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And there's something else перевод на французский

221 параллельный перевод
I hardly think so, and there's something else I wanna bring to your mind.
Je ne pense pas. J'ai autre chose à vous dire.
Yes, and there's something else I've been trying to tell you all evening, and now you'll never know.
Oui, et j'ai passé la soirée à vouloir t'annoncer autre chose. Maintenant, tu ne le sauras jamais.
There's death there for me, and life for something else inside me that isn't me.
La mort m'attend là-bas. Et la vie pour quelque chose en moi qui ne m'appartient pas.
And there's something else now. I won't end up like a louse.
Y a autre chose.
And, Joe, there's something else I sure want you to get a gander at. Around a place like this, there's always a lot of confusion about bushes and trees.
Et, Joe, pour s'y reconnaître... dans toutes ces plantes...
And there's something else that's wrong.
Et il y a un autre problème.
And don't forget there's something else, sir. My wife was one of the victims.
En outre, ma femme compte parmi les victimes!
- It's no trouble to be wasteful. And there's something peculiar about a man who orders supper when he's someplace else.
Et comment peut-il savoir ce que je veux manger?
And there's something else you better know.
J'ai autre chose à vous dire.
And there's something else she's thinking of.
Elle pense aussi à autre chose.
And there's something else too.
Et il y a autre chose.
And there's something else...
Et il y a quelque chose d'autre...
And now there's something else I can't say.
Et maintenant, il y a quelque chose d'autre.
Uh-huh, and there's something else too.
Autre chose aussi.
And there's something else you should Know about traveling salesmen. You kill me.
Ils invitent souvent des inconnues dans les bus sur leurs notes de frais.
And yet, there's something else in your face. I've seen it before.
Et cependant, il y a autre chose dans votre visage que j'ai déjà vu.
And there's something else we want you to know.
Sachez aussi une chose...
And there's something else, and this is even more important.
Il y a autre chose. De bien plus important.
And there's something else, too.
Et il y a encore autre chose.
And there's something else, too.
Et il y a aussi autre chose.
And there's something else.
Et il y a autre chose.
And there's something else. All this seems to date from that day two months ago... when Midwich was cut off from the rest of the world.
En plus... tout cela date du jour où Midwich fut coupé du monde.
And there's something else, very important.
Et il y a une autre affaire importante.
And then there's something else.
Et puis, y a autre chose.
And there's something else.
Et il y a plus.
And Captain, there's something else.
Capitaine, il y a autre chose.
And there was something else... they ordered him out of town... in Action B...
Puis, quelque chose s'est produit. On l'a chassé de la ville.
And if you don't understand plain English... maybe there's something else you will understand.
Et si c'est pas assez clair, alors je te l'expliquerai d'une autre façon!
And... there's some - thing else something I just can't understand...
Une autre chose me tracasse. Dis voir.
And there's something else even worse.
Il y a plus grave :
- And there's something else...
- Et il y a autre chose.
And now there's something else again what I'm doing here.
Et maintenant je fais autre chose...
And there's something else.
Et ce n'est pas tout.
And there's something else, too.
Et il y a quelque chose d'autre, aussi.
And there's something else.
Et puis, il y a autre chose.
And there's something else I wish to complain about.
Il y a autre chose dont je voudrais me plaindre.
"He broke his twice, " and there's something else, I don't know, something spooky about your eyes. "
"Il l'a cassé deux fois et aussi, tes yeux ont quelque chose de bizarre."
And there's something else...
Et il y a autre chose.
I know I said some pretty insulting things the other day... and, today, there's something else I'd like to say.
Je vous ai insulté l'autre jour, mais je voudrais vous dire autre chose.
And there's something else you can be pretty sure of... if we don't get to her, she'll have killed again.
Et il y a autre chose dont on peut être sûr... Si on ne la trouve pas, elle aura encore tué.
And while I'm at it, there's something else.
Et pendant que j'y suis, il y a quelque chose d'autre.
And there's something else, Ivan Arnoldovich, be on the lookout, as soon as there is a suitable corpse take it straight from the table, place it into the nutritional fluid and bring it to me.
Dès qu'un cadavre convenable est à disposition, les organes dans le formol et chez moi.
And there's something else, there's someone in the castle besides us.
Et ce n'est pas tout. Je sens une présence étrangère dans ce château.
And there's something else I don't understand.
Il y a autre chose. Je ne comprends pas.
And there's something else Santa Claus brought.
- Et il y a autre chose... - Oh non!
There's something else, Doc, the way Ms. Goren was found... you know in her underwear and all?
On a trouvé Mlle Goren avec ses sous-vêtements.
But I saw the chest today and the atelectasis is almost gone. There's something else going on.
J'ai vu sa radio, elle ne fait plus d'atélectasie.
And then... there's something else...
Et puis... il y a quelque chose d'autre...
Grey 13, Level B. And there's something else.
Secteur Gris 1 3, niveau B. Et ce n'est pas tout.
Well, I'd ask if there was something else she'd rather do and discuss an alternative.
Eh bien, je demanderais s'il y a autre chose qu'elle voudrait faire... et on discuterait de cela.
And there's something else. What?
Et il y a encore plus significatif.

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