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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ Y ] / You should have told us

You should have told us перевод на испанский

151 параллельный перевод
You should have told us when you made us the offer.
Debiste haberlo mencionado al hacernos la oferta.
Oh, you should have told us.
Debió decírnoslo.
You should have told us Quanah was your cousin.
¿ Por qué ocultó su parentesco?
Oh, Albert, you should have told us.
Albert, debía habernos avisado.
You should have told us your new address.
Debiste habernos dicho tu nueva dirección.
- You should have told us.
- Tú debías decírselo antes.
Eddie, you should have told us if you were going to the movies.
Eddie, debiste avisarnos que iban al cine.
You should have told us whose house this was in the village.
Debió decirnos de quién era esta casa en la aldea.
You should have told us yourself.
Tenías que habérnoslo dicho.
You should have told us what we were getting into.
Debió habernos advertido en qué nos metíamos.
You should have told us you were destitute.
Kate, Kate, Kate, debiste decirnos que estaban indigentes.
You should have told us.
Deberías habérnoslo dicho.
If you weren't getting anything out of college and wanted to drop out... you should have told us and not tried to hide it like a kid.
Si no te gustaba la universidad y querías abandonarla... debiste decírnoslo y no hacerlo a escondidas como una niña.
- You should have told us.
- Debiste decírnoslo.
You should have told us all this as soon as Nicos was killed.
Debió decirnos esto apenas Nicos fue asesinado.
You should have told us.
Debería haber dicho.
You should have told us about this when they first arrived!
¡ Debieron de habérnoslo dicho cuando ellos llegaron!
You should have told us about this Rick and Anita movie.
Debió decirnos sobre esta película.
You should have told us that Erica was this badly damaged.
Debió haberme dicho que Erica estaba tan dañada.
You should have told us!
¡ Debería habernos hablado de eso! ¡ Estafador!
Peter, you should have told us.
Peter, deberías habérnoslo dicho.
And you should have told us that we were building this house
¡ Y tú deberías habernos dicho que estamos construyendo esta casa
- You should have told us.
- Tenías que haberlo dicho.
You should have told us you had a boat.
¡ Tienes un barco! No vamos a ninguna parte.
You should have told us.
Debiste habernos dicho.
You should have told us you didn't eat.
Debiste decirnos que no comías.
You should have told us that we're still in Starburst.
¡ Nos dijiste que aun estábamos en medio del "Estallido"!
You should have told us, Max.
Debiste decirnos, Max.
You should have told us.
Debiste decírnoslo.
You don't think you should have told us about this before we came?
¿ No crees qué deberías habérnoslo dicho antes de venir?
You should have told us immediately.
Debiste decirnos de inmediato.
You know, you should have told us about Carol, Byers.
Deberías habernos contado sobre Carol.
You should have told us, Jennifer.
Deberías habérnoslo dicho, Jennifer.
- Yes. - You should have told us!
- ¡ Tuviste que decírnoslo!
You should have told us.
Tendrías que haber hablado con nosotros.
You should have told us. We'd have made a sextet.
Hubiéramos hecho el sexteto.
- You should have told us.
- Cómo no nos dijo nada.
- I told you, we should have taken provisions with us!
¡ Te dije, debimos traer provisiones! ( Sra. Loiseau
According to all you told us, and to all calculations... we should have located the mine two days ago.
Según todo lo que nos dijo y todos nuestros cálculos... debimos encontrar la mina hace dos días.
You should have told us.
- ¡ Habérnoslo dicho!
I should have told you that a long time ago without any jokes. I should have said the words because I know now that the love we hold back is the only pain that follows us here.
Debí decírtelo hace mucho tiempo... sin bromas, debí decir esas palabras... por qué ahora sé qué... el amor reprimido es el único dolor que nos sigue hasta aquí.
You should have told us you were coming here.
Lyuba, ¿ por qué no lo dijiste de donde venías?
I told you. We should have forced them to stay with us.
Deberíamos haberlos obligado a que se quedaran con nosotros.
- Oh. You should have just told us. We would have arrested them.
Si nos hubieras dicho, los hubieramos arrestado.
Something you really should have told us about, man.
Para algo que nos deberías haber dicho.
I should have told you. lwasjust afraid that I lost us some business maybe.
Debí decírtelo. Tenía miedo de que hubiéramos perdido algún trabajo.
Look, Pete, I should have told you about us.
Mira, Harry. Debería haberte contado de nosotros.
You're right. He should have told us about the beams.
Nos debería haber dicho lo de las columnas.
You should have told us this.
Tendrías que habérnoslo dicho.
But I've told my partners I'm out. And I'll confirm your story should you decide to take legal action. And if you ask me, you'll have a very strong case against all of us.
Pero les dije a mis socios que me abría y confirmaré tu historia si decidieras iniciar acciones legales y, si me lo preguntas tendrás un caso muy fuerte contra todos nosotros.
Look, there's something I should have told you about us.
Mira, hay algo que te debería haber contado de nosotros.

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