As of right now перевод на французский
781 параллельный перевод
So, as of right now, you're out of business.
Aussi, à l'heure actuelle, t'es hors circuit
It's off, as of right now.
J'annule l'attaque.
Well, here's the situation as of right now.
Voilà la situation.
- As of right now.
- Au milieu de la pièce.
You're fired, as of right now
Vous êtes viré.
As of right now, I am cancelling out on my support - financial and every other way.
A partir d'aujourd'hui, je vous retire mon soutien, qu'il soit financier ou autre.
We're overdue as of right now.
Nous voilà en retard, désormais.
Oh, yes. As of right now, he'll grow a little bit older each day, like any little boy.
A partir de maintenant, il grandira, chaque jour un petit peu plus, comme tous les enfants.
I quit as of right now.
Je démissionne. Maintenant.
You're re-enlisting as of right now.
Vous rempilez sur-le-champ.
As of right now, I'm making it my affair.
Et bien maintenant, j'en fais mon affaire.
Now, now, look here. You'll just have to learn that a man who's worked as i have, risen as i have, and who knows the world is the proper judge of what's right and wrong.
Un homme qui a travaillé comme je l'ai fait... qui s'est élevé, connaît la vie, est seul juge de ses actes!
All right, we're through as of now!
À compter d'aujourd'hui, tu n'es plus rien pour moi!
Now here's as nice a Sunday as they turns out anywhere... and nobody making the right use of it.
Un si beau dimanche et personne n'en fait bon usage.
I'd like that fine, but you've got enough responsibilities right now with the hospital bills and Paul out of work.
J'aimerais bien, mais pour le moment t'as assez de soucis... les frais d'hôpital, Paul sans travail...
Now, if there is such a word as "measle" it's the singular of "measles," is that right? Or am I too rash?
Si mot le "oreillon" existait, ce serait le singulier d'oreillons, n'est-ce pas?
Well, I might as well shake that guy out of my hair right now.
Je ferais mieux de lui régler son compte maintenant.
So go back there right now, and as soon as the empress is asleep, you order the guard out of the palace. Order everybody out. Clear the whole place.
Allez-y et dès que l'impératrice dormira, ordonnez aux gardes de quitter le Palais.
Right now do as I say. Get back in the hole... all of you.
Pour l'instant, vous m'obéissez.
You wanted a deal... you're right on top of it... and now you're begging out.
Tu voulais faire affaire, tu as gagné. Maintenant, tu te défiles.
- All right. Now you go and tell them that you told a lot of lies.
Va leur dire que tu n'as raconté que des mensonges.
But I thank you for that shame, because now I know that we are each of us a separate human being, Brandon, with the right to live and work and think as individuals, but with an obligation to the society we live in.
Mais je te remercie pour cela, parce que je sais à présent qu'on est tous des êtres humains différents qui ont le droit de vivre, de travailler, et de réfléchir en tant qu'individus tout en ayant une obligation envers la société dans laquelle on vit.
They have the same type of outcroppings on that range as we have here where we're getting silver right now, and I believe that if we go right in this area, we have an excellent chance of making a big strike.
Le même affleurement que nous avons ici. Si nous prospectons, nous pourrons trouver un riche filon.
As a matter of fact, there it is, coming in - Hooray! - Directly behind you right now
En fait, le voilà qui arrive, juste derrière vous.
My dear friends, I beg you, with tears in my eyes because of the emotion I'm feeling right now let me be a salesman in your company.
Et maintenant, camarades Ies yeux mouillés de ce liquide cristallin vulgairement appelé "larmes" je propose mes services... Qu'est-ce que t'as à chialer?
Yeah, funny, it is all right, As of here and now,
Tout va bien, ici et maintenant..
Right now. Tell her you intend to use me only as a doctor, at a distance of four paces.
Dites que vous notez son avertissement, que vous n'avez l'intention de me voir qu'en tant que médecin.
My contract's up tonight. All right, let's talk about a new deal, as of now.
Entendu, discutons d'un nouvel accord.
As a matter of fact, I'd like one right now.
En fait, j'aimerais en prendre un maintenant.
That kind of publicity right now can do me just as much harm as...
Ce genre de publicité peut me faire beaucoup de tort.
- As a matter of fact, right now I'm confused.
En fait, je suis troublé.
As a matter of fact, we're pulling out right now.
On va partir tout de suite.
Choose right now you can be the envy of the German Foreign Service or you can go through life as a diplomatic valet.
Choisissez maintenant vous pouvez être l'envie des affaires étrangères allemand ou vous pouvez gâcher votre vie comme valet diplomatique.
As a matter of fact, I'm expecting company right now.
En fait, j'attends quelqu'un qui va bientôt arriver.
I'm overdue right now, as matter of fact
- Je suis déjà en retard.
But as of now, no one has yet gone to the moon... to see whether Méliès was right.
Mais personne n'est encore jamais allé sur la Lune pour vérifier les dires de Méliès.
As a matter of fact, I think I'll take a swim right now.
D'ailleurs, je crois que je vais aller nager tout de suite.
Well, they can have my share of it right now, as I don't want any part of it.
Eh bien, je lui donne ma part.
As a matter of fact, I think that's all you got on your mind right now.
Vous pensez à elle en ce moment.
Now, if we could lay a swath of salt right here, making it as wide as the monoliths are tall, then, when they fell and shattered, they'd just pile up, keeping them inside the canyon.
Si on pouvait étaler une bande de sel ici, d'une largeur égale à la hauteur des monolithes, ils s'y empileraient après leur explosion, ce qui les retiendrait dans le canyon.
À partir de maintenant, d'aujourd'hui même, nous sommes à nouveau dans les années 30.
As a matter of fact, right now..
En fait, tout de suite...
Right now you've got some serious problems of your own, such as possible expulsión from school.
Vous avez vos propres problèmes pour l'instant : vous pourriez vous faire expulser de l'école.
You came here of your own free will and I hereby give you just as much freedom to speak your piece, right now.
Tu es venue ici en toute liberté. Je te donne donc la liberté de dire ce que tu as à dire.
Miss Blanche, I'll tell you right now, if that sister of yours... has gone and given you sleeping pills just to keep you quiet... while she's out doing I don't know what... I'm sure as hell gonna call the police on her.
Mlle Blanche, si votre sœur vous a donné des somnifères pendant qu'elle est sortie faire je ne sais quoi, je vais appeler la police.
Now, the following are the position signals : That means "spot girl, position in the middle of the lobby" giving customers prescribed directions as to seating arrangements, such as "stairway to your right,"
Ceci est : position de la fille dans l'entrée donnant des indications telles que :
All right, now, rapaport... betton... burnett... and the rest of you, the same as yesterday.
et le reste, la même chose qu'hier En position, allez-y les filles
Jenny, right now, at this moment... you're on top of a career you've been building for over 20 years.
Est-ce Ie moment? Quant tu es au sommet... d'une carrière que tu as mis 20 ans à construire?
No, not now. Right now, flora, as of this moment, you've got to readjust your life.
Mais maintenant, il faut que vous modifiiez votre vie.
As of right now, i am going to reap!
Maintenant, je récolte!
As a matter of fact, I don't even know how much I have on hand right now.
En fait, je ne sais même pas de combien d'argent je dispose.
as of now 184
as of yet 18
as of 54
as of yesterday 24
as of today 130
as of tomorrow 28
as of this moment 110
as of this morning 37
as of last night 20
right now 7642
as of yet 18
as of 54
as of yesterday 24
as of today 130
as of tomorrow 28
as of this moment 110
as of this morning 37
as of last night 20
right now 7642