You and your sister перевод на испанский
2,174 параллельный перевод
All I know is, when you and your sister were growing up you ate what we ate, no excuses.
Todo lo que sé, es que tú y tu hermana comían lo que comíamos nosotros. Sin excusas.
You and your sister filled your packs, right?
Tú y tu hermana llenaron sus mochilas, ¿ cierto?
I can't come between you and your sister, okay?
No puedo interponerme entre tú y tu hermana.
You and your sister are homozygote carriers of the factor V Leiden mutation.
Tú y tu hermana sois portadores homocigóticos de la mutación del factor de V Leiden.
Alessandro, that is not humor nor envy, but a direct insult upon you and your sister.
Alessandro, eso no es ni gracia ni envidia, sino un insulto directo para ti y para tu hermana.
What's going on with you and your sister?
¿ Qué pasa con tu hermana?
Just to look at you- - You and your sister.
Simplemente mirarte... A ti y a tu hermana.
My son, it was so beautiful just to look at you and your sister.
Hijo mío, fue tan hermoso verlos a ti y a tu hermana.
Look, maybe it was a mistake to call you, but you and your sister came after me, remember?
Mira, tal vez llamarte haya sido un error pero tú y tu hermana vinieron a buscarme, ¿ recuerdas?
Listen... you and your sister, you will always remember your mother.
Escucha... tú y tu hermana... recordaréis siempre a vuestra madre.
You and your sister have made me look like a clueless idiot.
Tu hermana y tú me habéis hecho parecer una idiota.
You and your sister should come more often.
Tu y tu hermana deberían venir más seguido.
So, what do you and your sister do to amuse yourselves around here?
Entonces, que hacéis tu hermana y tú para divertiros por aquí?
I am still glad we sent you and your sister to holy family - -
Aún agradezco haberlas enviado a ti y a tu hermana a la Sagrada Familia.
When you're finished interfering with your sister, come and have a go at the men of Pendragon!
¡ Cuando termines de divertirte con tu hermana ven a enfrentarte a los hombres de Pendragon!
"Remember that I am devoted to your sister and you and sparing you inconvenience..."
"Recuerda que me dedico en cuerpo y alma a ahorrarte molestias..."
William... it seems that your sister has given you a life... and a future at the cost of her own.
William, parece que tu hermana te ha dado una vida y un futuro a costa de la suya.
- You say another word, old man, and I will rip your head off your shoulders. Now, Chris, I can certainly understand your love for your sister.
Chris... entiendo que quieras a tu hermana.
Me and your ma, we... we have something to tell you about your sister.
Tu madre y yo, nosotros... tenemos algo que contaros sobre vuestra hermana.
A friend who was best friends with your sister, and who's now living with you.
Una amiga que era mejor amiga de tu hermana, y quien está viviendo contigo ahora.
And, you know, the best part about having a little sister is if you do worry and you do struggle, she's always there for you - - just like your mom's always been there for me.
Tu mamá volverá a casa muy rápido. Y la mejor parte de tener una hermanita es que si tienes preocupaciones o problemas, siempre estará para ayudarte... como tu mamá siempre lo ha estado para mí.
You can go on and get out of here, And we can wait for that girl I hear is your hot sister To get drunk enough so we can audition her ourselves.
Puedes quedarte aqui esperando a que la chica que oi es tu hermana este sufientemente borracha para hacernos una audicion.
You behave brazenly with Alfonso D'Este under the gaze of our Lord Jesus, your new sister-in-law and your husband.
Te comportas descaradamente con Alfonso D'Este... bajo la mirada del Señor Jesús, de tu nueva cuñada y de tu esposo.
I slept with your sister, and you slept with my brother.
Me acosté con tu hermana y tú con mi hermano.
And I'm certainly, as your best friend, no one I would recommend as a boyfriend. And that sucks, because you... might be carrying my baby, and I'm in love with your sister.
Y como tu mejor amigo no me recomendaría como novio y eso apesta porque tú puedes estar esperando mi bebé y estoy enamorado de tu hermana.
And you take him to your sister's wedding.
Y lo llevas a la boda de tu hermana.
And you've got your sister now, haven't you?
Eso está bien. Y tienes a tu hermana ya, ¿ no?
Hey, guys, uh Me and your ma, we... we have something to tell you about your sister.
Oigan, chicos, su mamá y yo tenemos algo que decirles sobre su hermana.
I'm your sister's doctor, and... you're in, uh, an emotional state, and, um, i... it would be inappropriate, you know?
Soy el doctor de tu hermana, y... estás en, un estado emocional, y... podría ser inapropiado, ¿ sabes?
And I'm really glad you didn't kill your sister.
Y estoy realmente contento de que no mataras a tu hermana.
