He said he would перевод на французский
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He said he would call her.
Il a dit qu'il la rappelerait.
Why not? He said he would come, on the phone.
- Il a dit qu'il viendrait, au téléphone.
After we started dating, he said he would return stuff just to see me.
Il m'a dit ensuite qu'il rapportait des trucs juste pour me voir.
We set up a place to meet, he said he would find me.
On a arrangé un endroit où se rencontrer, il a dit qu'il me trouverait.
After Dong Joo knew about my relationship with ahjussi, He said he would leave the house.
Après que Dong Joo savait pour ma relation avec ahjussi, il a dit qu'il quitterait la maison.
He said he would pick us.
Il se repose. Il a dit qu'il nous rattrape.
Because, like you said, when Porter made me second-in-command, he knew that I would do whatever I could to keep the civilians safe.
Parce que, comme vous a dit, quand le Concierge m'a fait sous-chef, il savait que je ferais quoi que je puisse rester les civils sûr.
I didn't know what else to do. Arthur said that he would do it.
Je l'ai appelé quand ils ont enlevé ma famille.
All right? He said that he would bring Lee the money.
Il a dit qu'il s'en chargeait.
Mr. Woodward said he would like to meet the two of you as soon as possible.
Woodward a dit qu'il voudrait vous rencontrer toutes les deux dès que possible.
He said it would be on her 28th birthday.
Il a dit que ce serait le jour de ses 28 ans.
He said she broke his heart so he would break hers.
Il a dit qu'elle lui avait brisé le coeur alors il voulait prendre le sien.
Well, because when I said I'd cover the pregnancy for Dr. Troy over in Bristol, he promised me I would not miss the Alabama-Florida football game.
Parce que quand j'ai dit au Dr. Troy que je m'occuperai des ses grossesses pendant qu'il serait à Bristol, il m'a promis que je ne manquerai pas le match Alabama-Floride.
He said you were one of his brightest language students and we would be foolish not to recruit you.
Tu étais une de ses meilleures élèves, on aurait été fous de ne pas te recruter.
My father always said that Tom was the kind of leader other men would follow into battle, that he had the vision to take this city into the next millennium.
Mon père disait que Tom était un leader que les gens suivraient dans une bataille. Qu'il avait une vision pour amener cette ville dans le nouveau millénaire.
Do you think the Chief would have let him out of the car if he'd said yes?
Il a refusé. Vous pensez que la chef l'aurait relâché s'il avait accepté?
Saul said that he would have my head on a stick and parade it out in front of the inspector general.
Saul a dit qu'il me couperait la tête... et la mettrait sur un piquet devant le bureau de l'inspecteur général.
If you're a woman and a guy's ever said anything romantic to you, he just left off the second part that would have made you sick if you could have heard it.
Si un homme vous a déjà dit quelque chose de romantique, c'est qu'il a caché la seconde partie. Ça vous aurait rendu malade si vous l'aviez su.
He will deliver the planet into your hands, just as you said he would.
Il nous livrera la planète, comme vous l'aviez prédit.
He said that if I didn't come here today with more money... he would go to the police.
Il a dit que si je ne venais pas ici aujourd'hui avec plus d'argent... il irait voir la police.
Uh, well, we were talking to Jamie Brennan down in the bar, and he said you would help us.
Heu, ben, on parlait avec Jamie Brennan, en bas, au bar, et il nous a dit que tu pourrais nous aider.
He just smiled and said I was a real wild woman and he would see me at work.
Il a souri et dit que j'étais déchaînée et qu'il me reverrait au bureau.
He said that he had to talk to three or four other guys before he would talk to the main man.
Il disait qui devait parler à trois ou quatre autres gars avant qu'il puisse parler au type en charge.
I mean, he said that we would get free reign.
Je veux dire, il a dit qu'on aurait le champ libre.
I am so glad you just got here. I would've believed everything { \ * he said }.
Merci d'être venu, j'allais tout gober.
He would shine and shine, and fall and shoot and twinkle, oh, so bright. And he said, " Mommy,
Elle voulait jouer et rire, s'amuser et briller dans la nuit, et disait " Maman,
Since he said he knew you... I was hoping you would help us with the motive.
