Before you say anything перевод на французский
634 параллельный перевод
- Listen. Before you say anything about her, you better know this.
Avant toute chose, sache ceci :
Before you say anything else, Ted, there's something I want to tell you.
Avant que tu dises autre chose, Ted, j'ai quelque chose à te dire.
Oui, avant d'en dire davantage.
- Marion, before you say anything... - What a happy coincidence.
- Avant de parler...
Before you say anything, I had to do it to stop you making a fool of yourself.
Avant que tu dises quelque chose... Je devais le faire pour que tu arrêtes de te rendre ridicule.
Before you say anything, I...
Avant que tu ne dises quoi que ce soit...
Yes, of course - Before you say anything, examine the portrait closely, the signature - and above all, the date.
Avant que vous ne continuiez, examinez le tableau de près, la signature et surtout, la date.
- Before you say anything just take a look at this.
- Eh bien, je pense... - Attends, jette un coup d'oeil là-dessus.
Mr. Hornbeck, before you say anything, Stephens wants to make a statement.
M. Hornbeck, avant de commencer, M. Stephens veut faire une déclaration.
Before you say anything else, examine the portrait.
Avant d'ajouter quoi que ce soit, examinez ce portrait.
Before you say anything, I want you to know the unicorn is gone.
Avant que tu ne dises quoi que ce soit, sache que la licorne est partie.
Before you say anything, I think the problem of Irving Bates is solved.
Je crois que le problème d'Irving Bates est résolu.
Before you say anything, I got something to clear your head.
Avant de continuer, j'ai de quoi t'éclaircir les idées.
Before the sentence, have you anything to say?
Avant la sentence, avez-vous quelque chose à déclarer?
Is there anything you've got to say before I drill you?
Tu as autre chose à dire avant que je te descende?
Have you anything to say before sentence is pronounced upon you?
Souhaiteriez-vous parler avant d'entendre la sentence?
Have you anything to say before the sentence of this court is passed upon you?
Avez-vous une déclaration à faire avant d'entendre la sentence?
Before the court arrives at a decision, isn't there anything you wish to say?
Avant que la cour ne rende sa décision, souhaiteriez-vous dire quelque chose?
Before final sentence is passed is there anything else you wish to say in your defense?
Avant que le jugement ne soit rendu, voulez-vous ajouter quelque chose pour votre défense?
Have you got anything to say before sentence is pronounced?
Avez-vous quelque chose à dire?
Have you anything to say in your own behalf... before the court pronounces sentence?
Avez-vous quelque chose à dire pour votre défense... avant que la cour ne prononce la sentence?
Most of you have sailed on the Corsair before. I don't need to say anything to you.
Vous connaissez presque tous le Corsaire.
If I could just attract Selim's attention without Hendrix suspecting anything, well, we'd have Tarzan out of that clink before you could say Jack Robinson.
Si je pouvais attirer l'attention de Selim sans que Hendrix ne soupçonne rien, Tarzan serait libéré en un clin d'œil.
Say anything, but impress it on her you've modelled before.
Insiste sur le fait que tu as déjà été mannequin.
Is there anything you wish to say to your comrade before you go?
Souhaitez-vous dire quelque chose à votre camarade?
I've never heard you say anything about it before.
Je ne t'ai jamais entendu en parler.
Have you anything to say before sentence is passed?
Avez-vous quelque chose à dire?
Emma, listen to me before you say anything.
Écoutez-moi, avant de parler.
Have you anything to say before I hang you?
Avez-vous un dernier mot?
Noah, as a friend, tell me, can Elwell dig up anything in your past... that would conceivably discredit you enough to justify... say, a hearing before a faculty committee?
Noah, en ami, dis-moi si Elwell peut trouver quelque chose qui pourrait te discréditer et justifier une audience - devant un comité universitaire?
Avez-vous quelque chose à ajouter?
Before you do anything, think about what I'd say.
Avant d'agir. Pensez à ce que je dirais.
Before we say anything else, I swear to you, I sweated blood over that review.
Je te jure que j'ai souffert en écrivant ce papier.
Before I say anything else I want to congratulate you on having done so well so far.
Avant tout, je vous félicite de vous en être si bien sortis jusqu'ici.
is there anything you want to say before...?
As-tu quelque chose à dire avant de...?
Prisoner at the bar, have you anything to say before I...?
Prisonnier, avez-vous quelque chose à dire?
Mrs. Gibbs, did Mary say anything to you before she left?
Mme Gibbs, est-ce que Mary vous a parlé avant de repartir?
You didn't say anything before
- Tu m'as pas dit comment.
Before you could say anything, he'd say "Sh", because he wants to surprise your mother.
Avant que tu ouvres la bouche, il dirait : "Chut". Il voudrait surprendre ta mère.
Is there anything you would like to say to the citizens before you depart?
JOURNALISTE : Un dernier mot - pour les citoyens avant votre départ?
Is there anything you wish to say before I pass sentence?
Avez-vous quelque chose à déclarer avant que je prononce votre condamnation?
Bartolomeo Vanzetti, have you got anything to say before the sentence of death will be passed upon you?
Bartolomeo Vanzetti, avez-vous quelque chose à déclarer avant que la condamnation à mort soit validée?
Nicola Sacco, have you got anything to say before the sentence of death will be passed upon you?
Nicola Sacco, avez-vous quelque chose à dire avant que la condamnation à mort soit validée?
Have you anything to say before I pass sentence?
Avez-vous quelque chose à déclarer avant que je prononce la sentence?
Uh, the reason I say that is because, you know, when my wife and I try to remember what happened yesterday or the day before, well, we don't agree on anything.
Ma femme et moi, quand on essaie de se rappeler ce qui s'est passé la veille, on n'est d'accord sur rien.
Listen to what he has to say before you do anything.
Ecoutez-le bien avant d'agir.
Do you have anything to say before we find you guilty?
Qu'as-tu à dire avant d'être reconnu coupable?
Is there anything that you wish to say before sentence is carried out?
Avez-vous une déclaration à faire... avant l'exécution de la sentence?
Before I pass sentence, have you anything to say?
Avez-vous quelque chose à dire avant que j'annonce mon verdict?
Sir Charles Litton, I arrest you in the name of the law, and anything you say... Before you get all worked up, there's something you must know.
Sir Charles Litton, je vous arrête au nom de la loi, et tout ce que vous direz... avant que vous continuez votre boulot, il y a quelque chose que vous devez savoir.
Si j'en juge par ce qui vient de se passer, vous ne direz rien.
before you say anything else 16
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before your time 20
before you start 24
before you were born 34
before you came 20
before you 99
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before your time 20
before you start 24
before you were born 34
before you came 20
before you 99
before you do 63
before you do that 48
before you go any further 16
before you answer 25
before you came here 17
before you ask 33
before you say no 18
before you got here 23
say anything 70
before 1084
before you do that 48
before you go any further 16
before you answer 25
before you came here 17
before you ask 33
before you say no 18
before you got here 23
say anything 70
before 1084