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His job перевод на французский

5,099 параллельный перевод
Is he good at his job?
- Il était doué dans son domaine?
The minute I got famous, my dad dropped his job and became my manager.
A la minute ou j'ai été célèbre, mon père a lâché son boulot pour devenir mon manager.
He was scared of losing his job.
Il avait peur de perdre son travail.
Sounds like someone doesn't have the stomach for his job anymore.
On dirait quelqu'un qui n'a plus l'estomac pour ce job.
You should ask him about his job. Oh?
Tu devrais l'interroger sur son boulot.
If you ask about his job, you'll seem interested.
Si tu l'interroges sur son boulot, tu sembleras t'intéresser.
I asked about his job, but the he got annoyed.
Je me suis intéressée à son travail, mais il s'est contrarié.
We need him to take his job back.
On a besoin qu'il revienne bosser.
Why did Barnett leave his job? Who arranged the release of Baldaev from prison and why?
Qui a fait libérer Baldaev et pourquoi?
He's doing his job, Eli.
Il fait son travail.
That's his job. "Old ladies"? Thanks a lot.
- Elles ont au moins 10 ans de moins que moi!
His job gave him access to the primary D.N.A. database.
Son poste lui donnait accès à la base de données des ADN.
I love him, and I will do anything to help him get his job back.
Je l'aime, et je ferai n'importe quoi pour l'aider à retrouver son travail.
It's great, it-it's just that, you know... one of the reasons why we took this job was so we could be, you know, near Charlie, watch him play his games.
C'est super, c'est juste que... une des raisons pour lesquelles on a pris ce job c'est pour être près de Charlie, pour pouvoir assister à ses matchs.
Make the sheriff do his job.
C'est au shérif de s'en occuper.
jake, for once, just hang back and let boyle do his job.
Jake, pour une fois, retiens-toi et laisse Boyle faire son boulot.
Lost his job after testing positive for marijuana and causing a collision in the yard.
Il a perdu son travail après avoir été testé positif à la marijuana et provoqué une collision sur le chantier.
Matthew takes his job very seriously.
Matthew prend son job très au sérieux.
His job was to make Rome disappear.
Son travail était de faire disparaitre Rome.
Did Gary ever tell you about his job?
Est-ce que Gary t'a déjà parler de son job?
I thought all those new cars were part of his job.
Je croyais que toutes ces nouvelles voitures étaient pour son boulot.
If you wanna help me, then you will give Delmont back his job immediately.
Si tu veux m'aider, rends son job à Delmont immédiatement.
Now the day after Matthews "found" Pam Hodges dead, he quit his job, saying he was too upset to work.
Un jour après avoir "trouvé" Pam Hodges morte, Matthews a démissionné, soi-disant trop bouleversé pour travailler.
He's sick every other day, as if that's his job.
Il est malade chaque jour.
I don't blame him, he was doing his job.
Je ne le blâme pas, il faisait juste son travail.
Five years ago, the man quit his job, sold his house, and entered the free market.
Il y a 5 ans, il a quitté son travail, vendu sa maison, et a pénétré le marché noir.
Sue framed Figgins so she could take his job so now she's principal and Becky's her Beckretary.
Sue a délogé Figgins donc elle a pu prendre son poste elle est maintenant principale et Becky, sa Beckétaire.
He was just doing his job.
Il faisait son boulot.
I'm sure my father was only doing his job.
Je suis sûre que mon père ne faisait que son travail.
It's not our job to protect his image, and I would have thought you of all people would agree with that.
Ce n'est pas notre boulot de protéger son image, et j'aurai pensé que vous, surtout vous aurait été d'accord avec ça.
There isn't a single man I've served with who hasn't been brought to his knees because of what he's seen on the job.
Il n'y a pas un homme avec qui j'ai servi qui ne s'est pas retrouvé à terre à cause de ce qu'il a vu au travail.
He had been recently laid off from his mechanic's job, but he was still upbeat.
Il a été récemment viré de son travail de mécanicien, mais il était toujours joyeux.
Or someone recognized his true acting talent and gave him a job.
Ou quelqu'un a reconnu son vrai talent d'acteur et lui a donné un boulot.
I'm his assistant, and I take that job incredibly seriously.
Je suis son assistante et je prends ce travail incroyablement au sérieux.
I am, but I'm like Chuck Norris now- - some old guy with a beard who used to be good at karate but became a dumb has-been and is scared and confused about his big London job.
Oui, mais je suis comme Chuck Norris maintenant un vieux type avec une barbe qui était bon au karaté mais qui est devenu un ringard stupide et est effrayé et paumé à propos de son travail à Londres
It's not the most glamorous job in the world, but he's doing it with a smile on his face.
Ce n'est pas le travail le plus glamour du monde, mais il le fait en souriant.
Half a century ago, at Toei Animation, a young man named Isao Takahata began his first job.
Il y a un demi siècle, à la Toei Animation, un jeune homme nommé Isao Takahata commençait son premier travail.
But I definitely would not let some wack job inject parasites into his body.
Mais je ne laisserai certainement pas un fou injecter des parasites dans son corps.
- and gets a job with his own company...
- et obtiens un boulot dans sa société.
He took a job as the night janitor... for minimum wage... with dad as his boss.
Il a pris un job de gardien de nuit... au salaire minimum... avec papa comme patron.
The were in Los Angeles because his father had a job opportunity that fell through, which he apologized for in his suicide note that he wrote on a stack of post cards.
C'était à Los Angeles car son père a eu une offre d'emploi qui a échoué, ce dont il s'est excusé sur sa lettre de suicide qu'il a écrit sur ​ ​ une pile de cartes postales.
Last month, a law-school classmate offered me a job at his legal aid society, and I just knew I had to take it.
Le mois dernier, un camarade de la fac de droit m'a offert un travail dans sa société d'aide juridique et je savais que je devais l'accepter.
His organizational skills suggest someone who can get and keep a full-time job.
Son sens de l'organisation suggère quelqu'un qui peut avoir un emploi à temps plein.
According to his file, he's some kind of anti-science nut job.
Si on en croit ce dossier, c'est un espèce de cinglé anti-sciences
I'm thinking that job was for his old friends back in Albania.
Et depuis que Barkov a appelé Moreno ici quand il avait besoin d'aide, je pense que ce travail était pour ses vieux amis en Albanie.
I thought maybe he could put in a word with his boss, help me get a job driving.
Je pensais il pourrait peut-être parler avec son patron, m'aider à trouver un job de chauffeur.
When Cam's boss, Roman, found out about his past, he pressured Cam into the job and threatened to fire him if he didn't go along.
Quand le patron de Cam, Roman, a su pour son passé, il a fait pression sur Cam dans le travail et menacé de le virer s'il ne le suivait pas.
That guy will have his jaw wired for months that job got done
Il va avoir la mâchoire immobilisée pendant plusieurs mois. T'as fait du bon boulot!
I'm gonna contact his agent to see what his last job was.
Je vais contacter son agent pour connaître son dernier job.
Booth talked to his agent, and it turns out that he had not booked a modeling job in months.
Booth a parlé à son agent, et il semble qu'il n'avait pas de travail depuis des mois.
Shooter did a pretty good job of covering his tracks.
Le tireur a fait un bon boulot pour couvrir ses traces.

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