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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ H ] / His excellency

His excellency перевод на французский

527 параллельный перевод
His Excellency!
Son Excellence!
His Excellency, the ambassador from San Rafaelo,
Son Excellence, l'ambassadeur de San Rafaelo.
Tell His Excellency I'll be there as quickly as possible.
Dites à Son Excellence que j'arrive aussi vite que possible.
Hello? His Excellency's secretary, please.
Le secrétaire de Son Excellence, s'il vous plaît?
- Hello, this is General Shubin speaking I must speak to His Excellency.
Il faut que je parle à Son Excellence.
Shubin was talking to His Excellency.
Nous avons entendu un cri de femme et un coup de feu.
- A cab for His Excellency. - My bill, and the lady's, too.
Ma note, et celle de Mademoiselle.
What is the matter with His Excellency, the Governor General of Shanghai?
De quoi souffre le Gouverneur général de Shanghai?
I will lend the money, but only if His Excellency withdraws.
Je vous prête l'argent si Son Excellence cède son poste.
His Excellency, Ambassador Trentino of Sylvania!
Son Excellence l'ambassadeur Trentino de Sylvanie!
I want you to meet His Excellency's secretary Bob Roland.
Voici le secrétaire de Son Excellence. Bob Roland.
I hope His Excellency gets here soon.
J'espère que Son Excellence va bientôt arriver.
His Excellency is due to take his station, beginning his new administration.
Son Excellence prendra bientôt ses fonctions et s'occupera de l'administration.
His Excellency's car!
La voiture de Son Excellence!
His Excellency Rufus T. Firefly!
Son Excellence Rufus T. Firefly!
- His Excellency's car!
- La voiture de Son Excellence!
I regret the unfortunate affair with His Excellency, but his attitude left me no alternative.
Je regrette la malheureuse rencontre avec Son Excellence. Mais je n'ai pas eu le choix.
That's wonderful of you, but His Excellency won't hear of it.
Très généreux de votre part. Mais Son Excellence refusera.
His Excellency, Rufus T. Firefly.
Son Excellence Rufus T. Firefly.
His Excellency, The Governor!
Son Excellence, le Gouverneur!
His Excellency, Don Antonio de Prado, Count Pimentel... Knight of the Holy Roman Empire... Envoy Extraordinary from His Most Gracious Majesty, Philip iv...
Son Excellence, Don Antonio de la Prada, comte Pimentel, chevalier du Saint Empire romain, envoyé de Sa Gracieuse Majesté, Philippe IV, du roi d'Espagne, d'Aragon et de Castille.
Count de la Gardie... you are responsible for His Excellency's safety.
Comte de la Gardie, vous êtes responsable de la sécurité de Son Excellence.
You surely know his excellency, the pasha Djebel Adad.
Vous connaissez sûrement son excellence, le pacha Djebel Adad.
His Excellency, the Governor.
Son Excellence, le gouverneur.
[Panting] Her Highness feels as well as can be expected... after her romantic marriage. And how is His Excellency?
Son Altesse se porte aussi bien que possible... après son romantique mariage.
His Excellency is distressed because you've been avoiding him for an eternity.
Et Son Excellence? Son Excellence se désole que vous l'évitiez.
You're in love with His Excellency, Count Alexei, aren't you?
Es-tu amoureuse de Son Excellence le comte Alexei?
His Excellency doesn't mind.
Vous permettez, Excellence?
Will His Excellency be kind enough to open the door for him carefully... so that he can sneak in?
Ayez la gentillesse d'ouvrir la porte discrètement pour qu'il monte sans être vu.
His Excellency has informed me that he wished Sergei to resume his lessons.
Son Excellence dit que Sergei doit reprendre ses leçons.
His Excellency, the Governor of Port Royal.
Le gouverneur de Port Royal.
His Excellency will have his little joke.
Son Excellence aime à plaisanter!
Why doesn't His Excellency try another doctor?
Essayez un nouveau docteur.
His Excellency's waiting for you!
Son Excellence t'attend!
And what becomes of His Excellency the Governor's gouty foot?
Et la goutte du gouverneur?
I shall ask His Excellency to write home to the King an account of your exploit.
Je dirai à Son Excellence d'écrire au Roi vos exploits.
His Excellency Fouad Soueida of the police department in Luxor.
Son excellence Fouad Soueida, de la Police de Luxor.
His Excellency will be judge of that.
Son Excellence en jugera.
- His Excellency is taking charge.
Son Excellence reprend l'enquête. Merci.
For His Excellency, Pontius Pilate, dispatches from the eastern border.
Pour Son Excellence, Ponce Pilate, les dépêches du front est.
His Excellency will come here as soon as the trial is over.
Son Excellence viendra dès que le procès sera terminé.
His Excellency the wazir of Suristan.
Son Excellence, le Vizir de Suristan!
His Highness Surat Khan, amir of Suristan sends greetings to His Excellency, the commandant of Chukoti and humbly proposes a truce.
Son Altesse Surat Khan salue son Excellence, le commandant de Chukoti, et propose une trêve.
From His Excellency Field Marshall the Earl of Raglan, K.C.B. commanding.
" Son Excellence Field Marshal, le Comte de Raglan.
- His Excellency's compliments.
- Excusez-nous.
His Excellency the prime minister, Count Taaffe.
- Le président du Conseil, le comte Taafe.
His Excellency the prime minister, Count Taaffe.
Quoi? - Le comte Taafe.
"His Excellency, the Honorable Charles Zaraka... " requests the pleasure of Mr. Chan's company... at the opening of the Olympic Games. "
"Son Excellence l'honorable Charles Zaraka... prie M. Chan d'assister... en sa compagnie à l'ouverture des Jeux olympiques."
- This is His Excellency, the Honorable Charles Zaraka.
Je vous présente Son Excellence l'honorable Charles Zaraka.
Your Excellency, this vagrant hides his sins... behind the name of Honesty Nuttall. - He's charged with being in debt.
Le curieusement nommé Honnête Nuttall est accusé pour dettes.
I think not, Your Excellency. Tell His Majesty I must speak to him at once.
Je ne pense pas.

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