Well, we know that you've begun court proceedings with your attorney here for the ball, but your, uh, father and sister suggested that we have a casual chat, maybe see if we can sort this out.
Bueno, sabemos que habéis iniciado un proceso con vuestro abogado por la pelota, pero vuestro padre y vuestra hermana nos sugirieron que mantuviéramos una charla, por si podemos solucionar esto.
It baffles me that you're not capable of walking away from being a cop yet you're completely fine with walking out on me and your little sister.
Me desconcierta que no eres capaz de ir más lejos que ser policía Aún estás completamente bien para alejarte mí y de tu hermanita.
Look, if this is your way of going back in time and saving your sister, you gotta deal with this in your therapist's office, not by making me your little project.
Mira, si esta es tu manera de retroceder en el tiempo y salvar a tu hermana, vas a tener que tratar esto en el despacho de tu terapeuta. no convirtiendome en tu pequeño proyecto
I realise that you have come home after a difficult time..... and you have every right to want your home to yourself, and every right to have your sister to yourself.
Me doy cuenta de que ha regresado a su casa después de tiempos difíciles y tiene todo el derecho de querer su casa para usted, y el derecho de tener a su hermana para usted sola.
And, uh, you have been a rock for your sister all throughout her pregnancy, and now you're throwing her a surprise baby shower.
Y has sido como una roca para tu hermana durante todo el embarazo y ahora le estás organizando un "baby shower" sorpresa.
I mean, look at you- - you took your sister's two kids in, turned your life completely upside down, and every day you work tirelessly to make the city a better place to live.
Quiero decir, mírate... acogiste a los dos hijos de tu hermana, le diste un vuelco total a tu vida, y trabajas incansable cada día para hacer de la ciudad un lugar mejor en que vivir.
Carlton, you need to get your robe on and take over the keyboard for Sister Shirese.
Carlton, tienes que ponerte tu túnica y quitarle el teclado a la Hermana Shirese.
Your sister is waiting for you down. I am going and listen we are paying..
tu hermana esta esperando por ti abajo escucha, nosotros pagamos a..
And you are not gonna ruin your sister's birthday.
Y no vas a arruinar el cumpleaños de tu hermana.
You're back in the probe and off on a mission on which we have no investigative jurisdiction to protect your little sister.
Estás de nuevo en el Probe y en una misión en la cual no tenemos ninguna jurisdicción para proteger a tu hermana.
Andi, you can see That your sister and jack are worried about you.
Andy, puedes ver que tu hermana y Jack están preocupados por ti.
Now, look. You have to take care of your mother, and you have to take care of your sister.
Debes hacerte cargo de tu madre, y debes cuidar a tu hermana.
And you and your brother and your sister and all of her children.
Y tú y tu hermano, y tu hermana y todos sus hijos.
But lorraine is your sister, and you made her a promise.
Pero Lorraine es tu hermana, y le hiciste una promesa.
Peter will stay with the children, you and I will take your sister to the hospital.
Peter se quedará con las niñas, y tu y yo llevaremos a tu hermana al hospital.
Thought you might be able to get your sister to turn off the alarm and let us out for a dip.
He pensado que podrías hacer que tu hermana apagase la alarma para que pudiéramos darnos un baño.
They brought your sister here so that Peter could kill her and become the Alpha, and that's why you're going to help me.
Trajeron a tu hermana aquí para que Peter pudiera matarla y convertirse en el Alfa, y por eso vas a ayudarme.
Yes, your sister was severed into pieces and used as bait to try to catch you.
Sí, tu hermana fue cortada en trozos y usada como cebo para capturarte.
I will kill you tonight, Ser, pack your head in a box and send it to your sister.
Voy a mataros esta noche, Ser. Meteré vuestra cabeza en una caja y se la enviaré a vuestra hermana.
Rumors span from the tip of Sicily to the doors of Notre Dame, that both you and your brother have had incestuous relations with your sister.
Los rumores se extienden desde Sicilia hasta las puertas de Notre Dame, de que vos y tu hermano... han mantenido relaciones incestuosas con vuestra hermana.
Can you please call me back and tell me where your sister keeps it, okay?
¿ Puedes llamarme y decirme dónde guarda tu hermana el ordenador? Llámame.
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your brother 31
you and your family 21
you and your wife 27
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your friend 16
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your brother 31
you and your family 21
you and your wife 27
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your friend 16
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i both know that 16
you and i together 16
you and mr 71
you and dad 20
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i both know that 16
you and i together 16
you and mr 71
you and dad 20
you and 111
you and her 39
you and your 24
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and you 80
you and him 50
and your sister 50
you and her 39
you and your 24
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and you 80
you and him 50
and your sister 50