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I know that much перевод на французский

2,520 параллельный перевод
God, you know, the hardest part is now that I've been with her, I want her back that much more.
Le plus dur, c'est que maintenant que je l'ai revue, je la veux d'autant plus.
You know, so much of what I do seems to boil down to the fact that someone who shouldn't have had kids had kids.
Mon boulot me rappelle sans cesse que des tas de gens ne devraient pas avoir d'enfants.
I know how much you love Kevin, that's obvious, but this guy is a douche.
Je sais que tu aimes Kevin, mais ce type est un connard.
And you know how much I want that.
Et tu sais combien je désire ça.
That much I know.
Ça, je le sais.
Now, I happen to know from personal experience that this particular club does sell the yard-long drinks, much like the ones that you found in the their suite.
Je sais par expérience personnelle que ce club en particulier vend les verres tuyaux, comme ceux retrouvés dans leur suite.
You know, being raised by TV and movies, I always thought that Jesus just walked on water and told people not to have abortions, but it's so much cooler than that.
Élevé par la télé et le ciné, pour moi, Jésus marchait sur l'eau et était anti-avortement, mais c'est mieux que ça.
I just want to tell you that I know how much this boat means to you. And I want to honor that.
Je viens te dire que je sais ce que représente ce bateau et que je le respecte.
Listen, lady, I don't know much, but I do know that we are the rightful heirs to the Carpet Galaxy name.
Écoutez, je ne sais pas grand-chose, mais je sais au moins que l'on est les dignes héritiers du nom Carpet Galaxy.
I'good. You know there's too much sugar in that stuff.
On dirait ma tante.
Come to think of it, I don't know that much about Mr. Dolworth at all.
En fait, je connais mal M. Dolworth.
Now that I know I'm a genius, there's just so much pressure!
- Je peux pas, OK? Maintenant que je suis un génie, je suis sous pression!
Yeah, I don't know if there's much I can add to that discussion.
Je pense que je n'ai rien à dire.
And, uh, I wanted you to know that he told me more than once how much he loved the both of you.
Et je voulais que vous sachiez qu'il m'a dit plus d'une fois combien il vous aimait tous les deux.
Of course, I'm sorry about our town but not that much. You know why?
Je suis triste pour mon village... mais pas trop.
You don't know how much I regret everything that I've done.
Tu ne sais pas combien je regrette tout ce que j'ai fait.
I don't know how much you've uncovered, but I've been involved in some very terrible things, things that I could never take back.
Je ne sais pas à quel point vous êtes au courant, mais j'ai été impliqué dans de terribles choses, des choses que je ne pourrai jamais effacer.
I don't know what happened in there, but I do know this much, it was that jackass Spencer's fault.
J'ignore ce qu'il s'est passé, mais tout est la faute de Spencer.
Look, I know that you don't like me very much.
Je sais que tu ne me supportes pas.
I know this is gonna sound odd, but with you being so much like her, I feel like it would help give me closure if I could say good-bye to you in the way that I wanted to say good-bye to her.
Ça va paraître bizarre, mais puisque vous lui ressemblez autant, ça m'aiderait avec mon deuil si je pouvais lui dire correctement au revoir à travers vous.
Because no matter how much money I have in my bank account, I know that my dreams can still come true because I'm with you.
Parce que peu importe combien j'ai d'argent sur mon compte, je sais que mes rêves peuvent devenir réalité avec toi.
But can I just tell you when you do start dating, you should know that women don't care so much about the sex stuff.
Mais est ce que je peux juste te dire que quand tu commences à draguer, tu dois savoir que les femmes ne pensent pas tellement au sexe.
So I know that I probably... well, m-most likely pretty much haven't been the world's greatest dad for a while, so, you know, I just wanted to say that what's happened has, um... you know, I feel like it's changed me, and
{ \ pos ( 192,172 ) } Je sais que j'ai sûrement... { \ pos ( 192,172 ) } très probablement... { \ pos ( 222,282 ) } pas été le meilleur papa au monde { \ pos ( 222,282 ) } depuis un bail.
Isn't that pretty much our job, asshole? I mean, when we're outside of the firehouse, you know, when we're off the clock.
Je veux dire en dehors de la caserne, en dehors du boulot.
That's definitely something that I don't know much about.