Il dit vous connaître, j'espérais que vous nous aideriez pour le mobile.
He said if she got one more D.U.I., then it would really hurt his career.
Ça aurait ruiné sa carrière si elle s'était encore fait arrêter.
Scottie said he would give up chasing for good.
Scottie a dit qu'il arrêterait la chasse pour de bon.
La Nouvelle-Angleterre étaient assez satisfaits de la façon dont les choses ont été, merci beaucoup, et leurs moyens de subsistance en dépendait.
- Si les Américains avaient incendié les bâtiments publics de york, toronto maintenant, la capitale du Canada.
And when I said no, he took out his gun, put it in my mouth, and told me, if I didn't sign the form, he would paint the walls with my brains.
Et quand j'ai dit non, il a sorti son arme, l'a mise dans ma bouche et m'a dit que si je ne signais pas, il allait repeindre les murs avec ma cervelle.
He said that he would take me to America.
Il a dit qu'il voulait m'amener en Amérique.
I burn fatties with him once a week. He said even if I don't have my medical card Brody would be able to hook me up.
Je fume des joints avec lui.
The Rom Baro- - he said that- - that this would not stand.
Le baron roumain... il a dit que... qu'il ne le supporterait pas.
He said, " Young lady, before I would allow alcohol to pass through these lips,
Il répond : " Avant de laisser de l'alcool franchir ces lèvres,
I would argue with him about something, he said, "Hold on a second."
Quand on discutait, il disait :
And I said, "I think he would react marvelously."
Je réponds : "Merveilleusement bien."
They said, "He'd come up in a limo with seven or eight people and Dean would be one of them with a raincoat and a hat and glasses."
Dean arrive en limousine, entouré de 7 ou 8 personnes. Il a un imper, un chapeau et des lunettes noires.
I said, "Are you kidding? He would pay to get eight standing ovations a week."
Je répondais : "Il est prêt à payer pour 8 standing ovations!"
No, he just said he would look different when he came back, but he promised to tell me everything as soon as we were safe.
Il a juste dit qu'il serait différent à son retour. Mais il a promis de tout me raconter dès qu'on serait à l'abri.
He never would've said that.
Il n'aurait jamais dis ça.
Well, from the beginning, you've said it would be the five of you.
Hé bien depuis le début nous savions que vous ne seriez plus que 5.
He said, "Who would you like to be in it?"
et il a dit "Vous voulez prendre qui dans la série?"
He said if I wanted him to go with me, it would have to be on the bus or a train.
Si je voulais de lui, on prendrait le bus ou le métro.
He said our paths would merge.
Il avait dit que nos chemins se croiseraient.
He said everything would be okay.
Il a dit que tout irait bien.
The lawyer, he instructed, he said we should do is we should plead that, then I would serve 8 months and then I can get out.
L'avocat nous a proposé ça. Il a dit qu'on devait plaider comme ça. Que je ferais mes huit mois
Bob would ask him the same question, like, maybe half an hour later, and he answered different, and Bob said, "Garrick, rewind".
Bob lui reposait les mêmes questions et Don se contredisait. Bob me criait "Rembobine!" "Lecture."
I said God would have a lot more credibility if he didn't always pick crazy people to be his messengers.
Qu'il aurait plus de crédibilité si ses messagers n'étaient pas toujours des tarés.
He said, and I quote, "They would die before talking."
Il a dit, je cite : "qu'ils préféreraient mourir plutôt que de parler."
he said 3206
he said nothing 22
he said to me 71
he said he was sorry 19
he said it 77
he said no 115
he said yes 66
he said he 18
he said something 23
he said that 324
he said nothing 22
he said to me 71
he said he was sorry 19
he said it 77
he said no 115
he said yes 66
he said he 18
he said something 23
he said that 324
he said he'd be here 25
he said so 39
he said he was 19
he said what 31
he wouldn't hurt a fly 20
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
he said so 39
he said he was 19
he said what 31
he wouldn't hurt a fly 20
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192