If he was here перевод на французский
634 параллельный перевод
Your father would have done the same things if he was here.
Votre père aurait fait la même chose s'il avait été là.
And so... So if he was here why doesn't he say so?
S'il est venu ici, pourquoi ne le dit-il pas?
If he was here, he'd tell you the same thing.
S'il était là, il vous dirait la même chose.
- If he was here, he'd shoot you dead.
- S'il était là, il vous tuerait.
- Well, I mean, if he was here he wouldn't be where he was supposed to be.
- Que s'il était là, il ne serait pas où il devrait être.
If he was here, I'd shoot him down in his tracks.
- S'il était là, je le descendrais.
I was only thinking if he were to search my rooms while I am here...
Perquisitionner chez moi en mon absence.
He was here once before, and I told the boss about it, and the boss said if he comes back, to throw him out.
Il est déjà passé, je l'ai dit au patron qui m'a dit de le virer s'il revenait.
He'd be sore if he knew I was here.
Ça ne lui plairait pas.
If Yank, God rest his soul, was here, he'd agree with me.
Si Yank, paix à son âme, était là, il dirait pareil.
You know, I bet if Tom was here he'd help us.
Si Tom était là, je parie qu'il nous aiderait.
If we'd known he was coming here, we could have given him a lift.
On aurait pu l'emmener.
And you really think this Dedic, if it was he... will kindly wait for us... until we come to call on him to pay our respects? Get them out of here! Go home and finish your soup.
Vous me dites à 23 h 30 qu'un homme est allé, cet après-midi, dans une de ces 15 maisons, et vous croyez que Dedic, si c'est lui, va gentiment attendre qu'on lui présente nos hommages?
If Vickery here was only using it to fish his hat out well now he wouldn't bother to wipe his fingerprints off now would he?
Si Vickery n'avait rien à se reprocher, il n'aurait pas effacé ses empreintes.
He came here to visit his sister, and finds that she ´ s gone to California... and he wants me to go to dinner with him, and I was wondering if- -
Il est venu rendre visite à sa soeur mais elle est partie en Californie, il souhaiterait qu " on dîne ensemble, alors je me demandais si...
If I was you, I'd hightail it out of here before he comes back.
Á ta place, je ficherais le camp avant qu'il ne revienne.
I came here day before yesterday to ask Lavery if he knew where she was.
Je suis venu demander à Lavery s'il savait où elle était.
But if he'd been able to tell someone, like a psychoanalyst, what it was that happened here no murder would have been necessary.
S'il avait pu dire à un psychanalyste ce qui s'était passé ici, le meurtre aurait été inutile.
He was in here recently with a stunning blonde, that is, if you think blondes are stunning.
Il était ici récemment avec une superbe blonde. Si on part du principe que les blondes sont superbes.
He called me up one night, about 1 : 30, to find out if Barbara was here because she'd told him that she was...
Il cherchait Barbara. Il la croyait ici mais elle n'y était pas.
I told you if anybody came up here, he was liable to get shot.
Je vous ai dit de ne pas vous approcher.
But this sounds crazy. If he was killed at once, how could he have talked about me and this lady here?
Mais s'il a été tué net... comment a-t-il pu parler de moi...
Let's say if he was born here?
S'il était né ici?
If he had nabbed me the first three times while I was just practicing, I wouldn't be here now for murder.
S'il m'avait coffrée les trois premières fois quand je m'entraînais, je ne serais pas ici pour meurtre.
And if he was anywhere near here, we'd have had him long ago.
S'il était ici, je l'aurais déjà eu.
You see, it's like I said when Wyatt told me if he was Dutch and going to Tascosa, he'd come by here, but that was only what somebody heard Dutch say where he was going to.
- C'est ce que je dis toujours. Wyatt a dit que s'il était Dutch, en allant à Tascosa, il s'arrêterait ici. Mais c'est juste quelqu'un qui a entendu Dutch dire où il allait.
Mr. Eastman was good enough to say that if I came through here, perhaps he'd be able to find some place for me at the mills.
