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Clark kent перевод на французский

545 параллельный перевод
No, no, on weekdays he's meek, mild Clark Kent.
En semaine, ils sont tous blancs!
I learn much knowledge here in convent school in Seoul.
- J'ai un cas digne de Clark Kent. - J'arrive!
Martha Clark Kent, are you listening to what I'm saying?
Martha Clark, épouse Kent, tu m'écoutes?
There's only one "P" in "rapist." Lois Lane, say hello to Clark Kent.
"Satyre" s'écrit avec un Y. Loïs Lane, Clark Kent.
Hi. Clark Kent. Nice to meet you.
Clark Kent, enchanté.
Lois, Clark Kent may seem like just a mild-mannered reporter but not only does he know how to treat his Chief with the proper respect not only does he have a snappy, punchy prose style but he is, in my 40 years in this business, the fastest typist I've ever seen.
Clark Kent est plus qu'un brave reporter. Car non seulement il respecte son rédacteur en chef... non seulement il a un style percutant... mais en 40 ans je n'ai vu personne taper aussi vite à la machine.
- Clark Kent. How do... - See you...
Clark Kent, enchanté.
You realize, of course if you'd been wrong, Clark Kent would have been killed.
Bien sûr, tu réalises que si tu avais eu tort, Clark Kent serait mort?
Must be tough being Clark Kent, isn't it?
C'est dur d'être Clark Kent?
We got Ziggy Stardust, the Mad Hatter and Clark Kent.
On a Ziggy Stardust, le Chapelier Fou et Clark Kent.
- That's Clark Kent's cousin? - Who's Clark Kent?
La cousine de Clark Kent?
Watch. ( BEEPING SLOWS ) Once the threat has been destroyed, the rage response activator shuts off automatically and Supermonkey turns back into mild-mannered Clark Kent.
Regarde une fois que la menace a été détruite, la "rage response activator" s'eteint automatiquement et Supersinge redevient peu à peu Clark Kent!
Clark Kent!
Clark Kent?
And while you're at it, fire Clark Kent.
Et flanque ce Clark Kent à la porte.
- Clark Kent.
D.J. Clark Kent.
D.J. Clark Kent.
How can they not realize that Clark Kent is Superman?
Ils n'ont pas vu que Clark Kent était Superman.
Y ou got a kind of a Clark Kent-Urkel thing jumping all over you.
Tu portes des fringues à la Clark Kent-Urkel.
Hey, butthead! Why did you end up here, man?
Hé, Clark Kent, t'as plongé pour quoi?
Clark Kent!
Clark Kent!
- Clark Kent from Smallville.
- Clark Kent de Smallville.
Jimmy Olsen, say hello to Clark Kent.
Jimmy Olsen, je te présente Clark Kent.
You'll always be Clark Kent.
Tu seras toujours Clark Kent.
Bibbo, take this and call Clark Kent at the Planet.
Bibbo, appelle Clark Kent au Planet.
Clark Kent has ajob.
Clark Kent avait un boulot.
- It's Clark Kent.
- Clark Kent.
- Is Clark Kent there?
- Puis-je parler à Clark Kent?
- Like Clark Kent.
De Clark Kent.
Yet we Clark Kent our way through the dating scene, never to use our unfair advantage.
Mais on doit draguer à la Clark Kent sans se servir de notre avantage.
Clark Kent is the secret identity of Superman.
Clark Kent est l'identité secrète de Superman.
I like that whole Clark Kent thing you got happening there.
Parce que j'aime bien ton nouveau look à la Clark Kent.
Clark Kent gets a date with Lana Lang and suddenly there's no luck left for the rest of us.
Clark a un rencard avec Lana... donc la chance tourne le dos aux autres.
Clark Kent, international man of mystery.
Clark Kent : Monsieur Mystère absolu!
Clark Kent is a football player, and Lana Lang is a waitress.
Clark Kent est footballeur, et lana Lang est serveuse.
Rumor has it Clark Kent joined the football team.
Il y a une rumeur qui dit que Clark Kent a rejoint l'équipe de football.
Trevor, it's Clark Kent.
Trevor, c'est Clark Kent.
- Clark Kent, but we've already met.
- Clark Kent. On s'est déjà vus.
Do my ears deceive me or is Clark Kent actually suggesting a party?
J'ai bien entendu, Clark Kent organise une fête?
Clark, you're gonna be late!
Clark Kent, tu vas rater le bus!
He can't get within five feet of Lana Lang without turning into a freak show.
Clark Kent ne peut pas approcher Lana Lang à moins de cent cinquante mètres sans se transformer en phénomène de foire.
- Clark Kent?
- Clark Kent?
This is Clark Kent.
Voici Clark Kent.
I'm Clark Kent, and you're in Smallville.
Je m'appelle Clark Kent. Et vous êtes à Smallville.
Call in Clark Kent.
Appelez Clark Kent.
Hey, Clark Kent, ease up.
Clark Kent, du calme.
Looks like the husband pulled a Clark Kent and left all his clothes behind.
On dirait que le mari s'est téléporté.
It's not just Clark Kent waiting to turn into Superman.
Ce n'est pas Clark Kent qui attend de devenir Superman.
- Clark Kent.
Clark Kent.
Clark Kent's your cousin?
Clark Kent, ton cousin?
Kent Clark.
Kent Clark.
- The kid that Kent saved today?
- Ce gamin que Clark a sauvé aujourd'hui?

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