Apart from that перевод на французский
659 параллельный перевод
Apart from that, she is healthy and is doing well, as far as a woman in Paramatta can.
Elle va aussi bien que faire se peut à Paramatta.
Apart from that, there's hardly any comparison between you.
A part ça, il n'y a aucune comparaison avec vous.
And apart from that, do you mean to tell me that if you wanted to commit suicide, you would go to all the trouble of putting out to sea in a boat, and then take a hammer and chisel and laboriously knock holes through the bottom of it?
Et puis, quand on veut se suicider, est-ce qu'on se fatigue à aller en mer et à trouer sa coque?
Apart from that, what do I owe you?
Je vous dois combien?
And apart from that
Et autrement...
Apart from that I love this hotel with its conservative clientele.
Et en plus, j'adore cet hôtel avec son publique conservatif.
He's rotten politically, but apart from that he cured you of typhoid and liver colic true?
Chef, ça y est! Tu as vu Cagnola? On commence quand?
Of course, he was only 12 and didn't have any moustache then, but, apart from that, I see no reason why it shouldn't be Harry.
Il n'avait que 12 ans à l'époque et pas de moustache. Mais il n'y a aucune raison que ce ne soit pas lui.
- only the setting of the mechanism. Apart from that, our work is finished.
II ne nous reste plus qu'à armer le mécanisme.
Apart from that and telling us a few rather pathetic lies about his past life, which most of us do from time to time anyway, I can't see what he's done to justify being thrown into the street.
A part ça et le fait d'avoir menti sur son passé, ce que nous faisons tous de temps en temps, je ne vois pas ce qui justifie son expulsion.
Apart from that, you are content Yes.
- Content à part cela? - Oui.
Apart from that, it will be quite straightforward
Pour éviter une réaction douloureuse au liquide.
Apart from that, like any other day.
À part ça, c'est la routine.
Apart from that, we have a great deal in common.
A part ça, on a beaucoup en commun.
Apart from that, I'm just gonna sit back and watch Seab Cooley light up the sky.
Je regarderai Seab Cooley mettre le feu aux poudres!
Apart from that, the Senate doesn't finance exports.
Ça m'étonnerait qu'il soutienne une société d'exportation.
Now I'll settle your account with the garage... but apart from that, there'll be no more money.
Je parlerai au garage, mais sinon, plus d'argent.
Yes, he looks like a fish with red lips, I'll admit. But apart from that, what's the matter with him?
Il n'est pas très décoratif, mais que lui reproches-tu?
Apart from that, an honest man. With a taste for morality, chambermaids..
C'est ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler un grand honnête homme.
Apart from that, the ship's stuffed to the gunwales with this stuff.
et en plus, le bateau est bourré de cela!
You tried to kill me and destroy this entire planet. Apart from that?
Vous avez tenté de me tuer et de détruire cette planète.
Apart from that, young man, I'm quite willing to accept you at your face value.
En outre, jeune homme, je suis tout à fait disposé à vous accepter à votre juste valeur.
- Seen any other action, apart from that?
- Et le vrai combat, vous connaissez?
Well, all I can say is... The first thing we got to do is to find out who saw somebody, apart from Druce, anywhere near there at half-past one that morning.
Alors il faut d'abord savoir... qui a vu quelqu'un d'autre que Druce... à 1 h 30 ce matin-là.
It's the golden mark that henceforth sets you apart from the world... beyond the reach of any one man to have and to hold.
Elle est le signe qui vous sépare dorénavant du commun des mortels, qui vous éloigne à jamais de tout homme amoureux de vous.
Captain Bligh, apart from the conversation you overheard was Mr. Byam's previous conduct such that you believe him guilty?
Excepté ces propos que vous avez surpris... l'attitude de M. Byam vous fit-elle penser qu'il pût être coupable?
And apart from all that, Mother, I think I've developed a social consciousness.
A part ça, je crois avoir développé une conscience sociale.
Apart from the fact that I wouldn't let him build a chicken coop for me... I'd still like to know why I'm to be called Captain McGlue. - Of all the nincompoopish –
- Mis à part le fait... que je ne lui laisserais pas me construire un poulailler... j'aimerais savoir pourquoi je dois m'appeler le capitaine McGlue!