M. Eastman m'a expliqué que si je venais jusqu'ici, il me trouverait peut-être un travail à l'usine.
Why would he ask me to come down here if he didn't want me to know what was going on?
Pourquoi me ferait-il venir ici s'il ne voulait pas que je sache ce qui se passait?
He'd already taken pictures in the morgue, and I was afraid he'd get suspicious if didn't let him come here.
Il avait déjà pris des clichés à la morgue. J'ai eu peur qu'il ait des soupçons... si je ne le laissais pas entrer.
Now, Mrs. Lacey, how could the guy get here alone if he was dying?
Mme Lacey, c'est impossible, il était mourant.
If there was anyone here, he broke in.
S'il y avait quelqu'un, il est entré par effraction
Never mind lady, we'll just assume that they knew he was coming up here, so that if somebody else checks on him, you can tell him that the sheriff and his friend were here, but they had to go someplace else.
Nous supposerons qu'ils avaient prévenu de leur passage, alors, quand on viendra les chercher, vous direz que le shérif et son ami sont passés, mais qu'ils sont repartis. C'est tout.
I'll tell you what : If he thought I was dead, he might come in here looking for you.
Je vais te dire, s'il me croit mort, il viendra te chercher.
If your father was here now, he'd say the same thing.
Si votre père était là, il vous dirait pareil.
Thing is, Charlie, I was just telling Axel... here he can work in my gang if he wants.
En fait, je disais à Axel qu'il pouvait travailler avec moi.
Alright, even if he was right, why aren't we better off trying to fight our way through 200 miles than sitting around here waiting to be slaughtered like a bunch of sheep?
Meme s'il avait raison, pourquoi ne pastenter une percée, plutôt que d'attendre ici comme des moutons?
Let me put it this way, if he knew I was here tonight- -
Disons pour simplifier que s'il me savait ici ce soir...
Si il avait été bien, il ne l'aurais pas laissée ici.
If Durocher had continued coming here your father would think he was the greatest manager.
Si Durocher avait continué â venir, ton père aurait dit que c'était le meilleur.
He is here with us, sergeant. If it's true he was 33 years old, he was born in'84.
Il est avec nous, ll a éternellement trente-trois ans. ll est de la classe 4
If Frank was coming, he'd have been here by now.
Si Frank venait te chercher, il serait là depuis longtemps.
If we're all gonna be in here 3 or 4 days, close together like, it might be a good idea if a certain party, not to mention no names, was to do what he said he'd do.
Si on doit rester 4 jours enfermés ensemble... il y en a un d'entre nous qui devrait faire ce qu'il a promis.
He asked me if he could stay here as if it was a normal thing to do.
Ça s'est fait tout naturellement.
What if he was lying, if Goerman was here and escaped?
Et si von Moersch mentait? Si Goerman était venu au château et nous avait échappé?
- No! If he was a traitor, why is he here?
- S'il l'était, pourquoi viendrait-il?
When you were at the desk checking in with the night manager Mr. George Swine, who I happen to know as a personal friend I was wondering if he fixed you up with a good accommodation here.
Je vous ai vu parler au gérant qui est un ami intime. Il vous a donné une bonne chambre?
If Captain Bligh was cooped up here for five months, five months, mark you, who do you think he'd take it out on?
Si le capitaine Bligh est coincé ici encore cinq mois, sur qui ça va retomber, à ton avis?
If there was so much commotion here, he's probably heard about it already.
Si cela a fait tant de bruit ici, il est probablement déjà au courant.
He was a cop, and said if he sees us here again he will put us in jail.
Si on reste ici, il nous boucle. Viens, on va dans les beaux quartiers.
Or if he was ever here at all.
Ou s'il a jamais existé.
If Stevens was sick he'd be here, wouldn't he now?
Si Stevens était malade, il serait ici, non?
if he's still alive 35
if he didn't 28
if he hadn't 19
if he 47
if he dies 138
if he knew 26
if he does 148
if he wins 28
if he did 163
if he finds out 37
if he didn't 28
if he hadn't 19
if he 47
if he dies 138
if he knew 26
if he does 148
if he wins 28
if he did 163
if he finds out 37