I said i would перевод на французский
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I said I would help you find Beatrice.
Je t'ai dit que je t'aiderais à retrouver Béatrice.
- Well, I said I would.
- J'ai dit que j'allais faire ça.
♪ just like I said I would for you ♪
♪ just like I said I would for you ♪
I said I would be fine, so yeah.
J'ai dis que j'irais bien, alors oui.
"I said I would take the fall for you, " and now I give you the means to make that happen.
Je vous avais dit que je me sacrifierais pour vous, et je vous propose maintenant de remplir ma promesse.
If I said yes, my husband's political career would be in jeopardy.
Si je vous répondais oui, la carrière de mon mari serait en danger.
How did you do it? I told her that, if she said no, then an army of 60,000 soldiers would be posted at your door
Comment avez-vous fait? alors une armée de 60 000 soldats se serait postée devant sa porte.
I told her about everything that happened to you, and she said she would be glad to talk to you.
Je lui ai parlé de vos problèmes. Elle serait heureuse de parler avec vous.
You know, when you came to me, asked me for a job, I said "yes" because I thought it would bring us closer together.
Tu sais, quand tu es venue à moi pour me demander un travail, j'ai dit "oui" parce que je pensais que cela nous rapprocherait.
I would have said the exact same thing.
J'aurais dit la même chose.
Deathstroke said he would spare us if I gave this to "you."
Deathstroke nous épargnera si je te donne ça.
Jacob said if I went back, someone would come after me.
Jacob a dit que si je revenais, je ne serai pas le bienvenu.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't impressed with your file.
Je mentirai si je disais que je n'ai pas été impressionné par votre dossier.
Yeah, no, I don't know why I said that. I just assumed that you would.
Je me suis dit que tu l'envisageais.
No, I said that I would teach you what I know, all right?
Non, j'ai dit que je vous apprendrai tout ce que je sais, d'accord?
I thought we said my partner and I would take care of this.
Je croyais vous avoir dit qu'on s'occuperait de ça.
She said if I stuck it in your heart, she would heal Kieran.
Elle m'a dit que si je l'enfonçais dans ton coeur, elle guérirait Kieran.
I never said this would be pleasant.
Je n'ai jamais dit que ce serait sympa.
She said that if you and I got together, she would take my son away.
Non. Spence partait.
I would've said something sooner, but I was so riveted.
Je voulais pas vous couper, c'était fascinant.
For product of this quality, Arkady wanted £ 10,000 and a new identity. I said not a penny more then 5,000 and a new identity would only be provided if the veracity of this operation were proven. BOBBY :
Pour un produit de cette qualité, Arkady voulait 10 000 £ et une nouvelle identité.
I said we would bring food and water if they turned the oxygen scrubbers back on, but they attacked me.
J'ai dit qu'on apporterait de l'eau et à manger si ils remettaient les filtres à oxygène en route, mais ils m'ont attaqué.
For years, I would overlook things that they said or did because they were my parents.
Pendant des années, j'ai ignoré des choses qu'ils ont dites ou faites parce qu'ils étaient mes parents.
Just like no one would believe you if you said I was a killer.
Juste comme personne ne te croira si tu disais que je suis un tueur.
You know, um, until last year, we hadn't said 5 words to each other since my dad died, and I feel like you and me, dad would have liked this version of us.
Tu sais, depuis l'année dernière, on ne s'est même pas dit 5 mots depuis la mort de mon père, et je sens que toi et moi, papa aurait aimé cette version de nous deux.
She would meet me anytime. I said can we Skype here, can we Skype... she was available.
Je lui ai proposé de la contacter par Skype.
- I tried to get it out of her, but she said that if I knew that I would be at risk, too.
- J'ai essayé de le savoir, mais elle a dit que si je savais je courrai un risque, aussi.
I'm the last person in the world who would defend Juliette Barnes if she actually said what was on that tape, because as some of you may know, I hold very deep religious beliefs, and I would not betray those beliefs for anyone or anything.
Je suis la dernière personne au monde qui défendrait Juliette Barnes si elle avait vraiment ça, car comme vous le savez, j'ai des croyances religieuses, et je ne les trahirais pas pour qui que ce soit et pour rien au monde.
When I mentioned it to walter, he said he would talk to you about it.
Quand j'en ai parlé à Walter, il a dit qu'il vous en parlerai
Neal, please, I would never make a huge life decision based on some random thing someone said.
Neal, s'il te plaît, jamais je ne prendrais de grosses décisions suite à quelque chose que quelqu'un a dit.
