And now it's over перевод на французский
529 параллельный перевод
And now it's all over.
Voilà - c'est fini.
There's a trail I've followed for over 3,000 miles now, and I'm headin'back to pick it up again and follow it to the end.
J'ai battu la marche sur plus de 4000 kilomètres. Je vais maintenant à leur poursuite et suivrai leurs traces jusqu'au bout.
But they're crazy about it in Harlem and now it's going over in the Bronx.
Je sais, mais ça fait fureur à Harlem et dans le Bronx.
And now since the escape, it's started all over again.
Depuis son évasion, tout a recommencé.
And now it's over.
Maintenant, c'est fini.
Now it's all over and I've got to get to work.
C'est fini, maintenant et je dois travailler.
And why should you go now that it's all over, and I need you? - Why? Why?
Pourquoi partir, lorsque tout est fini et que j'ai besoin de vous?
And now, it's over.
C'est tout.
Well, now it's all over and I feel the way I did when they took the bands off my teeth.
Maintenant, tout est terminé, et je me sens comme quand on a retiré mon appareil dentaire.
And right now, she's splitting her sides over it.
Et présentement, elle doit bien rire à y penser.
- It certainly is. It's been over ten years since you quit over that accident, and now you're here having fun with everyone.
Plus de 10 ans ont passé depuis votre démission due à l'accident.
First, you thought it necessary to take over my fiancé's career, and now you're trying to take over my fiancé.
Vous prenez en mains mon fiancé, plus seulement sa carrière!
Now that it's all over, who was the senior partner and who was the junior partner?
Qui a été majoritaire et qui minoritaire?
Oh, but it's all over now, and I'm glad of it.
Mais c'est fini, et j'en suis content.
And I'm sorry it's all over now "
Etje suis triste que ce soit fini "
Now are we well resolved, and by God's help and yours, the noble sinews of our power, France being ours, we'll bend it to our awe... or lay these bones in an unworthy urn... tombless, with no remembrance over them.
Nous sommes résolus, avec l'aide de Dieu et la vôtre, nobles muscles de notre puissance, la France étant à nous, elle se pliera devant nous ou nous déposerons nos os dans une urne indigne, sans tombeau, ni mémorial.
It's important. Well, then I'll come over now and see you.
Je passe chez toi.
And if you want to have it a pleasant dinner, let's get our harsh words over with now.
Si tu veux avoir un souper agréable, engueulons-nous immédiatement.
It's 2 : 15 now and I'll be over there no later than 3 : 00.
Il est 2 h 15. Rendez-vous à 3 heures.
And it's gonna open pretty soon now, because Smith's on his way over here.
Et elle va s'ouvrir très bientôt... parce que Smith s'en vient ici.
That one over there bought me a sandwich and a cup of coffee, and now he's sore because he figures it's money thrown away.
Celui-là m'a offert un sandwich et un café, mais il est mécontent d'avoir gaspillé son argent.
That's the point. I know nothing. And now you behave like it's over between me and Maria.
Le problème est que je ne sais rien Et maintenant, tu fais comme si, avec Maria et moi, tout était fini
Michele, we made Nardo come over for the festival and now it seem she's obsessed with cinema.
Oh! Toi, Nardo, avec ton festival! Il est fou de cinéma, maintenant!
For four years - and now it's over - for four years I've invited the guests and provided the entertainment and cleaned up the dirt and paid off the waiters and paid off the cops and paid off the papers and paid off the guests
Mais c'est terminé. Pendant quatre ans, j'ai convié les invités, fourni les divertissements, nettoyé derrière, payé les serveurs et les policiers, payé les journaux et les invités.
Now that it's over, you get your fellow... to take you around and show you our country.
Dites à votre époux de vous faire visiter notre pays.
And they're your friends now it's over, ain't they?
Et ce sont vos amis, maintenant que c'est fini, pas vrai?
Now look, Edward, I don't know what's come over you... but Mrs. Rath was pretty confused toward the end, and you know it.
Écoutez, Edward, je ne sais pas ce que vous avez... mais Mme Rath n'avait plus les idées claires, les derniers temps.
Let's go now and get it over.
Allons-y et finissons-en.
