As your father перевод на французский
2,764 параллельный перевод
I swear to you, as your father, as the Vicar of Christ,
Je te le jure, comme père, comme Vicaire du Christ,
My dad drinks too much, as your father's yours.
Mon père boit trop, comme le tien.
Now, Luke, if you are half as talented a producer as your father...
Si vous avez un peu du talent de producteur de votre père...
I remembered him laughing as your father burned...
Je me souviens de lui rigolant comme ton pére brulait
But as your father...
Mais en tant que père...
Look, your father and I were thinking about what you said, and we want to adopt your cat.
Avec ton père on pensait à ce que t'as dit, et on veut adopter le chat.
Did you ask your father?
As-tu demandé à ton père?
Ben, did your father send you over to give me a hand?
Ben, est ce que ton père t'as envoyé me donner un coup de main?
Why didn't you tell your father about the piano guy?
Pourquoi n'as-tu pas parlé à ton père du type du piano?
We were trying to move Maw Maw's trunk out to the greenhouse, and soon as I picked up my end, your idiot father decides to throw a spider on my face.
On essayait de sortir la malle de mamoune. Au moment où je la soulevais, il m'a jeté une araignée au visage.
But not as your father. We're clear on that?
On est d'accord?
- That's great, you found your father.
- T'as retrouvé ton père.
Mate, you're lucky that your father used to know my father.
Crétin, tu as de la chance que nos père se soit connu.
- What did you tell him about your father?
- Que lui as-tu dit sur ton père?
You see, hmm you gave Irina your father's watch before you ran away.
Je t'explique, tu as donné à Irina la montre de ton père avant de t'enfuir.
Now if your father drowned and you never saw his body again how come you have his watch?
Si ton père est mort noyé et que tu ne l'as jamais revu, comment as-tu eu cette montre?
Did you see your father's new car?
Tu as vu la nouvelle voiture de ton père?
There should be no problem as long as you're telling the truth and no one has removed you from your father's account.
Ça ne devrait pas poser de problème si vous dites la vérité et que personne ne vous a retiré du compte de votre père.
BENTLEY : We've been studying you as well correcting your father's software for your various limitations. That's right.
C'est vrai.
If the Holy Father is so willing to disregard my daughter, then when your daughter is of age, will he not abuse her heart as well?
S'il est indifférent envers ma fille, quand la tienne aura grandi, il en fera peut-être autant?
That you were avenging my father when you shoved your sword in Aerys Targaryen's back?
Que tu vengeais mon père quand tu as enfoncé ton épée dans le dos de Aerys Targaryen?
You're a warrior like your father.
tu as combattu un loup, tu es un guerrier comme ton père.
You only spared the girl because of the love your father bears her father.
Tu n'as épargnée la fille qu'en raison de l'amour de ton père pour le sien.
You have embarrassed the fuck out of me by not being able to father a child of your own.
Tu m'as embarrassé en n'étant pas capable de devenir père.
Your father found ways to love and care for us in this house, but I'm not sure as pope he can do the same. As pope, he can do what he wants.
Votre père a apporté de l'amour et des soins à notre foyer, mais je doute qu'il puisse en faire autant comme pape.
- How about you, Janette? Did you notice anything off about your father lately?
Et toi, Janette, as-tu remarqué un comportement inhabituel chez lui?
You are fearing for your father, hmm?
Tu as peur pour ton père, hmm?
As it please Your Grace, I ask mercy for my father,
S'il plait à votre Grâce, Je demande la miséricorde pour mon père,
And the progress she's making in her access it's as if your father intended for her to find out about the Intersect.
Vu les progrès qu'elle a faits en informatique, c'est comme si ton père avait voulu qu'elle sache tout sur Inter Secret.
Have your father given you any call?
Est-ce que tu as appelé ton père?
Hey, you read your father's letter,
Hé, tu as lu la lettre de ton père,
I told your father I'll telegraph him as soon as it's safe for him to come.
J'ai dit à votre père que je lui télégraphierai - dès qu'il pourra venir en sécurité.
You sent your father to talk to me? What?
Tu as envoyé ton père me parler?
Two people, your mother and father, were murdered ten feet above your head, and you didn't hear anything?
Deux personnes, ton père et ta mère, ont été tuées trois mètres au-dessus de toi et tu n'as rien entendu?
Your father is the last person you should be trying to impress.
Tu n'as pas besoin d'impressionner ton père.
We tried explaining it to your father a number of times as well. But he didn't listen to me and we had to pay.. .. for it through Babu's life.
Nous avons souvent essayé d'en parler à votre père... mais il n'écoutait pas et maintenant nous le payons de la vie de Babu.
Did you see your father?
As-tu vu ton père?
I think you killed your father.
que tu as tué ton père.
He says, it's your job, as a father, to deal with the problem.
Il dit que c'est ton rôle, comme père, de régler le problème.
Take your father's lead, but be your own man as well.
Suis les conseils de ton père, mais sois aussi fidèle à toi-même.
How did you win all those cases at your father's firm?
Comment as-tu pu gagné toutes les affaires au cabinet de ton père?
You embezzled money from your family, you cheated on me with an old girlfriend, - Mm-hmm. - you might be the father of Judith and Herb's baby, you didn't tell your late brother that the woman he was chasing was married to a mannequin because she gave you $ 50,000 to keep it a secret.
Tu détournes l'argent de ta famille, tu m'as tromper avec une vieille femme, tu pourrais être le père du bébé de Judith et Herb, tu n'as pas dit à ton défunt frère que la femme
Got any leads on your father?
Tu as des pistes sur ton père.
I can't believe you gave your father's private cell to the lawyer suing him.
Comment as-tu pu donner son numéro à l'avocat qui le poursuivait?
So your father just took'em all?
Ton père les as tous pris?
You said you wanted to know more about your father.
Tu as dit que tu voulais en savoir plus sur ton père.
A few nights ago, your father, who, as you know, was the best of men and the bravest of pilots, was flying home for Christmas.
Il y a quelques nuits, votre père, qui, comme vous le savez, est le meilleur des hommes et le plus courageux des pilotes, volait vers la maison pour Noël.
You have the opportunity to succeed where your father so tragically failed.
Tu as la possibilité de réussir là où ton père a échoué.
You have the opportunity to succeed in Haven where your father so tragically failed.
Tu as l'occasion de réussir à Haven là où ton père a tristement échoué.
You didn't say anything to your father, did you?
Tu n'as rien dit à ton père, hein?
Could this be the man that your father recognized as a student that he taught in medical school?
Ça pourrait être l'homme que votre père a reconnu comme un étudiant à qui il a enseigné en fac de médecine?
as your attorney 28
as your friend 86
as your doctor 24
as your lawyer 31
as your husband 16
as your maker 19
as your boss 21
your father called 16
your father is dead 32
your father would be proud 16
as your friend 86
as your doctor 24
as your lawyer 31
as your husband 16
as your maker 19
as your boss 21
your father called 16
your father is dead 32
your father would be proud 16