Question two перевод на французский
561 параллельный перевод
There are two sides to every question and really, in life, one needs a face for each side.
Il y a toujours deux façons de regarder les choses. Et je change de visage à chaque fois.
He can let his go but whether I can keep mine bottled up for the next two years is a question.
Il peut exprimer le sien. Pourrai-je réprimer le mien deux ans? Je me le demande!
With your permission, Captain, I suggest we question these two people.
Avec votre permissión, je suggère qu'on interroge ces 2 personnes.
Two sides to every question, eh?
Juste deux avis divergents
- Avez-vous fait la demande?
It won't be long now. Just a day or two.
Ce n'est plus qu'une question de jours.
I hope, ladies and gentlemen, you'll allow me in my capacity as counselor to point out that there are two sides to every question.
Pas de tic-tac, pas d'heure!
The whereabouts of the two people we are searching for.
L'adresse des 2 personnes en question.
A short piece full of joy and sorrow. Two lovers are parted, reunited, then parted again.
Mais dites, entre nous, maintenant que nous nous connaissons mieux, ce besoin d'argent, c'était vraiment une question de vie ou de mort?
It only needed a second or two.
Question d'une seconde, de deux...
Peter, we've got to approach this like two intelligent human beings.
Peter, il faut aborder la question comme deux êtres doués de raison.
I wouldn't worry if they'd asked a question or two.
Ça ne m'inquièterait pas d'avoir été interrogés.
It wasn't a question of a week or two weeks.
Il ne s'agissait pas d'une semaine ou deux.
I have the painful duty of reminding you two young ladies... of a little question of marriage settlements.
Je dois vous rappeler, jeunes filles, la question des dots de mariage.
There are two sides to every question.
Il y a toujours deux versions.
Then the matter of the two million won is done.
La question des deux millions de wons est résolue.
No question of loading two cars.
Pas de question de charger les deux voitures.
... and a definitive job may have been out of the question in the short time you've had, but the Department of Defense hopes that during these two days of concentrated efforts, you've come to some conclusion about this.
Mais le ministère de la Défense espère que pendant ces deux jours de regroupement, vous avez pu arriver à une conclusion.
There are two lives here.
II est question de deux vies.
It's just a question that has only two answers.
Simplement une question qui a 2 réponses.
Instead of which two ships were wrecked, six men died and the officer in question lost his certificate for good.
À la place, deux navires ont été détruits, six hommes sont morts et l'officier en question a perdu sa licence à jamais.
The emperor says that's a very interesting question and he'd like an hour or two to think it over.
L'Empereur trouve cette question très intéressante. Et... euh... il voudrait une heure ou deux pour y réfléchir.
Yes to number two, no to number three.
Oui, à la question 2. Non, à la 3.
So between these two extremes, what master stroke of British compromise - has finally been decided? - There's no question of compromise.
Si l'observatoire confirme les théories de Richter, les gouvernements étrangers seront avisés à 1 heure jeudi matin.
Just one or two more questions. Mr Scott.
Une dernière question, M. Scott.
The question is, which two men shall we be toasting?
La question est de savoir qui.
And how is the economic issue related to the two?
Et la question économique, elle est à quelle place?
Two thousand souls and twenty thousand ducats will not debate the question of this straw!
Sacrifier 2 mille vies et des sommes énormes pour une meule de foin!
You know, I was thinking and I was wondering two things :
Je me posais la question au sujet de deux choses :
You always come barging into the Pentagon asking a question on a life - or - death matter to be answered in exactly two minutes.
Vous débarquez toujours au Pentagone avec des questions de vie ou de mort auxquelles il faut répondre de suite.
I'm glad you two asked that. Watch this.
Je suis heureux que vous posiez la question.
You two came here... to question me?
Vous êtes venus pour m'interroger?
His memories would be clear, even after two years. But he saw a man and one of his customers.
S'il avait été question de ses propres frères cadets, de sa petite sœur ou de sa bonne amie, il s'en serait peut-être souvenu nettement même deux ans plus tard... mais de simples passants ou des clients occasionnels,
Dr Taylor, the two officers involved have been investigated thoroughly and cleared of any suspicion of brutality or unreasonable conduct.
Dr Taylor, les deux officiers de police en question ont été interrogés et lavés de tout soupçon de brutalité ou de conduite déraisonnable.
I'd like to answer this question, if I may, in two ways.
J'aimerais répondre à cette question, si possible, de deux manières.
Question number two : " the struggle of class against class
"La lutte d'une classe contre une autre est quel type de lutte?"
Maybe the two richest men. lt's just a question of time.
Ou les deux plus riches. Simple question de temps.
Why don't we put the question to a vote? Mr. Alexandre, the stockholder's meeting is in two weeks. The ransom has to be paid today.
M. Alexandre, l'assemblée générale est dans quinze jours, mais il faut verser la rançon ce soir!
Yes, you are right! The King is indignant and is to question you and he has specially sent us two here.
Exact 13e Frère, notre Roi est furieux et veut te questionner.
'Police report Colonel Dutton's whereabouts has been in question for two weeks.
D'après la police, le colonel Dutton avait disparu depuis deux semaines.
But the two gents in question refused to comply.
Mais les deux messieurs n'ont pas obtempere.
A lot of these kids who can stand two hours on the table can't stand one second more.
Pour la plupart des gamins qui nous arrivent, c'est une question de secondes.
The goods under scrutiny will remain divided in two parts
Les biens en question seront donc divisés en deux parts :
- Three dead men are nothing. The minister wanted to question the two women you let escape.
Le ministre voulait interroger les détenues.
The main issue, whether the two accused are guilty of involvement in mass murder by designing the construction plans for the gas chambers and crematoria was unanimously denied.
La question principale, si les deux accusés s'étaient rendus coupables de participation au massacre en dessinant les plans pour les chambres à gaz et les crématoires, fut unanimement niée.
Number two : There'd be no question of an inside job.
Et on ne nous poserait pas de questions!
Question is, what would Mr Big want with a two-bit island diplomat?
Ou plutôt, qu'attend M. Big d'un diplomate étranger à deux sous?
Please be patient and give us two days.
Ne posez aucune question. Donnez-moi deux jours.
Uh, the question that comes to mind now is can either one of you two people think of someone who might want to frame Mr. Greenleaf?
La question que je me pose... Connaissez-vous quelqu'un qui voudrait piéger M. Greenleaf?
You know what, the first time one of those two creeps gets careless and knocks me up to hell with abortion!
Vous savez quoi? Quand un de ces deux crétins m'engrossera par mégarde, pas question d'avorter!
I was just passin'by and I thought I'd ask you a question or two.
Je passais par là et j'ai voulu vous poser une question.
two hours later 53
two hours 343
two hours ago 92
two and a half men 29
two weeks later 82
two weeks ago 326
two months later 53
two years ago 477
two hearts 28
two months ago 182
two hours 343
two hours ago 92
two and a half men 29
two weeks later 82
two weeks ago 326
two months later 53
two years ago 477
two hearts 28
two months ago 182
two years later 88
two beers 79
two more 130
two thousand dollars 17
two hands 45
two days ago 368
two o'clock 76
two seconds 191
two years 509
two arms 16
two beers 79
two more 130
two thousand dollars 17
two hands 45
two days ago 368
two o'clock 76
two seconds 191
two years 509
two arms 16
two people 83
two and a half 63
two brothers 30
two thousand 72
two minutes 637
two words 186
two weeks 445
two things 153
two sugars 100
two men 105
two and a half 63
two brothers 30
two thousand 72
two minutes 637
two words 186
two weeks 445
two things 153
two sugars 100
two men 105