You can't have it перевод на испанский
3,281 параллельный перевод
- Sir, you once said to me that you can't have it all, and I thought... to hell with him.
- Senor, una vez me dijo que no se puede tener todo, y pense... al diablo con el.
- Why can't you have it all?
- ¿ Por qué no puedes tenerlo todo?
Well, you can't have it, Cam!
Bueno, ¡ no puedes tenerla, Cam!
Some of the smaller planes don't always have transponders, so you can see them on the radar, but it takes longer to identify them.
Algunos aviones pequeños no siempre tienen transponedores, así que pueden verse en el radar, pero demora más su identificación.
It can't have a bearing on what you do for me.
No puedo dejar que afecte a lo que haces por mí.
It can't have a bearing on what you do for me.
No puede tener relación en lo que haces por mí.
It's like a club for millionaires where if you have to ask, you can't afford it.
Es como un club de para millonarios donde si usted tiene que preguntar, no se puede permitir.
Look, you can't say something like that and expect it to have no impact.
Mira, no puedes decir algo así y esperar que no tuviese repercusión.
Mario, one of the things that you'll have to work on, since you can't convey emotions through your eyes, you have to do it through your body, and you have to figure out how that will work for you and for us, going forward.
Mario, algo sobre lo que debes trabajar más ya que no puedes comunicar emociones a través de tus ojos, debes hacerlo a través de tu cuerpo, y debes descifrar cómo funcionará para ti y para nosotros, en el futuro.
I know I can't have a real relationship with anybody else until I do, but every relationship I've ever been in has just been to kill time until my turn comes around again, and it will, I know it will. ( GRUNTS IN FRUSTRATION ) I'm not afraid of falling in love with you.
Sé que no puedo tener una relación de verdad con nadie más hasta que lo haga, pero cada relación que he tenido ha sido solo para matar el tiempo hasta que mi turno regrese de nuevo, y lo hará, Sé que lo hará.
( gallery murmuring ) Whether I would have loaded it the next day or the day after that, I can't tell you.
Si la habría cargado al día siguiente o el de después, no lo sé.
As with most electric cars, underneath here is a great big slab of batteries, and you can plug those into a socket at your house or your office and recharge them and then you have a range of 50 miles - which doesn't sound very good, does it?
Como en muchos coches eléctricos, debajo encontramos un gran bloque de baterías, y puedes conectarlas a un enchufe en tu casa o en tu oficina y recargarlas consiguiendo una autonomía de 80 kilómetros lo cual no suena muy bien, ¿ verdad?
Anyway, obviously, Justin and I can't do the run, so, hey, it means you and Max will actually have a shot, so good luck.
De todas formas, obviamente, Justin y yo no podremos hacer la carrera, así que eso significa que tú y Max tendréis una oportunidad, así que, buena suerte.
You can have all the people in the world beside you, but if you don't have God in your soul, it's for nothing.
Puedes tener a todas las personas del mundo a tu lado, pero si no tienes a Dios en tu alma, no te sirve de nada.
And if you don't have him, or even worse, you have somebody else, it's better that you don't come at all, cause you can bother the other ones who do have him.
Y si no lo tienes, o peor, tienes a alguien mas, es mejor que no vengas, porque podrías molestar a aquellos que si lo tienen.
If I can't find believe me, I wouldn't have come to you if it wasn't my last choice.
Si no encuentro el dinero... Si tuviera otra solución no vendría a ti.
If I can't have access to that box, you are going to open it and you're gonna tell me how much money he's got stashed in there.
Si no puedo acceder a esa caja, vas a abrirla tú y vas a decirme cuánto dinero ha escondido ahí dentro.
But I don't want her if it means that I can't have you... be my drummer.
Pero no la quiero si eso significa perder... a mi batería.
Just because you have special access to me doesn't mean you can abuse it.
Sólo porque tengas un acceso especial a mi no significa que puedas abusar.
Well, it's a good thing, because you are trained to follow a trail whether one exists or not, and if you can't come up with a trail, you have nothing to do.
Eso es bueno, porque está entrenado para seguir un camino exista o no, y si no encuentra un camino, no tiene nada que hacer.
"You can't have children with this, they'll shoot it up their nose."
"Tú no puedes tener hijos con esto, se lo dispararían sobre la nariz."
I have people down there! You can't blow it yet!
No, tenemos gente ahí, no pueden hacerlo explotar.
Tell me about it. You don't have to eat grilled cheese sandwich in a can.
Tú no tienes que comerte un sándwich de queso tostado en una lata.
I was so naive and didn't have anybody at that point in my life, whether it was coaches or agents, older people, mentors, that told me, "We can help you out."
Yo era muy ingenuo y no tenía a nadie en mi vida, ni entrenador ni agente, gente mayor o mentores que me dijeran : "Podemos ayudarte".
We all have to agree on it Because you can't do it unless We all agree.
Todos tenemos que estar de acuerdo porque no se puede hacer a menos que todos estamos de acuerdo.
I mean, you don't know until it Plays out but there's no point In going into a merge if you Have somebody who can't be Trusted.
