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Creedy перевод на французский

47 параллельный перевод
Come on, Creedy.
Allez, Creedy.
Come on, Creedy!
viens, Creedy!
Creedy's one-and-only black label, aged two weeks in a steel barrel.
L'inimmitable cuvée spéciale de Creedy... 2 semaines d'age dans un fut métallique.
No, Creedy.
Non, Creedy.
One to Creedy.
Une pour Creedy.
Here's Creedy's.
Voila celle de Creedy.
I saw his eyes, Creedy!
J'ai vu son regard, Creedy!
Oh. Captain Creedy.
Ah bon, Capitaine Creedy.
me, Creedy, and Barlow.
moi, Creedy, et Barlow.
That's why I'm going, Creedy.
C'est pourquoi je vais y aller, Creedy.
- Creedy!
- - Creedy!
Creedy, help!
Creedy, à l'aide!
There's 65 people up there, Creedy.
Il y a 65 personnes là haut, Creedy.
We also managed to get a picture of the girl that Creedy's men were detaining.
On y voit la fille que les hommes de Creedy... appréhendaient.
I want a chance to talk to her before she disappears into one of Creedy's black bags.
Je veux l'attraper avant les encagouleurs de Creedy.
They'd imprison you, torture you, and, in all probability, kill you in the pursuit of finding me.
Si je t'avais laissée entre les mains de Creedy, on t'aurait enfermée, torturée et probablement tuée afin de me trouver.
You can be pretty certain that if anyone does show up Creedy'll black-bag every one of them.
Ce qui est sûr, c'est que Creedy encagoulera ceux qui viendront.
Creedy. What are you doing here?
Creedy... vous ici?
Are you saying I'm under surveillance, Mr. Creedy?
Je suis sous surveillance?
- Mr. Creedy? - We're handling it as best we can.
Nous gérons cela au mieux, chancelier.
Original black-baggers, all under Creedy.
Les premiers encagouleurs de Creedy.
Put Creedy under 24-hour surveillance.
Surveillez Creedy 24 heures sur 24.
Creepy Creedy.
Creedy le Crade?
Sutler can no longer trust you, can he, Mr. Creedy?
Sutler ne peut plus vous faire confiance, M. Creedy.
You, Mr. Creedy.
Vous, M. Creedy.
Come, now, Mr. Creedy, you knew this was coming.
Allons, vous saviez que l'instant viendrait.
We are being buried beneath the avalanche of your inadequacies, Mr. Creedy!
Nous sommes ensevelis sous l'avalanche de vos insuffisances, M. Creedy!
Mr. Creedy, I am holding you personally responsible for this situation.
M. Creedy, je vous rends responsable de cette situation.
If he does, and something happens to that building the only thing that will change, the only difference it will make is that tomorrow morning, instead of a newspaper I will be reading Mr. Creedy's resignation!
Au cas où il arriverait quelque chose à cet édifice, la seule différence que cela fera, c'est que demain matin, au lieu d'un journal, je lirai la lettre de démission de M. Creedy!
Mr. Creedy.
M. Creedy...
The only thing you and I have in common, Mr. Creedy, is we're both about to die.
Notre seul point commun est que nous serons bientôt morts.
Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy.
Ce masque ne cache pas que de la chair, mais une idée, M. Creedy.
- No response from Command. Or from Party Leader Creedy. Or from the high chancellor.
Rien du PC... ni de M. Creedy... ni du chancelier.
Creedy, creedy
Coquine! Coquine!
That Mary McCreedy did pour poison about Texarkana into Hank Jr.'s ear.
Que Mary Creedy a monté la tête à Hank Jr. sur Texarkana.
... Creedy!
- Creedy!
Mr. Creedy.
M. Creedy.
If I had left you there, right now you'd be in one of Creedy's interrogation cells.
Tu étais évanouie, il fallait agir.

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