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His place перевод на французский

7,654 параллельный перевод
I'm gonna redo his place too.
Je vais aussi refaire sa déco.
Yet on the day he died, thousands and thousands would gladly have died in his place.
Et le jour où il est mort, des milliers et des milliers seraient volontiers morts à sa place.
It is destined that I should kill the king and take his place.
Je suis sensé tuer le Roi et prendre son trône.
Oh, she's actually going with James to his super fancy, exclusive party. Oh, at his place downtown?
Elle est avec James dans une soirée privée hyper branchée.
Tiege told me I could stay at his place for the next couple weeks.
Tiege m'a dit que je pouvais rester chez lui les prochaines semaines.
you know, I came here... but, you know, I've been at his place the whole time so...
Tu sais, je suis venue ici. mais tu sais, j'ai été là tout ce temps, alors...
'Ron's response would secure his place in gangster legend.'
La réplique de Ron lui assurerait une place dans la légende des gangsters.
Then his daughter took his place, made Nassau strong.
Puis sa fille prit sa place, rendit Nassau forte.
And would Pilate support that which costs him his place as governor?
Et Pilate appuierait-il ce qui lui coûterait son poste de gouverneur?
I saw the look on his face the last night he left this place and I beg to differ.
J'ai vu l'expression sur son visage la nuit de son départ et je ne suis pas d'accord.
Showed you were a man who knows his place.
Vous avez montré que vous êtes un homme qui connaît votre place.
And so, Kip discovers his place.
Kip comprend ainsi quelle est sa place.
Richard, if it makes you feel any better, I put that Branscomb guy in his place.
Si ça peut t'aider, le type de Branscomb a été remis à sa place.
And in his place will stand before all the world a flawed man, a man that England can relate to and offer its forgiveness.
Et à sa place se tiendra, devant le monde entier, un homme imparfait, un homme duquel l'Angleterre pourra se rapprocher et à qui elle pourra offrir le pardon.
And his body swinging over the harbor of this place sends a powerful message.
Et son corps se balançant sur le port de cette ville, c'est un message fort.
A lesser man would be using this place as his own personal pussy smorgasbord, every fucking color, shape, size.
Un sale type aurait profité de cet endroit comme une réserve à chattes illimitée. Y a toutes les couleurs, formes et tailles.
But if I have to hurt somebody, if I was in his place...
Mais si je dois faire mal à quelqu'un, si j'étais à la place...
I thought maybe one day I would take his place.
Je savais qu'un jour je prendrais sa place.
As he fell, another rises in his place.
Là où il est tombé, un autre prendra sa place.
FYI, Junebug, my cousin Pootie is passing through town, and after the party, I'm gonna hitch a ride with Poots to his place down in The Keys.
Pour info, Junebug, mon cousin Pootie vient en ville, et aprés la fête, je pars faire une virée avec lui dans un endroit qui s'appelle The Keys.
I'll just give dad his medicines the centre of my circumference I feel is this place... this courtyard...
Ok, je donne juste à papa ses médicaments. ... le centre de ma circonférence. J'adore ce lieu, cette cour...
No, he moved to a place called Vancouver with his girlfriend.
Il est parti à Vancouver avec sa copine.
Maybe I match better with, just staying- ln his ear.
Ma place était peut-être... - Dans son oreille.
After the famine, a little boy was eaten in this house, and several years ago, Boris supposedly killed and ate his colleague at the same place.
Boris prétendument tué et a mangé son collègue au même endroit.
Burst through the door, mash up the place and head-butt his grandma.
On entre, on détruit tout et on met sa grand-mère par terre.
His heart was in the wrong place.
Son coeur était au mauvais endroit.
I intend to place all of English magic into his hands and then I shall command him to do it.
Je lui confierai toute la magie anglaise et je lui ordonnerai de le faire.
And he invited me to his parents'place
Et il m'a invité chez ses parents
Second place goes to Gudmundur Bodvarsson with his ram Garpur.
La seconde place est pour Gudmundur Bodvarsson et son bélier Garpur.
To me, it was the place where God sent all of His favourite people.
Pour moi, c'était l'endroit où Dieu envoyait tous Ses favoris.
Yeah, his parents set him up with a place in one of their buildings.
Ouais, ses parents l'installent dans un appart dans l'un de leurs immeubles.
You mean he actually has his own place?
Tu veux dire qu'il a réellement son propre appart? Ouais!
I just wanted to let you know that I walked by his parking spot a few minutes ago and someone was towing his car.
Je voulais juste vous dire que je suis passé devant sa place de parking il y a quelques minutes et quelqu'un remorquait sa voiture.
I thought he would've at least texted me, especially since he left his "Twin Peaks" DVDs at my place, which I've been using as indoor frisbees.
Je pensais qu'il m'aurait au moins envoyé un message, en particulier parce qu'il a laissé ces DVD de "Twin Peaks" chez moi, que j'ai utilisé comme freesbees d'intérieur.
You built that place singlehandedly while he was at Four Hills working on his bunker shot.
Tu as bâti ce cabinet seul pendant qu'il travaillait son swing.
I want him to feel his mom's in a good place.
J'ai envie qu'il sente sa maman bien.
But I do believe that Don Verdean has a good heart, and I believe his heart was in the right place.
Alors, Don, je vous pardonne.
He put the program before his family,
Il a placé le programme avant sa famille,
We don't need somebody else doing our jobs for us, especially somebody who apparently isn't any good at doing his own job.
On n'a pas besoin de quelqu'un qui fasse le boulot à notre place, surtout quelqu'un qui n'est visiblement pas bon dans son propre boulot.
It would be a precaution, nothing more, only until your son is ready to take his rightful place.
Ce serait une précaution, rien de plus, seulement jusqu'à ce que votre fils soit prêt à prendre sa place légitime.
Near the end of his sentence, he was certified insane and remanded to a mental hospital.
Vers la fin de sa sentence, on le déclara aliéné mental et il fut placé dans un hôpital psychiatrique.
Do you think I have room enough in my head for every utterance of his?
Vous pensez que j'ai assez de place dans ma tête pour toutes ses paroles?
And then you insisted on going all the way to Brooklyn, dragged me down to Josh's place for a ridiculous Swedish tattoo, and then you threw a rock through his window.
Et tu as insisté pour aller à Brooklyn, tu m'as traînée chez Josh pour avoir un tatouage, et tu as jeté une pierre à travers sa fenêtre.
See if I can straighten his head out.
Pour voir si je peux lui remettre les idées en place.
Now, I cannot tell you who we represent, but let's just go so far as to say that my boss is a powerful guy, and his boss, I cannot stress her power...
Je ne peux pas donner son nom, mais mon patron est haut placé et sa patronne est...
I found out where Gavin Belson lives and I placed 15 of these babies between his house and his office.
J'ai placé 15 de ces beautés entre sa maison et son bureau.
My guys'll hunt down Tyrone, they'll set a time and place, I'll contact you, okay. We exchange my niece for his brother.
Mes gars pisteront Tyrone, fixeront un rendez-vous, je vous appellerai, et on échangera ma nièce contre son frère.
A place where he could bring one of his whores for a good fuck.
Un endroit où il pourrait apporter une de ses putes pour une bonne baise.
- He finds his way into it.
- Il trouve sa place.
He holds it over us, giving positions of leadership to his people.
Il nous le fait subir. Il place les siens en position d'autorité.
I swear to you on the blood of my infant son that I will personally place his head on a stake beside Malcolm's.
Je te jure sur le sang de mon fils que je mettrai personnellement sa tête sur une pique à côté de celle de Malcolm.

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