Here's a question перевод на французский
371 параллельный перевод
And I tell you that such a woman... will never answer the question that's been put to her here.
Et aucune de ces femmes ne répondrait à ce genre de question. Aucune.
The reason I ask, there were a couple of fellas in here... that said that Dave was kicking up quite a ruckus up at Stan's place.
Je pose la question parce que des types ont raconté que Dave avait fichu la pagaille chez Stan.
Well then as man to man, or rather as woman to woman... what would you say to Step here as a husband?
Laissez-moi vous poser une question de femme : que diriez-vous à Step s'il était votre mari?
He know's you're here, it's only a question of time now.
Il sait que vous êtes ici, ce n'est plus qu'une question de temps.
Hiya, Halloran. Here's a question for you.
Halloran, une question pour toi.
It " s a matter I also intend to settle between us, here and now.
J'aimerais que nous réglions cette question, ici et maintenant.
If that's the question, here's a film that's ready to shoot.
Si c'est le cas, voilà un film "sérieux" prêt à être tourné.
But I'm afraid it's very much touch and go here, So keep a tight rein on your chaps.
Tout est question de style, mais la situation est très sensible ici.
Oh, friends, before I begin the ceremony, there's a question here that has to be asked.
Oh, avant de débuter la cérémonie, je dois vous poser une question.
Here's a picture of the guy.
Voici une photo du type en question.
It's a point of fact that historically, even here in the south, which I'm pleased to visit for the first time, the moment's come to face the age-old problem of women's emancipation as it's been confronted and solved, for example,
On sait qu'historiquement, dans ces magnifiques provinces de Sud, que j'ai le plaisir de découvrir, il est temps de trancher la question de l'émancipation de la femme. Problème désormais résolu par nos camarades chinois.
Here, after hundreds of centuries spent in the dark, men discover, for the first time, that there's a doubt, a question they cannot answer,
Ici, après des siècles d'obscurantisme, les hommes découvrent pour la première fois le doute, une question à laquelle ils ne savent pas répondre.
There's a matter of principle involved here.
C'est une question de principe Emily.
and we are here to know the professor's ideas, not mine, and so, I like to ask him a question.
et nous sommes ici pourconna ^ itre les idées du professeur plutôt que les miennes, Je voudrais remplacer ma thèse par une question.
They won't believe this at the office either, but here's a straight question :
Les copains ne le croiront jamais mais voici une question directe :
A new breed of dog- - if in fact it was a dog- - made a spectacularly unfortunate debut at the show when it opened here today. The enduring question was the so-called congo black dog known as, or registered anyway, as "big fang."
Une nouvelle race de chien - si l'on peut nommer cela "chien"... a fait une spectaculaire entrée en matière au concours qui s'est ouvert aujourd'hui.
I find here, and if you analyze it, you don't have that many Catholics here.
Quand on creuse un peu la question, on s'aperçoit qu'il y a peu de catholiques.
Well, it's a matter of opinion. What about all this garbage here?
- Question de point de vue.
I must remind my fellow journalists they're here to ask questions, not judge. Fine, here's the question. Will you reveal the secret activities of a man who, in a few short years has taken over the country?
.. Monsieur le Ministre, on parle des activités secrètes de cet homme qui en une poignée d'années arrive dans les hautes sphères de l'Etat qui contrôle l'information, la bureaucratie, qui finance les partis use à son gré des services secrêts de l'Etat!
It ain't the size that's in question here.
- La taille n'a aucune importance.
A more important question, gentlemen, is whether or not there's a way out of here. A force field. It seems harmless enough.
Ce bâtiment au centre me paraît important.
There's a matter of pride involved here.
C'est une question de fierté.
I've been wondering about that myself. I think it's because there are so few tourists here, and so little noise.
Je me suis également posé cette question. Je pense que c'est parce qu'il y a très peu de touristes et donc très peu de bruit.
Now here's a private question.
Maintenant, voici une question privée.
- If it's a matter of, you know... here.
Si c'est une question de... Vous savez? Tenez.
Kind of a dumb question. Of course he's here.
Evidemment, qu'il est là.
Well, here's a question with an answer.
Voici une question qui a une réponse.
