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Ziyal перевод на испанский

43 параллельный перевод
Besides, Ziyal is a friend of Kira's and I wouldn't play around with her if I were you.
Además, es amiga de Kira. Yo no me metería con ella.
Listen closely. I don't know what kind of sick game it is you're playing with Ziyal but it better stop and it better stop right now.
No sé a qué estás jugando con Ziyal, pero será mejor que lo dejes.
So, are you canceling your date with Ziyal?
¿ Vas a anular tu cita con Ziyal?
I'd had visions of Ziyal presenting my head to her father as a birthday gift.
He tenido visiones de Ziyal entregándole mi cabeza a su padre.
Isn't it obvious? If Ziyal planned to kill me Kira would not be trying to warn me away.
Si Ziyal planease matarme, Kira no me habría advertido.
I talked to Ziyal.
He hablado con Ziyal.
You may not believe this, Major but when it comes to Ziyal I regret nothing.
Aunque no me crea, en cuanto a Ziyal no me arrepiento de nada.
Ziyal, what your father wants from me is forgiveness.
Ziyal, tu padre quiere mi perdón.
Ziyal, do you see the phase compensator in the backup plasma manifold?
Ziyal, ¿ ves el compensador en el colector de plasma?
Hang on, Ziyal. Help's on the way.
- Espera, Ziyal.
There's still Ziyal.
Queda Ziyal.
- lt's one of Ziyal's paintings.
- Es una de las pinturas de Ziyal.
Tell me something, Ziyal.
Dime una cosa, Ziyal.
I do regret them, Ziyal...
Me arrepiento, Ziyal...
- Ziyal!
- ¡ Ziyal!
- lt's about my daughter. - Ziyal?
Se trata de mi hija.
Ziyal, listen.
Ziyal, escucha.
Kira? What about Ziyal?
¿ Qué hay de Ziyal?
- What did you do to Ziyal?
- ¿ Qué le has hecho a Ziyal?
Yes. I want to know exactly what went on between you and Ziyal.
Quiero saber exactamente lo que ha ocurrido entre tú y Ziyal.
Perhaps it would be best, for her sake, if Ziyal were confined to quarters.
Por su propio bien talves, seria mejor, que Ziyal fuera confinada a su abitacion. Porque razon?
- Ah, Ziyal.
- Ah, Zyial!
We have to leave here, Ziyal, before the Federation arrives.
Tenemos que irnos de aquí Zyial, Antes que llegue la flota de la federación.
Ziyal, it's all right. lt's all right.
Zyial! Estás bien... Estas bien...
- Ziyal, I forgive you. lt's all right.
Estas bien Zyial - Te perdono. Estas bien!
Ziyal, please hear me. I love you.
Zyial, por favor escúchame! Te amo.
I love you, Ziyal.
Te amo Zyial.
- ln the infirmary with Ziyal.
Esta en la enfermería, con Zyial.
We'll go back to Cardassia, Ziyal.
Regresaremos a Cardassia Zyial.
Come along, Ziyal.
The Cardassian Institute of Art has decided to exhibit three of Ziyal's drawings.
El instituto de arte cardassiano ha decidido exhibir tres dibujos de Ziyal.
Ziyal would be disappointed to hear you say that.
A Ziyal le decepcionaría oírla decir eso.
Weyoun the dark prince, Gul Dukat the deposed king, Damar the pretender and Ziyal the innocent princess he murdered.
Weyoun es el príncipe malvado, Dukat el rey destronado, Damar el aspirante y Ziyal la princesa inocente asesinada.
I don't hold you responsible for Ziyal's death.
No te responsabilizo de la muerte de Ziyal.
I never got a chance to tell you how sorry I am about Ziyal.
Nunca he podido decirle lo mucho que siento lo de Ziyal.
The good doctor encourages me to talk about Ziyal whenever possible, since it was her death... that brought on my momentary instability.
El doctor me anima a hablar de Ziyal siempre que pueda, ya que fue su muerte... Io que causó mi desequilibrio momentáneo.
Ziyal was a very special young woman.
Ziyal era una joven excepcional.
When he killed Ziyal, he murdered an innocent girl.
Asesinó a Ziyal, una niña inocente que yo consideraba como de mi familia.
¡ Ziyal!
Odo, this is Tora Ziyal.
- Odo, le presento a Tora Ziyal.

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