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Flemming перевод на французский

178 параллельный перевод
Climax presents CASINO ROYALE... from the best-seller by Ian Fleming.
Climax présente : CASINO ROYALE Tiré du best-seller de Ian Flemming.
George Flemming and... Johnny North.
George Flemming et Johnny North.
George Flemming is dead.
George Flemming est mort.
That's unfair, Dr Flemming You're a psychiatrist You should have picked someone everyone knew
Ce n'est pas juste, vous êtes psychiatre. Il faudrait choisir quelqu'un de connu.
This is Mrs Flemming I just wanted to be sure you'd be in tomorrow
Ici Mme Flemming. Je voulais m'assurer que vous viendrez demain.
This is Mrs Flemming, Cumberland Apartments on Wilshire
Mme Flemming à l'appareil. Des appartements Cumberland.
Dr and Mrs Ray Flemming, ticketed on 12A
Le Dr Ray Flemming et son épouse, vol 12A.
Carol Mrs Flemming?
Dr Flemming?
Dr Flemming?
Hello This is Dr Flemming
Allô. Ici le Dr Flemming.
Nurse, I'm Dr Flemming My wife is a patient here I'd like to see her
Je suis le Dr Flemming. Ma femme est hospitalisée et je voudrais la voir.
Will you tell him that Dr Ray Flemming is here and would like to see him
Pouvez-vous lui dire que le Dr Ray Flemming aimerait le voir?
There's a Dr Flemming here He insists on seeing his wife Yes Thank you
Le Dr Flemming est ici. Il insiste pour voir sa femme. Oui.
I appreciate it... anything you can do for Dr Flemming He's a good friend of mine
- J'apprécie vos efforts pour aider mon ami.
[Nurse] Dr Flemming?
Dr Flemming?
Dr Flemming, he didn't call to his wife when he came back to his apartment
Le Dr Flemming n'a pas appelé sa femme en entrant dans l'appartement.
I've... have already told you that Dr Flemming is a close, personal friend of mine
Je vous ai dit que le Dr Flemming était un ami personnel.
[Flemming] No I turned the place upside down It's not here
Non. J'ai pourtant tout fouillé.
[Flemming] Lieutenant?
You mean Mrs Flemming?
Mme Flemming?
So I looked at the mailboxes, and I saw "Dr Ray Flemming, penthouse,"
J'ai vu la boîte aux lettres du Dr Ray Flemming : Penthouse.
The, uh, Flemming case
L'affaire Flemming.
Oh, you mean Dr Flemming, my psychiatrist?
Le Dr Flemming, mon psychiatre?
Uh, how long have you known Dr Flemming?
Depuis combien de temps le connaissez-vous?
By the way, when was the last time that you spoke to Dr Flemming?
Quand lui avez-vous parlé pour la dernière fois?
- What has this got to do with Dr Flemming? - Pardon me?
- Quel est le rapport avec le Dr Flemming?
Dr Flemming told me
Le Dr Flemming me l'a dit.
Oh, but you said that you hadn't seen Dr Flemming since last week
Mais vous dites ne pas l'avoir vu depuis une semaine.
Now, Dr Flemming killed his wife, and you want to call your lawyer
Le Dr Flemming a tué sa femme et vous voulez appeler votre avocat.
Dr Flemming
- Le Dr Flemming.
Dr Flemming made one mistake, and you're it
Le Dr Flemming a commis une erreur : Vous.
Until you do, you're gonna be questioned, you're gonna be followed and you're gonna be hounded And Dr Flemming can't do anything about it
Jusqu'à ce jour, vous allez être interrogée, vous allez être suivie, vous allez être harcelée, et le Dr Flemming n'y pourra rien.
This is the receptionist in Dr Flemming's office
Je suis la secrétaire du Dr Flemming.
This is Dr Flemming's office again Is Miss Hudson there?
Ici le cabinet du Dr Flemming. Mlle Hudson est-elle là?
You don't understand Dr Flemming is her psychiatrist
Vous ne comprenez pas. Le Dr Flemming est son psychiatre.
Let me have that Hello This is Dr Flemming Who are you?
Laissez-moi faire. Ici le Dr Flemming. Qui êtes-vous?
This is Ted and Annette Flemming!
Je vous présente Ted et Annette Flemming!
In 1946, I went to work for Harry Flemming and I came up with the idea for the beltless trench coat.
En 1946, je fus engagé par Harry Flemming, et j'eus l'idée du trench-coat sans ceinture.
He worked for Harry Flemming.
Il a travaillé pour Flemming.
Jill Flemming has been the object of every fantasy I have ever had.
- Winston, Winston,
Agent Flemming, ATF.
Agent Flemming, ATF...
We won't hurt you.
Ici, l'agent Flemming.
According to this, a soldier named Flemming... sued the army for using a vaccine on him... an experimental vaccine...
Le soldat Flemming a poursuivi l'armée pour avoir testé un vaccin sur lui. Le C.R.C. - 13.
I'd like to see the records on patient Lee Flemming.
Je voudrais le dossier du patient Lee Flemming.
Flemming never went to the Persian Gulf.
Flemming n'était pas dans le Golfe.
- No, it isn't.
- Gayle Flemming?
Peggy Flemming.
Peggy Phleming.
- Hey, Peggy Flemming!
Salut, Peggy Phleming!
[Stamps lmprinter] Mrs Flemming?
Mme Flemming?
Dr and Mrs Flemming
- M. Et Mme Flemming.
This is Agent Flemming.

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