Including yourself перевод на французский
70 параллельный перевод
Yet you say everyone in house, including yourself, hate Mr. Harper.
Pourtant, vous dites que tous, vous y compris, détestiez M. Harper.
including yourself?
Dont vous êtes?
Now, look, Ellen, Ford has a whole army of people working for him, including yourself.
Écoute, Ellen. Ford emploie une véritable armée, toi y compris.
- To all concerned, including yourself?
- À tous, y compris vous-même?
- Including yourself?
Y compris vous-même?
No, you don't. I don't think you know what's best for Papa, for me or for anybody including yourself.
Non, tu ne l'a tu ne l'as jamais su ni pour papa, ni pour moi ni même pour toi!
Including yourself, Comrade Major. You're fighting for the same thing.
Vous vous battez pour cela, non?
Everyone including yourself.
Tout le monde, vous y compris.
It can only harm any number of people, including yourself. I'll tell you something.
ça risque de faire mal à beaucoup de gens... y compris vous.
I mean, everybody in this list here, including yourself.
Toutes les personnes de cette liste, y compris vous-même.
Eight was including yourself.
Huit c'était avec vous.
I think I do know what really disturbs me about the work you've described... and I don't even know if I can express it. But somehow it seems that the whole point of the work that you did in those workshops... when you get right down to it and you ask what was it really about... The whole point, really, I think... was to enable the people in the workshops, including yourself... to somehow sort of strip away every scrap of purposefulness... from certain selected moments.
Ce qui me gêne, dans le travail que tu faisais avec ces ateliers de comédiens, si on regarde les choses en face, c'est que ça visait à permettre aux participants et à toi-même... d'éliminer toute utilité positive de votre travail... afin d'expérimenter une sorte d'apesanteur de l'être.
- Including yourself?
- Vous y compris? - Oui.
Including yourself.
Vous y compris.
Not including yourself there.
Sans parler de toi, bien sûr.
You're gonna have to take care of things including yourself. That'll be something new, won't it?
Tu t'occuperas de tout et de toi-même, pour changer, hein?
Well, you got everybody, including yourself.
Tu as eu tout le monde. Toi y compris.
Why should they... when you've deceived everyone... including yourself?
Pourquoi? Quand vous les avez tous trompés, et vous-même avec?
- Including yourself?
- Vous y comprise?
Including yourself.
Les plus capables survivront.
None, including yourself.
Aucun, y compris toi.
As a matter of fact, you don't make no apologies for nobody in your life... including yourself.
En fait, tu ne dois faire d'excuses pour personne dans ta vie... y compris toi-même.
It exists if a majority of the cabinet, including yourself, says it exists.
Il y a incapacité, si le conseil, vous comprise, est de cet avis.
And half the other guys in this town, including yourself, I believe.
Elle s'est tapée tous les mecs.
Pay everyone I owe, including yourself.
Paie toutes mes dettes et paie-toi.
Everybody's exhausted, including yourself.
Tout le monde est épuisé, même toi.
Half the people on this ship have been shot or wounded, including yourself
La moitié des passagers de ce vaisseau on été blessés, vous compris...
- including yourself?
- y compris vous?
I appreciate you including yourself... but everybody knows it was me who let the suspects go with the victim in their trunk.
C'est gentil de vous impliquer. Mais c'est moi qui ai libéré les suspects.
Including yourself?
Y compris toi-même?
You including yourself in that?
Tu t'inclues dans ça?
Darren, when are you going to realize that nobody has to get hurt - including yourself - in order for you to get what you need?
Darren, quand allez-vous réaliser que personne n'a à souffrir - y compris vous-même - pour que vous obteniez ce dont vous avez besoin?
- That's including yourself.
Vous y compris.
- Terrence, you've made every man in this room a prisoner, including yourself.
- Terrence, vous avez emprisonnez tous les hommes qui sont dans cette pièce, y compris vous.
That no one, including yourself, has any doubts that this is the right course of action.
Que personne, y compris vous, ne doutait du bien-fondé de cette mission.
You could have killed all of us, including yourself.
Vous auriez pu tous nous tuer, y compris vous-même.
Including yourself.
Et vous même.
Not only are you a murderer, but you're a thief. This gold belongs to Hank, a man who's been more than fair and generous with all of his employees, including yourself.
Cet or appartient à Hank, un homme qui a été plus que juste et généreux envers ses employés, vous y compris.
- Including yourself.
- Y compris vous.
Most people, including Johnny and yourself, make a big mistake about Julia.
La plupart des gens, y compris Johnny et toi, se trompent complètement sur Julia.
Love, honor, for better, for worse - including the times when he's worried and moody - after all, you're no easy dish yourself.
"Amour, honneur, pour le meilleur et pour le pire... " y compris la dépression et la mauvaise humeur. "Toi non plus, tu n'es pas un cadeau."
Yes, your brother has stated the case most clearly... including the fact that you have voluntarily committed yourself here.
Oui, votre frère a expliqué la situation très clairement, y compris le fait qu'être interné est votre décision.
Including yourself.
Toi y compris.
You've been involved since Richard and I got together including the time that you threw yourself at him like a desperate maniac.
Tu as été impliquée dès que Richard et moi nous sommes mit ensemble y compris le temps que vous vous jeta sur lui comme une maniaque désespérée.
I notice you're still including'yourself.
Je sais pas comment tu te supportes toi-même.
You've cut yourself off from everyone Including me.
Tu t'éloignes de tout le monde, même de moi.
Including yourself?
Même toi?
Including me You can only count on yourself
Même pas à moi.
Maybe you should just do it for yourself, for your pride, and the rest will come, including the girl.
Peut-être que tu devrais le faire pour toi, pour ta fierté, et le reste viendra, y compris la fille.
I have given you everything, including the right to call yourself prince!
Je vous ai tout donné, y compris le droit de vous appeler prince!
you can keep it for yourself. you can give it to somebody else including kenny, if you want to. it is up to you.
Vous pouvez le garder pour vous, vous pouvez le donner à quelqu'un d'autre, y compris Kenny, si vous le voulez.
yourself 387
yourself included 25
including 167
inclusive 16
including me 215
including you 276
including the 17
including myself 64
including us 43
including yours 42
yourself included 25
including 167
inclusive 16
including me 215
including you 276
including the 17
including myself 64
including us 43
including yours 42