And he said, " You know, I don't think my mom would let me.
Et il dit : " vous savez, je ne pense pas que ma mère me laissera. J'ai...
Aaron told me that they'd offered him a deal, and he finally just said that he would take it if I told him to, and I say- - I came real close to saying, "Take it."
Aaron m'a dit qu'ils lui avaient proposé un arrangement et finalement il a juste dit qu'il l'accepterait si je lui demandais. Et j'ai dit, j'ai été très proche de lui dire, "Accepte".
So when I spoke to your dad, he said that I would need your approval to date him.
Alors quand j'ai parlé à ton père, il a dit avoir besoin de ton approbation, pour que l'on sorte ensemble.
I was desperate, so a man reached out to me on the Internet, said he was a friend of my father's, said he was a journalist, said he would pay me for gossip from the high-tech world.
J'étais désespérée, donc un homme m'a contactée sur internet, disant être un ami de mon père, et qu'il était journaliste, qu'il voulait me payer pour des ragots du monde high-tech.
She said I should be out having a drink with you guys, Said it would be good for me.
Bien, elle est d'accord avec toi.
Why should I tell you? You would've said no.
Si je t'avais demandé, tu aurais dit non.
I can't. I have an appointment. You said you would be at your desk today re-working the study proposal.
Tu as dit que tu serais à ton bureau aujourd'hui à travailler sur la demande d'étude.
You mean about how everything I said would happen happened, and now you realize I was right the whole time?
Tu veux dire comment tout ce que j'ai dit qui devait arriver est arrivé, et maintenant tu réalises que j'avais raison pendant tout ce temps?
And he said he would pay me if... if I found out when the drugs were coming in, so I found
Pour dire qu'il me paierait si... si je trouvais d'où vient la drogue, alors j'ai trouvé.
- He said he would pay me if- - if I found out when the drugs were coming in, so I found out.
Il me paierait si... si je trouvais quand arriverait la drogue, alors j'ai trouvé.
'If I had said something, we would've argued.'
Si j'avais dit quelque chose, on se serait disputé
'Trisha would've never forgiven me..' '.. no matter how many times I said sorry.'
J'aurai pu m'excuser 1000 fois, elle ne me l'aurait jamais pardonné
I also said I would go to dinner with him and his grandparents.
J'ai aussi dit que j'irai diner avec lui et ses grands-parents.
So, Pete said he was gonna make the chili for California history day at the school, but, you know, he's been coming home tired lately, so I just decided I would make the chili for him.
Pete doit faire le chili pour la journée de l'histoire californienne à l'école. Mais il rentre fatigué du boulot, donc j'ai décidé de le faire à sa place.
See, I've asked a couple girls, but they said it would be weird because we go to school together, which is true.
J'ai invité plusieurs filles, mais elles ont dit que ce serait bizarre parce qu'on va à l'école ensemble, ce qui est vrai.
I did what you taught me, and I cornered him, and I talked for so long that he said I could redo it if I would just stop talking.
J'ai fait ce que tu m'as appris, je l'ai coincé, et j'ai parlé si longtemps qu'il a dit que je pourrais le refaire si j'arrêtais juste de parler.
Betty Friedan asked me if I would do the public relations, and I said sure.
Betty Friedan m'a demandé de m'occuper des relations publiques. J'ai accepté.
Now! I remember we had picketers outside The New York Times and the man would have a sandwich board, said,
Il y avait des manifestants devant le "New York Times".
And had I known then, I never would have said a word.
Si j'avais su, je n'aurais jamais rien dit.
"I said,'No, Papa,'and walked out, " knowing he would never find that courage.
J'ai dit : "Non, papa." Je savais qu'il ne trouverait jamais le courage.
If you weren't playing the lead, and I came home and said that I had auditioned to be the understudy, would you still feel so strongly?
♪ C'est plus qu'une sensation ♪
i said 6904
i said yes 136
i said okay 48
i said no 690
i said don't move 33
i said go home 16
i said i don't know 41
i said wait 33
i said enough 36
i said stop 168
i said yes 136
i said okay 48
i said no 690
i said don't move 33
i said go home 16
i said i don't know 41
i said wait 33
i said enough 36
i said stop 168
i said i'm sorry 104
i said to him 70
i said go 69
i said nothing 76
i said to myself 122
i said stop it 59
i said shut up 121
i said i'm fine 68
i said go away 28
i said it 310
i said to him 70
i said go 69
i said nothing 76
i said to myself 122
i said stop it 59
i said shut up 121
i said i'm fine 68
i said go away 28
i said it 310