No lo sabremos hasta que se resuelva. Pero no hay razón para entrar en una fusión si tienes a alguien que no se puede confiar.
Isn't it tough to not have anyone you can really talk to?
¿ No es duro no tener a nadie con quien realmente hablar?
They can't have sex with women so they got to find another way to stick it to you.
No pueden tener sexo con mujeres así que tienen que encontrar otra forma de jorobarte.
It's difficult because you can't see the master menu from your menu. You have to search for the items that are on the master menu in the giant bowls of cape this are in the middle of the yard.
Tienes que buscar los objetos que están en el menú principal dentro de los grandes boles de salsa que hay en medio del jardín.
Shane, you have just can't get nervous. It has to be like graceful.
Shane, no debes ponerte nervioso y estresado, tienes que estar en estado de gracia.
I can't remember how long it's been since the last time you called me to have dinner.
No puedo recordar cuánto tiempo pasó desde la última vez que me llamaste para cenar.
I can't tell you the nature of it- - you have no need to know.
No puedo decirte la naturaleza del asunto... no necesitas saberlo.
If you don't have money, you can work for it!
¡ Si no tienes dinero, puedes trabajar!
You can't have sex in a bathtub. It doesn't work.
No puedes coger en la bañera, no funciona.
We also don't have time, I'm afraid, to show you The Stig going round in the M5 but we can tell you he did it in a 1.29.2.
Y me temo que tampoco tenemos tiempo para mostraros a The Stig corriendo con el M5, pero os podemos decir que ha hecho un tiempo de 1 : 29.2.
I can't decide...... if you're an evil git or if it's actually quite... flattering and romantic that you'd go to such lengths and piss so many people off so massively just to have an excuse to come and see me.
No puedo decidir... si eres un bastardo maldito... o si realmente eres un... adulador... y romántico que llega al extremo... de enojar mucho a tanta gente... sólo para tener una excusa para venir a verme.
It can hear you, you don't have to talk so close.
Te escucha, no tienes que hablar tan cerca.
If you go through "I want that but I CAN'T have it" to "I CAN have it but I don't want it", there's a massive paradigm shift.
Se comienza a pensar que quieres algo, pero no puedes, en lugar de pensar que se puede tener, pero no ambos, el último es un cambio de paradigma enorme.
No, I... I can't, Caroline, you have to do it.
No, no puedo, Caroline, tendrás que hacerlo tú.
I just think it's sad that you can't be honest with a man who, as far as I can tell, is the closest thing you have to a friend.
Solo que pienso que es triste que no pueda ser sincero son un hombre que, por lo que he visto, es la cosa más cercana a un amigo que usted tiene.
You can't let it drag you down. You have to think of the kids. I need to go.
No puedes dejar que te arrastre, ¡ Hay que pensar en los niños!
But no, you can't find someone that you told to run away. And... You have to come back and tell me how it's going
Pero no puede ser alguien a quien le digan que huya y deben volver aquí a contarme cómo les está yendo.
It's not totally true because, Allison, if I can't have you, no one can!
No es del todo cierto, Allison, porque si no puedo tenerte, ¡ nadie puede!
And you can tell that guy that he can't have it!
¡ Y puedes decirle a él que no lo puede tener!
You can't have it!
¡ No lo puedes tener!
All I know is you don't have a trash can this morning, so it must've been bad.
Todo lo que sé es que no tienes un basurero ahora, así que tuvo que haber estado mal.
Look, Mike, it's... it's hard wanting something, or someone, that you just can't have.
Mira, Mike, es... es duro querer algo o alguien que no puedes tener.
Everything you might have hidden until then... you can't hide it anymore. Shared storage is quite a pragmatic system. as well.
Las objetos que habias podido ocultar antes estarán a simple vista con el matrimonio. creo que es muy romántico.
Esas cosas que te sucedieron, si puedes recordarlo, no tendrás que temer nunca más.
You don't know what kind of clashes can... can develop, although I suspect that it would have been okay.
No sé que tipo de desacuerdos pueden pueden desarrollarse aunque sospecho que habría estado bien.
That doesn't mean you can have two now to make up for it.
Eso no significa que ahora tengas dos para compensarlo.
you can't have it all 17
you can't have it both ways 50
you can't be serious 595
you can't miss it 64
you can't 4106
you can't beat me 46
you can't kill me 112
you can't beat that 16
you can't fool me 70
you can't understand 78
you can't have it both ways 50
you can't be serious 595
you can't miss it 64
you can't 4106
you can't beat me 46
you can't kill me 112
you can't beat that 16
you can't fool me 70
you can't understand 78
you can't go wrong 20
you can't make me 84
you can't stop me 130
you can't help me 85
you can't leave me here 50
you can't do it 187
you can't be here 274
you can't go alone 18
you can't tell anyone 96
you can't come in 95
you can't make me 84
you can't stop me 130
you can't help me 85
you can't leave me here 50
you can't do it 187
you can't be here 274
you can't go alone 18
you can't tell anyone 96
you can't come in 95