Miss Pringle said someone released the mice from the cage that during the night sometime and she found the cage torn apart.
Mlle Pringle? Elle a dit que quelqu'un avait libéré ses souris, à un moment. La cage a été brisée.
Apart from my bit of nonsense, the curious thing is that all of you, even Sally, seems to have had one of these extraordinary experiences.
Il est curieux de constater que nous avons tous eu ce genre d'expériences.
Oh, yes, they've been very fair about that, apart from trying to sell me their concrete foundations.
Oui. Ils m'ont déjà dédommagée. Ils ont voulu me vendre leur béton mais j'ai refusé.
Nevertheless, I'm prepared to swear that there's someone else psychic in this room apart from myself.
Je jurerais qu'il y a une présence psychique ici.
I had always hoped that music had a certain moral and antiseptic power quite apart from its obvious engorgement of the senses which elevated and purified its disciples... - lifting them out of professions like this infamy - You're just hurt I can see it
Je lui prêtais un pouvoir édifiant qui, en dehors de rassasier les sens, élevait et purifiait ses disciples, les préservait de professions aussi infamantes.
My dear girl, apart from painting, my major occupation is convincing husbands that i'm harmless.
Après la peinture, ma principale occupation est de convaincre les maris que je suis inoffensif.
Apart from this, we've got our freedom, that's all.
Sortis de ça, on a notre liberté, c'est tout.
But why should that set him apart from the people he's working with?
Mais pourquoi cela le dissocierait-il des gens avec qui il travaille?
It seems that apart from his organization, he imports personal supplies, books and documents for his studies, it was assumed.
Il semble qu'en-dehors de son organisation, il fasse venir du matériel personnel- - des livres et des documents pour ses études, paraît-il.
He has his own rooms apart from the rest of the castle only reached through that door.
Il a ses appartements séparés du reste du château, communiquant avec cette porte.
Apart from your theories, the fact is that you like money.
Malgré vos théories, une chose est certaine. Vous aimez l'argent.
Apart from the fact that Nice was italian, right?
A part le fait que... Nice était italienne, oui ou non?
Then he came over here to the butts. And who apart from yourself would know that he was coming over to the butts?
Quand avez-vous vu M. Reynolds pour la dernière fois?
Well, apart from the stuff in the showcase, there's nothing here, and that's a change.
C'est rare, d'habitude c'est plein.
In any case, I didn't think he was in any danger. But the interesting thing is that apart from Ito, the wrestling promoter, only my two bodyguards and yourself knew I was going to the Baths last night.
Ce qui m'intrigue, c'est que, hormis l'organisateur, seuls mes deux gardes du corps et vous saviez que je venais.
Is there any purpose to this visit... apart, that is, from interrupting my work?
Cette visite, a-t-elle un autre but... à part celui d'interrompre mon travail?
Apart from taking the responsibility of giving the job to a Negro, I couldn't dismiss the possibility that I could've been wrong.
A part prendre la responsabilité de donner le poste à un Noir... je ne pouvais pas ignorer la possibilité que je pouvais me tromper.
Apart from the fact that you are not a woman, but a girl.
Sauf que tu n'es pas une femme, mais une gamine.
100 fathoms? Apart from being mad, he must've been a superman to get down that far.
C'était un vrai champion s'il a atteint cette profondeur!
" Hold apart from this world, that its lust corrupt thee not.
Garde-toi de ce monde, afin que luxure ne te corrompe...
It is a bond that mustn't be broken. Apart from mental illnesses and the likes.
S'il y a union, il faut que ça dure, sauf pour les malades mentaux...
Apart from the confusion that reigns on this desk that I've mentioned already, you behave like an outsider here.
En dehors du désordre qui règne sur ce bureau, J'ai déjà eu l'occasion de le regretter, vous vous comportez comme un étranger.
So I beg you to help me. Apart from the fact that I and I don't know! Do something.
Étant, aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît faire quelque chose...
apart from anything else 18
apart from you 38
apart from 22
from that day on 36
from that moment 18
from that moment on 36
from that 25
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
apart from you 38
apart from 22
from that day on 36
from that moment 18
from that moment on 36
from that 25
that 10639
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that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
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that's great work 19
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that's awesome 830
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that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20