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But thanks for asking перевод на французский

58 параллельный перевод
I'm not pregnant, but thanks for asking.
Je ne suis pas enceinte, merci.
No, I'm fine, but thanks for asking.
Non, ça va, mais merci de proposer.
But thanks for asking.
Mais merci de me le demander.
- I'm in denial, but thanks for asking.
- Je suis dans le déni, mais c'est gentil.
Actually, Emily's a bit under the weather, but thanks for asking.
A vrai dire, Emily est un peu mal fichue, mais merci d'avoir demandé.
No, no, but thanks for asking.
Non, mais... C'est gentil de demander.
But thanks for asking.
Mais merci d'avoir demandé.
But thanks for asking.
Mais merci de demander.
But thanks for asking.
Merci de vous inquiéter.
No, but thanks for asking.
Non, mais merci de m'avoir posé la question.
Uh, kind of terrible, but thanks for asking.
Pas terrible, mais merci de le demander.
I'm afraid I can't... but thanks for asking.
Je crois que je pourrai pas... mais merci de m'inviter.
Nothing, but thanks for asking.
Rien, mais merci de demander.
"Oh, you know, husband, my day really sucked but thanks for asking."
"Ma journée a été horrible, mari, mais merci de me le demander."
It's not a conversation I ever wanted to have with my daughter, but thanks for asking, sweetie.
- C'est pas la conversation que je voulais avec ma fille, mais merci de t'inquiéter, puce.
- But thanks for asking.
- Mais merci pour la question.
But thanks for asking. Appreciate it.
Mais merci de demander, j'apprécie.
I've got things to do, but thanks for asking.
J'ai des choses à faire, mais merci quand même.
How is my baby? Hung over as shit, Mom, but thanks for asking.
Oui et elle y est encore.
But thanks for asking. That's really sweet.
Mais merci d'avoir demandé, c'est adorable.
Oh, it's atrocious, but thanks for asking.
Oh, c'est atroce mais merci de demander.
No. But thanks for asking, Carol.
Non, merci d'avoir demandé, Carol.
But thanks for asking.
Merci d'avoir demandé.
Her current husband, but thanks for asking.
Son mari actuel, mais merci de demander.
But thanks for asking, Dan.
Merci de le demander.
Nearly stoned to death yesterday, but thanks for asking.
Presque lapidé à mort hier, merci de demander.
But thanks for asking, though, Ari, you know, because at first I thought it would be kind of weird.
Mais merci de t'en soucier. J'avais peur que ce soit un peu étrange.
But thanks for asking.
Mais merci de l'avoir demandé.
But thanks for asking. Oh. Hey.
Mais merci de demander.
I got a great nanny, but thanks for asking.
J'ai une nounou génial, mais merci d'avoir demandé.
No, I'm my own salesman, so no need of a real estate agent, but thanks for asking, Sylvie.
Non je suis homme d'affaires, Donc pas besoin d'un agent immobilier, Mais c'est gentil de demander, Sylvie.
Thanks for asking, but I don't think so.
Merci, mais non merci.
Thanks for asking, Harry but lucky for me, I'm having lunch with Kimmy tomorrow.
C'est gentil de demander mais demain, je déjeune avec Kimmy.
Hey, I really don't need your protection program, okay, but thanks a lot for asking.
Mais merci quand même. Je rentre à Cuba!
So thanks for asking, Father, but no.
Donc merci de m'avoir demandé, mon Père, mais non.
No, but thanks for asking.
- Non.
- No, but thanks for asking.
Non, merci quand même.
I "m not asking for thanks, but don" t do this to me, you ingrate.
Ne me remercie pas, mais épargne-moi ca. Ingrat!
- But I'm OK, thanks for asking.
- Mais je vais bien, merci de demander.
But thanks for asking.
Mais merci de m'avoir consultée.
- Thailand, actually but the food was great. Thanks for asking.
C'était en Thaïlande, mais... on y mange bien, je te remercie.
Thanks for saying that, but asking him to go back to the thing that was the cause of so many problems...
Merci, mais lui demander de retourner à la chose qui fut la cause de tant de problèmes...
I mean, thanks for asking, but no, it wasn't a success.
Je veux dire, merci de demander, mais non, ce n'était pas un succès.
But thanks for asking.
I did, thanks for asking, but I'm a very sexual being, if you must know.
Je l'ai fait, pour tout te dire, mais je suis éminemment sensuel.
But thanks for asking.
Mais c'est sympa.
I'm fine, thanks for asking, but Gadreel is wounded,
Je vais bien, merci de demander, Mais Gadreel est blessé.
Thanks for asking, but I think this is something I have to do by myself.
Merci de demander, mais je pense que c'est quelque chose que je dois faire seule.
Thanks for asking, but...
Merci de t'inquiéter, mais...
Thanks for asking, but I don't really think of myself as much of an actor.
C'est gentil, mais je ne me vois pas jouer la comédie.

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