I was born here перевод на французский
383 параллельный перевод
You know, i was born here and my father and his and his.
Je suis né ici, mon père aussi... et mon grand-père!
I was born here.
- Je suis née ici.
I was born here in San Francisco, And when I was a youngster... I used to think they were singing about this Golden Gate.
Je suis né ici à San Francisco et quand j'étais jeune, je croyais que le cantique parlait de cette porte d'or là.
I was born here, and I know these people.
Je suis né ici et je connais ces gens.
It all seems kind of brutal and primitive while it's a-boiling, but, well, I was born here and I know.
Tout ça a l'air brutal et primitif à un tel moment, mais je suis né ici et je sais ce qui en est.
- That I was born here.
- Si je suis née ici.
- I was born here.
J'y suis né.
I was born here, and my father was born here.
Je suis né ici, et mon père aussi.
I was born here.
Je suis né ici.
I was born here, and I don't think I could live anywhere else.
Je suis né ici et je ne pourrais pas vivre ailleurs.
But I was born here, I live here, and the only pace I know is the pace of my own life.
Mais moi, je suis née ici. J'y habite. Et le seul rythme que je connais est celui de ma vie.
I... I've lived here all my life. I was born here.
C'est mon foyer ici, je... j'ai vécu toute ma vie ici, je suis né ici!
I was born here.
Qu'est-ce que tu maquilles?
I was born here and have never left the island.
Je suis née ici et je ne suis jamais sortie.
I was born here in the slums, on the outskirts of Warsaw.
Je suis né ici, à Budy. Dans les faubourgs de Varsovie.
I was born here, Adam.
Je suis né ici, Adam.
I was born here, in this quarter, the poorest quarter in Hamburg.
Je suis née dans le quartier le plus pauvre de Hambourg.
I was born here, my lord.
J'y suis né, Monsieur.
I was born here. I know what she's talking about.
Je sais de quoi elle parle.
Not always, but I was born here.
Pas toujours. Mais j'y suis né.
Yes, I was born here but Mr. Kebabian brought me to America 25 years ago when we married and...
Vous êtes américaine? M. Kébabian m'a emmenée là-bas il y a 25 ans. Après notre mariage.
I ain't no native, I was born here!
Native? Mais je suis née ici!
Well, I never heard'em and I was born here.
Je ne les ai jamais entendues, et je suis né ici.
I was born here.
- Je suis née ici
I had to read it to become an American. You never had to because you was born here.
J'ai dû la lire pour devenir américain, pas vous, vous êtes né ici.
Well, I was almost born here.
Eh bien, presque.
I was right here, in this very chair when her first child, the little Princess Thérèse, was born.
J'étais là, dans ce fauteuil, pour la naissance de la petite princesse Thérèse.
I was born and raised not far from here.
J'ai vécu mes premières années près d'ici.
Here we are in my home, the house that I was born in... alone and together in my favorite room.
Être là, seule avec vous, dans cette maison où je suis née, ensemble, dans ma pièce préférée.
- Papa does. He used to live here in this town before I was born.
Mon père surtout Il vivait ici avant ma naissance
She was here long before I was born.
Elle était là bien avant ma naissance.
Luigi? Yes, I was born in this castle. My father was born here too.
Je suis né dans ce château, mon père aussi.
Those who were born here... all they wanted was to leave. You can imagine how I feel, Father, a stranger.
Si les gens d'ici ne songent qu'à partir... alors, moi, une étrangère!
I've known Bill here since the day he was born.
Je connais Bill depuis sa naissance.
Because the theater means life to me, I was born and will die here
Tu le sais... car le théatre c'est ma vie, j'y suis né et j'y mourrai.
She say : "Here I was born, this is my country."
Elle dit : " Je suis née dans cette vallée, c'est mon pays.
I thought she was boasting because she was born here.
Je croyais qu'elle se vantait par chauvinisme.
I was born and brought up here.
Je suis né et j'ai grandi ici.
I was born in Venice, I was brought up here. My business affairs are tied to this city. My loved ones are here.
Je suis né à Venise, j'y ai grandi, j'y ai mes intérêts, mes amis, et quelle que soit l'issue de cette guerre,
Ever since I first set eyes on West Point... ever since I first saw the young men of the corps... Sure you told me I was a silly woman for talking about it, but... if our son should be born here... where you've worked so hard... After the time we've waited, after what the doctor told you... it's enough for me that we're having a child at all.
Depuis que j'ai vu West Point... dès que j'ai vu ces hommes jeunes... tu m'as dit que c'était idiot d'en parler, mais... si notre fils naît ici... où tu as travaillé si dur... après avoir tant patienté, après ce qu'a dit le docteur... attendre cet enfant me suffit.
Well, I was born and raised here, and this is my home.
Je suis né ici, j'y ai été élevé, et c'est ma ville.
I was born at 200 km. from here.
Je suis né à 200 km de là.
The teacher here Miss Rui she was born there, and so was I.
Le professeur... Mlle Rui... elle aussi est née là-bas, et moi également.
Look, I was born 20 miles from here, and I just don't know nothin'else.
Je suis née à 30 kilométres d'ici et je ne connais rien d'autre.
I used to think : "Who decided that I was to be born here?"
je me dis : "Qui a décidé que je devais être né ici?"
Somewhere in here I was born and there I died.
Je suis née par ici... et je suis morte là
I was born and raised here.
Voyez-vous, je suis né et j'ai grandi ici.
Here, have some more coffee. I have known Eddie... ever since he was born.
Je connais Eddie depuis sa naissance.
You were here before I was born.
Je n'étais même pas née.
And I, like my father and his father before him, was born here.
Comme mon père et son père avant lui, je suis né dans ce manoir.
Well, I was just wondering if you'd been over here very often since the baby was born.
Eh bien, je me demandais si vous étiez venue souvent depuis que le bébé est né.
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51