Calme-toi et allons-y... et peut-être qu'on pourra en reparler après l'exposition.
And now that it's over, I don't know everything seems so far away, so difficult to recall.
Et maintenant que j'ai fini, je ne sais pas tout me semble si loin, si difficile.
Let's blast him right now and get it over with.
Descendons-le maintenant qu'on en finisse.
It was the most difficult of my tasks and now it's over I want to forget it.
... ce dernier travail fût le plus difficile. Mais ne parlons pas du passé...
Of course, sometimes it gets to boiling over mad, but most of the time it's just real lazy and slow, like now.
Parfois, il s'agite, mais il est calme et paresseux, la plupart du temps.
And now that she's lost him she can't get over it
A présent qu'elle les a plus Elle crache dessus!
But Atticus, he's gone and drowned his dinner in syrup... and now he's pourin'it all over.
Mais Atticus, il a noyé son diner dans le sirop... et maintenant il en verse partout.
Now, I've made a list here and I'd appreciate it if you would... He's gonna be a great ball player if he gets more control... over where that ball goes.
Ce sera un excellent joueur, s'il apprend à se maîtriser.
And now it's beginning all over again
Et voilà que cela recommence encore.
It's hard to say right now, because one would have to drive all over town, observe everything that's going on, in all quarters of Algiers, Belcourt, Bab El Oued and elsewhere, to know exactly where we stand at the moment.
* - C'est dur à dire. Il faudrait faire le tour de la ville, se rendre compte de tout ce qui se passe dans tous les quartiers d'Alger, à Belcourt, à Bab El Oued, pour savoir exactement où on en est maintenant.
And it's all over now.
Tout est fini, maintenant.
Now today's newspaper, we place it on top and turn it over.
Le journal du jour... On le place dessus et on retourne.
My dear boy, it's over and done with. Now lets forget it!
Mon cher garçon, c'est de l'histoire ancienne.
Now, Louis, what happened with your knickers at Carnegie Hall, well, it's all over and done with.
Louis, quoi qu'il soit arrivé au Carnegie Hall, c'est du passé.
We're ready now. No no no no no no! One tiny jab, and you'll know no more about it until it's all over.
Une petite piqûre et tu ne sentiras plus rien jusqu'à ce que ce soit fini.
After all, nobody now objects to the church, since our emperor is surrounded by high-ranking clergy and since it's been proved over and over again that the poor need the spiritual comfort of the priests.
Après tout, personne ne reproche plus rien à l'èglise depuis que notre empereur s'est entouré du haut clergé et qu'on a maintes fois prouvé que les pauvres avaient besoin du confort spirituel des prêtres.
You still believe that it's possible to unite mankind when already you see how the few idealists who did join together in the name of harmony are now out of tune and would like to kill each other over trifles?
Vous croyez qu'il est encore possible d'unir l'humanité mais voyez déjà que les quelques idéalistes, réunis au nom de l'harmonie, sont à prèsent en désaccord, et s'ètriperaient pour des broutilles?
And it's all over now.
C'est fini?
Now, I know that you're loyal, Darrin but it's time Larry turned over his surfboard to you and let a younger man ride the wave of the future.
Darrin, vous êtes un homme loyal, mais il est temps que Larry vous passe son surf et laisse un jeune homme chevaucher la vague du futur.
It's over by the door, now get it and get out.
Prês de la porte.
Now, there's 120 Sun Domes scattered over 1 1 continents on this stinking planet, and if we find one, one Sun Dome, we've made it.
Il y a 120 Dômes du soleil. dispersés sur les 11 continents de cette foutue planète. et si on en trouve un, un Dôme du Soleil, on est sauvés.
It's like he said now, we should all go out and try to swing as many as possible over.
Bientôt. Comme il l'a dit, il faut en lever le plus possible.
But it's done, and I'm over it now.
Mais maintenant, je m'en fiche.
and now 4728
and now you know 21
and now look at you 30
and now i do 31
and now i know 37
and now you're here 41
and now it's your turn 20
and now you 88
and now we're here 21
and now here you are 25
and now you know 21
and now look at you 30
and now i do 31
and now i know 37
and now you're here 41
and now it's your turn 20
and now you 88
and now we're here 21
and now here you are 25