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His partner перевод на французский

1,902 параллельный перевод
His partner was profiting from his death at work - and at home with his wife.
Son associé profitait de sa mort au travail et de sa femme à la maison.
His partner Craig risked their whole business to tell me the truth.
Craig, son associé, a risqué leur entreprise pour me dire la vérité.
Maybe his partner got greedy, decided he wanted all the money.
Son partenaire a peut-être voulu tout l'argent.
He found out his partner was going to meet with the agent from the original case.
Il a cru que son partenaire allait rencontrer l'agent en charge du dossier.
That's right, the wedding planner may be dead, but his partner's still out there.
L'entremetteur est peut-être mort, mais pas son partenaire.
The general wouldn't have given the order to kill him, not until he gives up his partner.
Il s'agit de moi? Suivre, relancer ou se coucher.
Losing his partner really tore him up.
Perdre son partenaire l'a brisé.
Danny watched that guy kill his partner.
Danny a regardé ce type tuer son partenaire.
I'll go to this, Victor and his partner
J'enquêterai sur ce Victor et son équipier.
His partner of 10 years.
Son partenaire depuis 10 ans.
And it was him who stole the virus from the lab, and it was his partner who infected Matt.
C'est lui qui a volé le virus au laboratoire, - et son complice a empoisonné Matt.
His partner?
- Son complice?
Listening while his partner bragged about you making goo-goo eyes at him?
Vous n'avez pas entendu son complice se vanter que vous lui faisiez les yeux doux?
That's why you gave us that phony description of the robber- - the one who killed his partner.
C'est pour ça que vous nous avez donné ce signalement bidon. Du tueur.
Coroner called Paul Burke's place of business. His partner came over.
Le légiste a appelé le bureau de Paul Burke et son associé est arrivé.
Kuransky's lying to back up his partner.
Kuransky ment pour appuyer son partenaire.
KANG and his partner CHOI and 'Snout,'the cop were a dream team.
Il y avait Kang, et son acolyte, Choi, ainsi que "la Truffe", le flic avec qui ils faisaient leurs mauvais coups.
I was his partner.
J'étais son associé.
Why don't you check with i.a. about him and his partner? See if anything pops.
Vois avec les affaires internes ce qu'on a sur eux.
First, I Got To Tell His Partner.
D'abord, je dois l'annoncer à son partenaire.
The Man Just Lost His Partner.
Il vient de perdre son partenaire.
Walsh was his partner.
Walsh était son partenaire.
His act hasn't been the same since his partner got eaten by a tiger.
C'est plus pareil depuis que sa partenaire a été mangée par un tigre.
And his partner, Juliet O'Hara.
Et son équipière, Juliet O'Hara.
And then he stashed the money and killed his partner?
Et après il a caché l'argent et tué son associé?
Have you spoken to his partner?
- Vous avez parlé à sa partenaire?
If this guy's an undercover cop, then he shot his partner.
Si ce mec était un flic sous couverture, il a tué son pote.
But if this guy is LAPD, then he's a dirty cop because I saw him kill his partner.
Mais si ce mec est de la police, alors c'est un ripou, parce que je l'ai vu tuer son partenaire.
And in there is the living room Where my son Kevin married his partner Scotty.
Et ça, c'est le salon où mon fils Kevin s'est marié avec Scotty.
Alberto and his partner realized they still had the alarm code.
Alberto et son complice ont réalisé qu'ils avaient encore le code de l'alarme.
And when Kragen balked, Walters decided to cut his partner out.
Kragen a refusé, Walters a décidé d'éliminer son partenaire.
If Baisley finds out that his partner and her child have been killed, he'll never give us those accounts.
Si Baisley apprend que sa copine et son fils ont été tués, il ne donnera jamais les comptes.
Mackleroy is a young, renegade Mountie whose horse was just killed by evil Americans, while LaFleur, his grouchy, old, African-Canadian partner, just bought a cozy ice fishing shack in northern Alberta...
Mackleroy est un jeune de la police montée dont le cheval est assassiné par des méchants Américains, et LaFleur, son vieux partenaire grincheux et Afro-Canadien, vient d'acheter une jolie cabane de pêche dans le Nord de l'Alberta...
And if I could talk to the CEO I'd assure him the treatment my partner needs will only deepen my commitment to his organisation for years to come.
Et si je pouvais parler au PDG, je l'assurerais que le traitement renforcerait mon dévouement à son entreprise, pour les années à venir.
And now he's your partner, so his profits are your profits.
Entre-temps, c'est devenu ton associé et vous partagez les profits.
And victim number two is his business partner, Allen McKenna.
Et la victime numéro deux est son associé, Allen McKenna.
And because we knew each other from residence, he asked me to be his scene partner.
Et vu qu'on se connaissait du foyer, il m'a demandé d'être sa partenaire.
My partner is a man who really enjoys his work.
Mon associé est un homme qui adore vraiment son boulot.
The partner's adopted Nichols'views as his own.
Le partenaire a adopté son point de vue.
In about 15 seconds, you're gonna see a fierce, albeit gunless, American detective, his striking snow bunny partner, which I mean nothing salacious by, and half the R.C.M.P.
Dans 15 secondes, un violent inspecteur américain, bien que sans arme, son joli petit lapin de partenaire, n'y voyez rien de salace, et la moitié du R.C.M.P.
Partner and I go over to his house.
On s'est rendus à la maison.
On the off chance that Tharp comes to his senses... and wants to be represented by the managing partner... thought I should be here.
Si par chance, Tharp revient à la raison, et veut être représenté par le partenaire principal, je serais là.
- Frank seems to think his old business partner's dead.
- Frank a l'air de croire que son ex-associé est mort.
You see, my partner's already searching his apartment as we speak, and guess what she already found?
Mon équipière fouille son appartement en ce moment même et devinez ce qu'elle a déjà trouvé?
But if he planned it, he knew Johnson was ther And his unwitting partner would give him credibility.
Mais s'il l'a planifié, il savait que Johnson était là et que sa partenaire involontaire lui donnerait sa crédibilité.
- His ex-partner in crime.
- Son ancien complice.
His business partner.
Son collègue en affaires.
I was his lab partner in chem for, like, a semester.
J'étais sa partenaire de labo en chimie, pendant un semestre.
My partner took it to see his girlfriend in queens.
Mon partenaire l'a pris pour aller voir sa copine dans le Queens.
My partner and I then placed the victim and his son into our ambulance.
Nous avons installé la victime et son fils dans l'ambulance.
If my partner has problems with his career path because of this, because he told the truth, I am telling you, Baz, I am going to feel it necessary to go and explain this to interested parties.
Si mon équipier se fait virer pour avoir dit la vérité, je me verrai obligée d'en informer les intéressés.

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