplished that. Then it was always like, " Wouldn't it be cool to do this?
Y le dije : "Si me cortas las piernas seguro perderé 23 kilos".
Wouldn't it be cool to write comic books? " And then I fucking did that and shit. I think I've reached the final frontier, you know.
"Fuera de eso, a menos que tengas, ya sabes un bypass gástrico en tu presupuesto no creo que eso ocurra, Richard."
Every day you've got something wrong which perhaps wouldn't be the case if you paid more attention.
Cada día tenéis que rectificar algo y ya sería hora de que prestarais más atención.
If I could prove that you were responsible for any of that we wouldn't be having this conversation, but I've been told otherwise.
Si pudiese probar que tú eras responsable de algo de eso no estaríamos teniendo esta conversación pero se me ha dicho otra cosa.
Knowing what you've kept from her... I wouldn't recommend putting her love to the test.
Sabiendo lo que le ha ocultado no le recomendaría poner su amor a prueba.
Well, I wouldn't date anyone I worked with, and outside of work, I've never met a woman who could understand why I do what I do.
No saldría con nadie que trabajo y fuera del trabajo nunca conocí a una mujer que entienda lo que hago.
You know, Dr Cox, I wouldn't mind all the crap you've been giving me if I was actually doing anything.
Sabe, Dr. Cox, no me molestaría todo lo que me ha dicho, si realmente yo estuviera haciendo algo.
I wouldn't mind but my Padraig could've been married to Mag rather than to the daughter of Néirin ofthe Rotten Feet.
Bien se podría haber casado mi Pádraig con Mag, y no con Ia hija de Nóirín Pies Podridos.
Well, you wouldn't know it, sir. Everyone here looks very sharp.
Pues no se nota, se les ve bastante espabilados.
Well, mom, since you wouldn't let us take you to a drive-through, we've come here to Winky's, a fine eatery just off I-85.
Bueno, mamá, como no nos dejaste llevarte a una ventanilla de auto-servicio, vinimos aquí, a Winky's, un aceptable restaurante justo a la salida de la I-85.
Kind of hard to say what it wouldn't have an effect on if you've no idea what's there to affect.
es difícil saber que no tiene efectos secundarios si no tienes idea que es lo que hay que pueda ser afectado.
Like they wouldn't care for the money I've transferred... into your Cayman account over the last year.
Así como no les gustaría saber de todo el dinero que transferí a su cuenta en las Islas Caimán el año pasado.
Carlinhos, you should've told her that back at my house... at that dinner. That way, Marilda wouldn't suffer so much.
Carlinhos, entonces, debiste habérselo dicho en mi casa... durante la cena, porque entonces Marilda no se hubiese dolido tanto.
And, you know, I believe we would''ve won this thing if Ivy wouldn''t have been so, you know, evil.
Y, ya sabes, creo que hubiéramos ganado esta cosa si Ivy no hubiera sido tan, ya sabes, malvada.
Well, I guess you wouldn't fall in a barrel of titties and come out sucking your thumb.
Se ve que, habiendo tantas tetas, no acabarías chupándote el dedo.
I-I wouldn't expect her to forgive me, but I could hope she could at least... see I've changed.
No esperaría que ella me perdone pero podría esperar que ella al menos vea que he cambiado.
And I missed her today, if we were still together she would've shot me dead a long time ago, and I wouldn't have gone through hell!
¡ Hasta hoy! ¡ Y hoy la extrañé porque de seguir con ella, me habría matado hace mucho tiempo y no habría vivido el infierno por el que me hizo pasar!
You wouldn't believe some of the stuff that I've uncovered.
No creería algunas de las cosas que he descubierto.
- You've been fighting? - I knew you wouldn't understand.
- ¿ Has estado peleando?
I've had so many animals, you wouldn't believe it.
He tenido tantos animales, no lo creerías.
World might've ended, I wouldn't know'cause we've been going at it two days.
Puede ser el fin del mundo y no lo sabría porque llevamos dos días teniendo sexo.
But you've progressed to the point you wouldn't benefit from that at all.
Pero has avanzado al punto en que podrías no salir del todo beneficiado.
You'd think after all I've been through, having your parents split up wouldn't be such a big deal.
Uno pensaría que después de todo lo que me ha pasado, la separación de mis padres no sería para tanto.
Should've known trashing that crappy little rag wouldn't stop her.
Debí haber sabido que arruinarle esos harapos no la detendría.
I've got so many children, with a car that small... I wouldn't know what to do.
Tengo tantos hijos, con un auto así de pequeño... no sabría qué hacer.
All I'm saying is that if they would've tried a little harder, then maybe Calleigh wouldn't be
Todo lo que digo es que si tan solo se hubieran esforzado un poco, tal vez ahora Calleigh no estaría desaparecida.
And just for the record, I wanted to spend yesterday with my husband, but you stupid boys wouldn't stop competing even though you've already won!
¡ Y para que sepas, ayer quise pasar el día con ml esposo, pero los estúpidos no paraban de competir aunque ya hablas ganado!
Well, that would've ruined the surprise, wouldn't it? Hey, come on, Sarah. Relax, have a good time.
Vamos, relajate, diviertete
You've been as horny as hell... But you wouldn't give up your load.
Has estado demasiado excitado pero no quieres liberar la carga.
We've been, collectively considering the question of Why an eligible man wouldn't ask a smart, funny, Strong, beautiful woman for her phone number.
Hemos estado, de forma colectiva, considerando la pregunta de por qué un hombre elegible no pediría a una inteligente, divertida, fuerte y bonita mujer por su número de teléfono.
If we all did rhoades together, then laroche would've hadhis own skin in the game, and we wouldn't be havingthis conversation right now.
Si todos hubiéramos hecho lo de Rhoades Laroche tendría en juego su pellejo y no estaríamos teniendo esta conversación ahora.
You apologize. If you had gone to one stupid movie with her instead of ignoring her, Then she wouldn't have dragged your life into my life.
Tu disculpate si hubieses ido a una estupida pelicula con ella en vez de ignorarla entonces ella no hubiese arrastrado su vida dentro de la mia solo ve y arreglalo
It probably wouldn't have changed all these feelings that I've been having lately anyway.
No creo que hubiese cambiado... estos sentimientos que vengo teniendo últimamente.
If the damn insurance company would've screened my daughter a year ago, we would've started the chemo then. And then the cancer wouldn't have spread through her entire body.
Si la maldita compañía de seguro no hubiera fastidiado a mi hija hace un año, estaríamos comenzando la quimioterapia, y entonces el cáncer no se hubiera esparcido por todo su cuerpo.
# I've been in some situations where y'all wouldn't come back #
He estado en situaciones que ustedes no sobrevivirían
Plus I've got staff hassles like you wouldn't believe.
Ademàs tengo muchos problemas con el personal.
Yeah, I mean, I've often thought that I might try my hand, but... I wouldn't ever dare.
Con frecuencia pensé que podría intentarlo, pero nunca lo hice.
Wouldn't mind a kick around. I've got my daps on.
No me importaría dar unas vueltas traigo zapatos deportivos.
Well, I wouldn't dream of imposing- - you've been so generous to our people already... what's the problem?
Bueno, no soñaría con imponerme, habéis sido tan generosos con nuestra gente... ¿ Cuál es el problema?
So, you had a lot of birds that probably wouldn't have made it through their first winter if they've had to feed for themselves.
Entonces, tú tienes un montón de aves que probablemente no podrían haber atravesado su primer invierno si hubieran tenido que alimentarse por sí mismas.

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