C'est sans aucun doute quelque chose que je ne sache pas beaucoup.
I don't know if I'd exactly call that lining silver as much as copper, or zinc, or manganese.
Je ne sais pas si on peut appeller ça un bon côté, c'est plutôt le côté le moins mauvais de la chose, voire inutile.
The point is... That through taking your test I just realized... and as much as I don't even really want to admit this... you do know what you're talking about.
L'essentiel... est qu'en passant ton test, j'ai réalisé, et Dieu sait combien j'ai pas envie de l'admettre, que tu connais ton sujet.
Well... it's either talking to your husband or self-soothing, and I know how much you love that.
Soit tu parles à ton mari, soit tu pleures jusqu'à t'apaiser, et je sais ce que tu en penses.
I know that manipulating people for information.... is pretty much my job description, but... it always makes me feel...
Manipuler des gens pour obtenir des informations correspond en partie à mon travail, mais je me sens toujours...
Look, I know that not doing anything is killing you. Watching it isn't much easier for me, but I am gonna figure this out. And you are gonna stay here and you're gonna trust me.
Je sais que ça te tue de ne rien pouvoir faire, et te voir ainsi n'est pas plus facile pour moi, mais je vais résoudre tout ça, et toi tu vas rester ici, et tu vas me faire confiance.
I don't know much about gold. It's not supposed to do that!
Suis pas un pro de l'or, mais c'est pas supposé faire ça!
Curtis, I don't know much about relationships, but I know that the right girl is out there somewhere.
Curtis, je ne sais pas grand chose des relations, mais je sais que la bonne fille est quelque part.
I was clearly bothered by what you said, That you know so much more about this
Ce que tu m'as dit m'a dérangé, que tu en savais beaucoup plus que moi
I know that you NASCAR people don't have very much.
Je sais que vous, amateurs de Nascar, êtes modestes.
I think that's why we fought all the time, because there was just, you know, so much frustration on my part.
- On se battait parce qu'il y avait tellement de frustration en moi.
Now, this may not mean much, but you know that I've put my life on the line for this country, you know that.
Ça ne signifie peut-être rien, mais tu sais que j'ai risqué ma vie pour ce pays.
You don't know how much I've always wanted to do that.
- J'en crève d'envie, t'as pas idée.
You don't know how much I regret everything that I've done.
Si tu savais combien je regrette.
Yeah, I know too much about it, but that's in the past.
J'en connais trop, mais c'est du passé.
I don't know why that turns me on so much, but it does.
Je sais pas pourquoi ça me fait tant d'effet.
You know how much porn I have to watch to get that image out of my head?
Vous savez combien de pornos je dois regarder pour oublier?
I don't know if Michael likes Gabe that much, but there's this thing on Glee called mash-up, where two things that don't go together make one great song.
Y a un truc dans Glee appelé mash-up, quand deux trucs incompatibles font une super chanson.
I know it's crazy to care that much about a building.
Je sais c'est fou de tenir autant à un immeuble
Hey, Rachel, I know that this isn't ideal, but we don't have much time and we need your help.
Ce n'est pas très agréable, mais le temps nous manque, et on a besoin de votre aide.
- Stop! Stop saying you know who I am And that we're so much alike Because both of our daddies were rapists.
Arrêtez de dire que vous me connaissez, qu'on est pareilles, parce que nos pères sont des violeurs.
I know. It's just that God gave you so much thunder.
Je le sais bien, mais tu l'es naturellement.
Do you know how much I put into that project?
Je tenais énormément à ce projet!
If you know that much, then I won't say anything.
Si tu l'assumes à ce point, je ne dirai rien.
"Why did you come to my workplace and embarrass me"... sounds much nicer. You're treating me like that because you don't know, but I'm not someone you should shout at.
Pourquoi êtes-vous venu sur mon lieu de travail et m'avez embarrassée "... sonne beaucoup mieux. mais je ne suis pas quelqu'un sur qui vous devriez crier.
You know, I believe, in my heart, that no matter how much distance there is between them,
Je crois, au fond du cœur, quelle que soit la distance qui les sépare,
Of course, I suppose it could hurt very much in that I still don't know what it does.
Cela dit, ça pourrait faire très mal vu que je ne sais toujours pas à quoi ça sert.

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