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Yong's перевод на испанский

126 параллельный перевод
You've killed the wrong person, he's not Shi Yong Shan
Ha matado a la persona equivocada, él no era Shi Yong Shan.
Then where's Shi Yong Shan?
¿ Y Shi Yong Shan?
I can see they like each other very much that's why I didn't say anything
He notado que ellos se quieren mucho, por eso no le he dicho a mi hijo... que eres Shi Yong Shan.
The one who's standing in front of you is Shi Yong Shan
El que está justo a tu lado es sin duda Shi Yong Shan.
And nobody gets near Yong when Tanaka's around
Y nadie llega a Yong si Tanaka está cerca.
Xiao Yong's getting married tomorrow?
¿ Xiao Yong se casa mañana?
Our Teacher Kim Gab Yong's teeth are all going to be dropping off.
A nuestro Maestro Kim Gab Yong se le van a caer los dientes.
Where's Regan and his pal, um, Egg Foo Yong?
¿ Dónde están Regan y su amigo... el "Foo Yong"?
Golden Swallow burnt Sheng's castle And killed my brother Sheng Yong
Golondrina Dorada quemó el Castillo Sheng y mató a mi Hermano Sheng Yong.
He's with He Da Yong they are talking about something
Esta con He Da Yong. Estaban hablando sobre algo.
Besides, I learned a long time ago that if you tell Magnum what's going on, you'll end up with egg foo yong on your face.
Además, aprendí que si le dices a Magnum lo que sucede, terminarás cubierto de huevos foo yong.
Sam's been protecting me from Yong
Sam me está protegiendo de Yong.
Sam's tough enough, but Yong..
Sam es demasiado para Yong.
Yong's bodyguard
El guardaespaldas de Yong.
That was Yong's limousine
Era la limusina de Yong.
It's Li Hark-Yong, not Lee Hack-Ken.
Ocupaos de ello. ¿ Qué?
Depart for the Nam-Youm, that's an order!
Salida hacia Nam-Yong es una orden!
Tomorrow is Xiao Yong's wedding.
Mañana es la boda de Xiao Yong.
It's Xiao Yong who sends me here.
Es Xiao Yong quien me envía aquí.
Here's a message from Xiao Yong :
Aquí tengo un mensaje de Xiao Yong :
Xiao Wu. Have you heard about Xiao Yong's marriage?
Xiao Wu. ¿ Te has enterado de la boda de Xiao Yong?
Youngho, let's pray.
Yong-Ho. Recemos.
Yong-ho, he's a true punk. Give it up.
Yong-ho, ese si que es un macarra Abandona
She's shacked up with Yong-ho. They even got their own place!
Ella está con Yong-ho Incluso tienen su piso!
My name's Koh Yong-Man.
Me llamo Koh Yong-Man.
A right-hand man of Gang Yong-gu, one of Kunsa's drug distributors.
Es la mano-derecha de Gang Yong-gu, uno de los distribuidores de droga de Kunsa
For Officer Yong's new career!
Por la oficial Yong y su nueva carrera.
Kim Yong... what's-his-name, the president of North Korea.
Kim Yong... no sé cuánto, el presidente de Corea del Norte.
This is the son of Yong Cheng Jewellery's boss His name is Fire
Fire, hijo de un magnate joyero.
The son of Yong Yi International Liang Jinkang is called JoeKwan He's just finished school in America
Su madre es japonesa. Joe Kwan trabaja para su madre.
Yong-man's son, Min-seok, will grow up without a father, just like us... and bear a grudge against us forever.
Los hijos de Yong-man y Min-seok crecerán sin padre, al igual que nosotros... y nos guardarán rencor toda la vida.
- Kum-Yong Girls'high school - Who's that?
- Secundaria de Chicas Kum-Yong - ¿ Quien es esa?
Okay, Yong-Jo, let's go outside, okay?
¿ Ok, Yong-Jo, salgamos, Ok?
After what happened to Nastia Liukin and Wei Wei Yong yesterday and Mina Hoyt today, it's safe to say the athletes are sending the judges a message.
Después de lo que pasó con Nastia Liukin y Wei Wei Yong ayer, y Mina Hoyt hoy, las atletas han enviado un mensaje a los jueces.
And Yong-shik's wife is from the Philippines, isn't she?
Y la mujer de Yong-shik es de Filipinas, ¿ no?
When I write I would subconsciously put myself into Yong Lin's character
Cuando escribo, inconscientemente me meto dentro del personaje de Yong Li.
History of Hwang Shin Yong's stem cell lab at the National
Registro de Hwang Shing Yong de Células Madre en la Universidad
Cinematography MOON Yong-sik ( K.S. C )
Cinematografía MOON Yong-sik ( K.S.C )
directed by KIM Yong-hwa it's my voice that makes people happy.
Es mi voz la que hace feliz a la gente.
Yong Joo Oppa's uncle, hello.
Hola, tío de Yong Joo Oppa.
No, Yong Joo Oppa's grandma really dislikes me.
No, no le gusto a la abuela de Yong Joo Oppa.
Yong Joo Oppa's grandma really dislikes me.
No, no le gusto a la abuela de Yong Joo Oppa.
It's Yong Joo Oppa!
¡ Es Yong Joo Oppa!
Let's have a big hand for Yong Kyunge.
Un fuerte aplauso para Young Kyunge.
My God! It's heard that Pang Yong killed Ziahou Ziang!
¡ He oído que Pang Yong ha matado a Xiahou Xiang!
This is Kim Yong-soo's son.
Este es hijo de Kim Yong-soo.
Yong-su. Did you recently steal a wallet from a guy's shirt?
Yong-su, ¿ recientemente robaste una cartera del saco de un chico?
Get ready, Yong -'s...
Yong-su, prepárate.
Titanium and Indian ink were found on Hong Yong-taek's body.
Encontraron titanio y tinta de la India en el cuerpo de Hong Yong-taek.
That's funny. Little did I expect that the skill I learned at Shang Jie Yong's home would become the very first weapon used in my quest to defeat him.
Llegué a dominar esta gran hazaña... porque cuando era joven... recibí entrenamiento especial con sangre y lágrimas... en la posada de la familia de Bu Po Shang.
There's something you better get right.
No esperé que la habilidad que aprendí en casa de Shang Jie Yong... se convertiría en la primera arma usada para vencerlo.

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