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Fashioned values перевод на французский

77 параллельный перевод
I still have friends in Washington with money, old-fashioned values.
J'ai encore des amis à Washington, riches aux valeurs vieillottes.
On appelle ça avoir des valeurs à l'ancienne.
Gone are the old-fashioned values of the seasoned cavalry officer.
Finies les valeurs traditionnelles de l'officier de cavalerie chevronné.
You don't come across old-fashioned values like that anymore, friends.
Ces vieilles valeurs n'existent plus, mes amis.
Bree Van De Kamp believed in old-fashioned values.
Bree Van de Kamp est une adepte des vieilles valeurs.
Yes, Bree believed in old-fashioned values.
Oui, Bree était une adepte des vieilles valeurs.
But where are those good old-fashioned values
But where are those good oId-fashioned values
Now, Pelham is a family company, founded on old-fashioned values.
Pelham est une entreprise familiale, fondée sur des valeurs traditionnelles.
Well, these kids could use some old-fashioned values.
Ben, ces gamins pourraient profiter de valeurs traditionnels.
What if I told you I met the nicest couple, who have a ton of money, good old-fashioned values, and think my water skiingis top-notch?
Admettons que j'ai rencontré un couple adorable plein aux as, avec des valeurs traditionnelles et qui pensent que je skie divinement.
My hard drive is now officially my only source of memory and I wanna get all those old-fashioned values down accurately.
Mon disque dur est ma seule source de mémoire. Je veux noter précisément vos bonnes valeurs traditionnelles.
Respect, honor, loyalty, old-fashioned values... All in painfully short supply these days, I'm afraid.
Le respect, l'honneur, la loyauté, les valeurs ancestrales... tout cela manque cruellement de nos jours, j'en ai bien peur.
I actually believe in the old-fashioned values I wrote about.
Je crois aux valeurs dont je parle.
* it seems today that all you see * * is violence in movies and sex on tv * * but where are those good old-fashioned values * * on which we used to rely?
Saison 8 - Épisode 5 Hannah Banana = [La Team Giggity] = benji1000, Guéj1, Guillaume, Swengin
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team] = benji1000, Feanor, Guéj1, Megh, Zaelum
You're this really romantic guy, with your old movies, and your old-fashioned values.
Tu es un type très romantique, avec tes vieux films et tes valeurs très vieux-jeu.
♪ is violence in movies and sex on TV. ♪ ♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team] = benji1000, Guéj1, Guillaume, Määsk
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
- Guéj1 { \ fade ( 800,500 ) } Guillaume01
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team] = JOJO13, Määsk
* But where are those good ol d-fashioned values *
{ \ fade ( 800,500 ) } = [Giggity Team] = JOJO13, Määsk
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
{ \ fade ( 800,500 ) } = [Giggity Team] = JOJO13, Kalinkha, skin
♪ is violence in movies and sex on TV. ♪ ♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team] = benji1000, Guéj1, Guillaume01, JOJO13
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team] = Guillaume01, JOJO13, ouimaisje
Isn't that refreshing? A man with old-fashioned values.
C'est rafraîchissant, un homme avec des valeurs.
Someone who shares your faith, your old-fashioned values.
Un homme qui partage votre foi et vos valeurs traditionnelles.
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team] = ouimaisje, smiiil
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
{ \ fade ( 400,400 ) } = [Giggity Team] = Määsk, ouimaisje, same, smiiil
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team] = Guillaume01, Lenoirdesir, Määsk
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
De toute façon, il me faut mon autre chemise. Celle-là sent fort.
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team ] = benji1000, BJAM1M, ouimaisje, = [ Giggity Team ] = smiiil, [ Kenny]
# But where are those good old-fashioned values #
= [Giggity Team ] = Määsk, smiiil, [ Kenny]
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
{ \ fad ( 400,400 ) } = [Giggity Team ] = Lenoirdesir, Määsk, smiiil, [ Kenny]
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team ] = smiiil, [ Kenny]
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team ] = elliekbauer, smiiil, [ Kenny]
# But where are those good old-fashioned values #
{ \ fad ( 400,400 ) } = [Giggity Team ] = smiiil, [ Kenny]
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team] = Määsk, Reaven, smiiil
# But where are those good old-fashioned values #
{ \ fad ( 400,400 ) } = [Giggity Team ] = Määsk, smiiil, [ Kenny]
I think you're wonderful, Martha, with your old-fashioned values.
Je trouve votre respect des anciennes valeurs admirable et Charles aussi.
We promised your mother that you're here to work hard, straighten out... and learn some good old-fashioned American values.
Nous avons promis à ta mère que tu venais ici pour t'instruire, et nous allons t'inculquer les vraies valeurs de ce pays.
Maybe it's not romance to you but it was founded on real old-fashioned respect and values.
Tu ne trouves peut-être pas ça idyllique, mais leur relation était fondée sur des vraies valeurs d'antan.
It's nice to know there's some places left where oId-fashioned... ... values still mean a thing.
C'est bon de voir qu'il y a encore des endroits... dans l'univers où les anciennes coutumes sont honorées.
People are desperate for a return to good old-fashioned conservative values.
Les gens attendent le retour des bonnes vieilles valeurs conservatrices.
Is violence in movies and sex on TV But where are those good old-fashioned values
Oh, ça c'est mon chien!
It's nice to see some good old-fashioned family values in this... morally bankrupt city of ours.
Ça fait du bien de voir le retour de bonnes valeurs familiales dans cette ville de débauche.
* it seems today that all you see * * is violence in movies and sex on tv * * but where are those good old-fashioned values * * on which we used to rely?
Saison 8 - Épisode 3 Spies Reminiscent of Us = [Giggity Team] = benji1000, Feanor56, Guéj1
¶ but where are those good old-fashioned values ¶
= [Giggity Team] = benji1000, Guéj1
I'm old-fashioned. I have values!
Je suis du genre vieux jeu, j'ai des principes.
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team] = Lenoirdesir, Määsk
But where are those good old-fashioned values
= [Giggity Team] = Määsk, smiiil
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
{ \ fad ( 400,400 ) } = [Giggity Team ] = elliekbauer, smiiil, [ Kenny]
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
{ \ fad ( 300,300 ) } = [Giggity Team] = Määsk, Reaven, smiiil

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