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You would know that перевод на испанский

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Well, if you had read the whole thing, you would know that there's one device the FBI left out.
Si lo leyeras entero, sabrías que hay un dispositivo que el FBI deja fuera.
And if you weren't so ignorant, and you cracked a book every once in a while, you would know that goat's milk, it's lactose free.
Y si no fueras tan ignorante, y estudiaras de vez en cuando, sabrías que la leche de cabra no tiene lactosa.
I mean, I just thought,'cause you're creative that you would know that I'm creative.
Pensé que como tú eras creativo, sabrías que yo también lo soy.
And I know in my heart that you would be a great father to your little sister.
Y sé de corazón que serías un gran padre para tu hermana pequeña.
We want to know if you know anyone who would do that, and why.
Queremos saber si sabe de alguien que haría eso y por qué.
How'd you know that I would turn back?
¿ Cómo sabías que volvería?
But I don't think that even he would attack the precinct, so we're gonna keep you here until we know one way or the other.
Pero no creo que vaya a atacar todavía la comisaría, así que vamos a mantenerte aquí hasta que encontremos alguna solución.
You know, somehow he manipulated her charts so I wouldn't notice that she would have an allergic reaction to the very treatment that I prescribed.
Usted sabe, de alguna manera manipuló sus cartas para no darse cuenta de que ella tendría una reacción alérgica para el tratamiento que me recetaron.
I would never hurt you, and you know that.
Nunca te haría daño y lo sabes.
And by the third, I remember, you're my best friend, and that if anything ever happened to you I would lose my mind, so, yes, Bonnie, I do know how long 3 seconds are.
Y en el tercero, recuerdo, que eres mi mejor amiga, y que si alguna vez algo te pasara me volvería loco, así que sí, Bonnie, se como de largos son tres segundos.
You knowing things that I would want to know.
Que tú sabes cosas que yo querría saber.
Still, don't you think that's something I would've wanted to know?
Aún así, ¿ no crees que es algo que querría haber sabido?
And you know the only place I would have heard that.
Y sabe que solo hay una persona de quien he podido escucharlo.
I love you, and I would do anything to undo the choices I made now that I know their outcome, but I can't.
Te quiero, y haría cualquier cosa para deshacer las decisiones que tomé ahora que conozco su resultado, pero no puedo.
( SIGHS ) ~ Dad, are you sure? ~ She would be pleased to know that her granddaughter had got it.
- Ella estaría encantada de saber... que su nieta lo tuviera.
Jesus Christ, Terry, I would... I would never do anything to screw you guys, you gotta know that. What the hell is the matter with him?
Por Dios, Terry, yo nunca haría nada que os jodiera, tienes que saberlo. ¿ Qué coño le pasa?
No, no, no, you didn't say... no, you didn't say anything,'cause that would require using words, uh, you know, to articulate a thought.
No, no, no, no has dicho... no, no has dicho nada, porque eso requiere usar palabras, ya sabes, para expresar un pensamiento.
And he says, "Well, jeez, I come home and I hoped " that everything would be, you know, normal,
"Vuelvo a casa esperando normalidad"
But I want you to know that I would never try to replace your mom.
Pero quiero que sepas que jamás intentaría reemplazar a tu madre.
- No, I mean, you know what would be fun- - even more that that- - is if we took a picture right here, and I could have my hand on this cabinet.
No, quiero decir, ya sabes lo que sería divertido... incluso más que eso... es que si nos tomamos una foto aquí, y pude tener mi mano en este gabinete.
Well, that's not how I would have put it, but I know you were mad at me for ruining blooper time, so I did all your paperwork.
Bueno, no es así como me he puesto, pero yo sabía que estabas enojado conmigo por arruinar tiempo blooper, así que hice todo el papeleo.
You know, I think that Betty also realised at that very moment that had her best friend been honest with her, told her the truth..... then her sister Carol would still be alive.
Sabe, creo que fue en ese mismo momento cuando Betty se dio cuenta que si su mejor amiga hubiera sido sincera, diciéndole la verdad... su hermana Carol aún estaría viva.
You should also know that if I hadn't effected the repairs, the system would have completely in a matter of days, crippling the ship.
También debe saber que si yo no había efectuado las reparaciones, el sistema tendría completamente en cuestión de días, paralizando la nave.
What makes you think I would wanna know that?
¿ Qué te hace pensar que sería quieres saber eso?
I just don't know what would make you think that.
Solo que no sé qué te ha hecho pensar eso.
( Bruce ) How, what? Shh, shh, shh. I can't believe you would order that when you know that I'm lactose intolerant.