Councillor, in view of your re-election to city council, I'd like to pose a question that I'm sure is on everybody's mind here today.
En vue de votre réélection au conseil municipal, j'aimerais vous poser une question que tout le monde a à l'esprit.
It's, uh, a question of saying... " Hey. That's what I left, and I shouldn't bring it here.
Je ne renie rien, je dis :
I think there's an incredible coincidence here.
Question : Nixon a-t-il un physique chevalin?
Here's a question for you- -
Une question pour toi :
There's a genuine national security issue here.
Il y a clairement une question de Sécurité Nationale, ici.
That's right! Here's a question for you.
Exact, Otto, et tu as le choix entre deux versions!
Then four years ago, right here, I wasn't so sure anymore. And now... it's a good question.
Puis il y a quatre ans, ici même, je n'étais plus aussi sûr de moi... et maintenant...
Objection, Your Honour. The witness's religion is not relevant here. Lt relates directly, Your Honour, to his objectivity as a witness.
Objection Votre Honneur, la question n'est pas pertinente, elle est en rapport direct avec son objectivité de témoin.
The only question, I think, remaining now... is what gamble he has made here with... the strongest force in the Soviet Union after the Communist Party.
La seule question qui se pose encore, selon moi... c'est celle du risque qu'il a pris la plus grande force en U.R.S.S. après le Parti communiste.
Here's a question you shouldn't be able to answer.
Voici une question à laquelle tu ne pourras répondre.
I'll get out of here, it's only a matter of time.
Je sortirais d'ici, ce n'est qu'une question de temps.
I'm in a major work mode here. My meeting's tomorrow.
J'ai une question pour vous :
Here's a multiple choice.
Tiens, une question à choix multiples.
Now, here's a question.
Attention à la question.
Here's the way it works. Mr. Stamphill will ask you a question and you answer that question.
Donc, M. Stamphill vous posera une question et vous lui répondrez.
Here's a toughie.
Question dure :
If i knew the answer to that i wouldn't be sitting here but in a president's chai presiding i'd be telling everyone what they should do to be happy but i don't know knowing is not my business
Qu'est-ce qu'il faut pour que la courbe remonte? Si je connaissais la réponse à cette question, je ne serais pas ici, mais dans un fauteuil de président, à présider. Je donnerais la recette du bonheur, mais je ne la connais pas.
I don't know what lamebrain came up with this idea but there's no way you two are staying here.
J'ignore quel crétin a eu cette idée... mais pas question que vous dormiez ici!
- All right, this may seem like a rather strange request, but it might help to explain what's been going on here.
La question peut paraiti re saugrenue, mais ça nous éclairera.
no... here's a question.
- Non! Non! - Voici la question.
It's out of This world. Here's a question I have... Going back To one.
Au cas où je monterais là-haut, on y mange bien?
make a clean cut here and say, "no, way, corky. You're not putting up with these people."
"Pas question de s'entendre avec ces types."
The bigger question is : What's a Jem'Hadar ship doing all the way out here? We're at least three weeks away from the nearest Dominion outpost.
Que fait-il à 3 semaines du plus proche avant-poste du Dominion?
All right, here's a fresh one.
Voici une nouvelle question.
here's a question for you 17
here's a thought 73
here's another one 94
here's an idea 143
here's a hint 25
here's another 49
here's a tip 45
here's a crazy idea 16
here's a pen 17
here's a good one 36
here's a thought 73
here's another one 94
here's an idea 143
here's a hint 25
here's another 49
here's a tip 45
here's a crazy idea 16
here's a pen 17
here's a good one 36
here's a 38
a question 67
question 535
questions 370
questioning 24
question mark 65
question is 362
question number one 20
question for you 31
question two 29
a question 67
question 535
questions 370
questioning 24
question mark 65
question is 362
question number one 20
question for you 31
question two 29
question one 39
here's the thing 1106
here's my number 71
here's your ticket 24
here's my 20
here's your mail 22
here's my problem 23
here's my plan 19
here's my offer 18
here's your change 33
here's the thing 1106
here's my number 71
here's your ticket 24
here's my 20
here's your mail 22
here's my problem 23
here's my plan 19
here's my offer 18
here's your change 33