He's so young перевод на французский
205 параллельный перевод
Oh, he's so young and so poor.
Il est si jeune et si pauvre.
You needn't try to look so fierce about it - he's your grandson all right! Ah, yes, me lord, we have proof of young gentleman's birth.
Ne prenez pas cet air, c'est bien votre petit-fils!
He's so young.
- Le fils de M. Brezillier.
He's so young and strong.
Et si jeune, si fort!
Oh, he's so young.
- Il est si jeune.
Well, he's so young.
II est tellement jeune.
He was the most promising young cellist in Europe and we were so happy and so much in love.
le violoncelliste le plus prometteur! On était si heureux, on s'aimait tant!
He's so young.
Il est touchant!
He would not come to me so I'll go to him. But he's young.
Mais il est jeune.
He's got no shame. And he's so young
Il n'a pas honte, à son âge?
She that so young could give out such a seeming to seel her father's eyes up close as oak. He thought'twas witchcraft.
Si jeune, elle sut jouer pareil rôle et tenir de son père les yeux scellés, lui faisant croire à de la sorcellerie.
He's so young, so trusting.
Il est si jeune, si confiant.
This young lad's so nice. He'll be good company for you both.
Il est si gentil ce petit... ça vous fera de la compagnie à vous deux, hein!
He's a little mischievous. But then he's so young.
C'est un coquin, mais une fois marié, il se calmera.
That's What I like about this charming, young gentleman. He's so cooperative.
C'est ce que j'aime chez ce charmant jeune homme.
- He's so young.
- Il est si jeune.
He's a very nice young man. He's the nephew of my dearest friend so please make an effort.
Il est charmant et c'est le neveu d'une amie très chère.
He's so young. He begged me to save him.
Car il est très jeune et il me demandait de le sauver.
Your father was an able surgeon. He's young and will be up in a day or so.
Votre père a prouvé d'être un habile médecin... et notre patient est jeune et dans quelques jours il pourra se lever.
Agostino waited, and imagined the mother surrendered in the arms of the young man, he was sure that that day, what had happened is what his presence... had been preventing so far, as demonstrated by the kids... and Saro.
Agostino attendait, et imaginait sa mère abandonnée dans les bras du jeune homme, il était sûr que ce jour-là, il s'était passé ce que sa présence avait empêché depuis ce jour, comme démontré par les garçons et Saro.
He's so young, yet so arrogant!
Si jeune, mais si arrogant!
He killed his wife and his 2 children So he could run away with his young mistress..
Il a tué sa femme et ses deux enfants, afin de pouvoir s'éclipser avec sa jeune maîtresse.
He's such a wonderful man and he's so young.
Il est si merveilleux, si jeune!
Aye, just pneumonia, all right. But he's young and strong, thanks be to God, so he got over it. - I'm throwing him out tomorrow.
Il avait une pneumonie, mais il est jeune et fort, il s'en est bien tiré.
They thought, "The girl's so young, he must have some standards."
Peut-être : La petite est trop jeune, il doit respecter certains principes.
For Hamlet, believe so much in him that he's young, and with a larger tether may he walk than may be given you ;
Sache qu'Hamlet estjeune et qu'il est plus libre que toi dans sa conduite. Ne crois pas un mot de ce qu'il dit.
But he was drunk, and he's so young.
- De plus il est bien jeune. - Oui.
Even such, they say, as stand in narrow lanes and beat our watch and rob our passengers, which he, young, wanton and effeminate boy, takes on the point of honor to support so dissolute a crew.
Ses amis, dit-on, sont ces truands qui attaquent les voyageurs. Et mon fou de fils efféminé s'attache à les protéger...
So he's done the same as others did before him. He's got himself a helper. Somebody young who will believe in him and shoot for him.
Il a fait comme d'autres à son âge, il a pris un aide, un jeune qui croit en lui et qui tire pour lui.
I think it's a very good thing that a young man - after he's done some very good work - should have a chance to relax and enjoy himself, and lie around, and drink beer and so on.
C'est très bien, pour un jeune homme qui a très bien travaillé, de se payer un peu de repos et de bon temps. De flâner, boire un peu, et tout.
He's so young and beautiful.
Il est si jeune et beau!
He's so young.
Il est si petit.
He is so young but it is as if he has got to the end of his life without having lived it.
Si jeune... c'est comme s'il avait brûlé sa vie avant de l'avoir vécue.