¿ Cómo, qué? No puedo creer que pidieras eso cuando sabes que soy intolerante a la lactosa.
Do you know what that would mean?
¿ Sabe lo que eso significaría?
Look, Leiva, you know that I would follow you into hell,
Mira, Leiva, sabes que iría hasta el infierno por ti.
And it would break his heart to know that his death was the reason why you were throwing your life away.
Y eso le rompería el corazón. Saber que su muerte fue la razón por estás desperdiciando tu vida.
You know, I never would've thought that my love of churros would've led me this close to the gates of hell.
Saben, nunca hubiera pensado que mi amor por los churros... me hubiera llevado tan cerca de las puertas del Infierno.
How did you know that would work?
¿ Cómo sabías que eso funcionaría?
Benjamin Franklin said that you would know how to reverse the Traveler Spell.
Benjamin Franklin dijo que sabrías cómo invertir el Hechizo del Viajero.
I didn't know that you would wear those worn-out sweats again.
No sabía que ibas a usar ese podrido traje abrigador de nuevo.
I know what it is like to look back on days that you would rather forget, but if we don't act now, there will be darker days to come.
Sé lo que significa recordar un pasado que difícilmente podrá olvidar pero si no actuamos ahora, vendrán días mucho más oscuros.
I don't know why that next fetus wouldn't turn into you, or me, and what would be lost to the world if it were to be aborted.
No sé por qué el próximo feto no se podría convertir en ti, o en mí, y por qué el mundo se lo tendría que perder si fuera abortado.
You know, I had a vision of what this product would look like. And you carried it out and exceeded my expectations in a way that...
Vaya, tenía una visión de la apariencia del producto, pero tú lo has creado superando todas mis expectativas de una forma que...
But the ones that aren't, you know that if they ever used a computer, it would have been a Mac.
Pero quienes no viven, sabes que si hubieran usado una computadora, habría sido una Mac.
He really changed his tone at that point, because it would affect the sales of the current model, which is kind of disappointing, you know?
Él cambió su tono en ese momento, porque afectaría las ventas del modelo actual, que es un poco decepcionante.
How the hell would you know that?
¿ Cómo demonios lo sabes?
How would you know that?
¿ Cómo lo sabes?
But, you know, the kid's terrible-looking so I can see why none of that would matter.
Pero, sabes, el chico es bastante feo así que entiendo porque nada de eso importaría.
I just want to make a couple of minor tweaks, you know, that any couple would want to do.
Solo quiero hacer un par de ajustes menores, sabes, eso que cualquier pareja quisiera hacer.
I know she was expecting that you would be encouraging. She really expected it.
Sé que ella hubiera deseado que Ud. la hubiera alentado.
You know, when we spoke to Sam Poteet, he said that no one would be able to protect Tyler once the army mobilized.
Sabes, cuando hablamos con Sam Poteet... dijo que nadie podría proteger a Tyler si el ejército estaba movilizado.
You know, I have fought with that woman my entire life, but if something actually happened to her, I would be a mess.
Ya sabes, he luchado toda mi vida con esa mujer, pero si le pasara algo a ella, yo sería un desastre.
If I could make it stop, I would, you know that.
Si pudiera hacer que pare, ya lo sabes.
What I know, you impudent toad, is that if a servant dared speak to me in my palace, I would have him sewn into a burlap sack filled with rats, and the sack thrown into the river.
Lo que sí sé, sapo insolente, es que si un criado se atreviera a hablarme en mi palacio, haría que lo metieran en un saco de arpillera lleno de ratas, y lo tiraría en el río.
You know, I always thought that I'd write a book that would make people see sports differently, like Moneyball or Seabiscuit.
Tu sabes, que siempre quise escribir un libro que haría a la gente ver diferente los deportes, como Moneyball o Seabiscuit.
Is there something more that you would like us to know?
¿ Hay algo más que le gustaría que supiéramos?
Manchester, no, you know, this is the BBC, it think it would be idiotic to go to Manchester, I mean, that would be just stupid.
Manchester, no, ya sabes, somos de la BBC, creo que sería estúpido ir a Manchester, sería simplemente una idiotez.
Listen, um..... I know I said I didn't want to talk about Betsy and I understand why you didn't tell me, but to be honest, I just would've liked to have known because I'd hate for you to have to deal with a bombshell like that.
Escucha... sé que dije que no quería hablar de Betsy... y entiendo por qué no me lo contaste, pero para ser sincera, me hubiera gustado haberlo sabido... porque odiaría que tuvieras que soltar una bomba como esa.

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