He's so young.
Il est très jeune.
Well, he said that she's young enough so that she'll forget all about it in time.
Mais elle est jeune, elle oubliera.
Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters this is the young man who has used so much energy to convince everyone that he has seen God.
Mesdames et messieurs, frères et s urs, voici le jeune homme qui dépense tant d'énergie à convaincre le monde qu'il a vu Dieu.
This young lad, he was so upset... he went out and jumped on his pony and rode clear over to our place... and told me that his pet had died... and wanted to know if he could bury his pet with my collie out there.
Ce jeune gars, il était si bouleversé qu'il a sauté sur son poney et est venu directement chez nous pour me dire que son animal était mort, et pour savoir s'il pouvait l'enterrer avec mon colley.
- He's so young...
- Il est si jeune...
So today, a young man comes to see me, about 20 years old, using a phony name, and nothing's wrong with him, except he's from Glens Falls and he has a deep scar running down his right side.
Dans les 20 ans, avec un faux nom. Tout va bien à part qu'il est de Glens Falls et qu'il a une énorme cicatrice sur le flanc droit.
So, that young man's been sniffing round Arlena, has he?
Il cavalait donc après Arlena, hein?
He's particularly kind to young girls, so you watch out, Rosa.
Il est très gentil avec les jeunes filles, alors attention à vous, Rosa.
He's so young, I can't believe it.
- Moi aussi, je peux vous la tirer. - Lâchez-moi un peu.
I think, "Oh, Stingo, he's so young. " He's a talented American. "You know. " He doesn't have any real, real problems, but... "
Je me dis "Stingo est un jeune américain doué... vous savez, sans véritables... véritables problèmes".
It's a shame, he was so young!
Toujours quand ils s'y attendent le moins.
So we've seen our young reporter enter the trailer and there, all by himself, he's waiting to meet the star who seems to excite him so much.
Nous avons donc vu notre journaliste entrer dans la roulotte Et il s'y retrouve bien seul En attendant la rencontre de la star qui le trouble tant
It's so important for all of us because we see these photographs of him from a long time ago that Bill Claxton took and we see your son, paul, looking so much like he did when he was really young.
C'est important pour nous. On connaît les photos que Bill Claxton a prises il y a longtemps. Ton fils Paul ressemble beaucoup à Chet jeune.
He's still young, so I'm thinking of teaching him the business.
Il est encore jeune, je pense lui apprendre les affaires.
In June 1953, this young man just graduated from Humes High School... and he found his way on over to Sun Studio and recorded a song... that he said was for his mom's birthday, but his mom's birthday was months away, so -
En juin 1953, ce jeune homme finissait le lycée... et il s'est rendu au studio Sun pour enregistrer une chanson... qu'il disait destiner à l'anniversaire de sa mère... mais l'anniversaire de sa mère n'était que dans des mois.
So, with his loyal companions Mickey and Goofy at his side, the young king ruled his happy country as he'd sworn he would :
Et avec ses fidèles compagnons Mickey et Dingo, à ses côtés, le jeune roi dirigea son heureux pays comme il s'y était engagé :
It's a children's story about a young shepherd boy who gets lonely while tending his flock so he cries out to the villagers that a wolf is attacking the sheep.
- C'est un conte pour enfant. L'histoire d'un berger qui s'ennuie. Alors il crie aux villageois qu'un loup attaque son troupeau.
- He's so young.
- Si jeune...
he's so cute 178
he's so handsome 49
he's so hot 26
he's so little 16
he's so beautiful 30
he's so funny 25
he's so sweet 53
he's so happy 18
he's sorry 51
he's so nice 39
he's so handsome 49
he's so hot 26
he's so little 16
he's so beautiful 30
he's so funny 25
he's so sweet 53
he's so happy 18
he's sorry 51
he's so nice 39
he's solid 19
he's so cool 26
he's so old 20
he's so good 24
he's so 52
so young 116
young 1055
younger 104
young man 1667
young blood 22
he's so cool 26
he's so old 20
he's so good 24
he's so 52
so young 116
young 1055
younger 104
young man 1667
young blood 22
young girl 46
young love 41
young one 29
young master 235
young guy 16
young lady 1202
young girls 24
young and old 19
young fella 42
young fellow 27
young love 41
young one 29
young master 235
young guy 16
young lady 1202
young girls 24
young and old 19
young fella 42
young fellow 27