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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ J ] / Juanito

Juanito перевод на французский

140 параллельный перевод
Good morning, Juanito.
Bonjour, Juanito.
But, Juanito, so much can happen.
Mais Juanito, tant de choses peuvent arriver.
Hello, Juanito.
Bonsoir, Juanito.
So you tried to run away, Juanito, huh?
Tu as essayé de t'enfuir, Juanito?
Hi, Juanito?
Bonjour, Mr.
A lot of these days, huh, Juanito?
Beaucoups de jours comme cela, non, Juan?
And Juanito, you show Dr. Scott to the left wing.
Juanito, montre l'aile gauche au Dr Scott.
Juanito, hurry with the brandy.
Juanito, apporte vite le cognac.
Juanito, bring a jar.
Juanito, apporte un pot.
Here, Juanito.
Donne, Juanito.
Not like this one, Juanito.
Pas comme celui-là, Juanito.
- That's Juanito.
- Juanito!
Run, Juanito!
Cours, Juanito!
- Where is Juanito?
- Juanito?
- Juanito, come on, quick.
- Monte vite!
Don't worry, Juanito. We'll get together again.
Ne t'inquiète pas, nous reviendrons bientôt.
Tell you what, Juanito when you get to be a big man, I'll get you a pair just like these.
Écoute, Juanito... quand tu seras un homme, je t'offrirai les mêmes.
Oh, Juanito, you know sometimes even a half a man has a lot of different jobs to do.
Juanito, même presque un homme... a des devoirs à accomplir.
Juanito, do me a favor, will you, and just stay out of the way?
Juanito, fais-moi plaisir. Ne te mêle pas de ceci.
Oh, and don't forget to take care of little Juanito.
Et occupez-vous de Juanito.
- It's Juanito.
C'est Juanito!
Stay back in the cave, Juanito.
Recule dans la grotte!
All right.
Viens, Juanito!
- Hank and Juanito are down there.
- Il est avec Juanito.
Oh, Juanito.
Oh, Juanito, why did you do it?
Pourquoi as-tu fait ça?
Juanito Montoya.
Juanito Montoya ;
- Bien, Juanito.
- Bien, Juanito. Bill?
Take care of yourself, Juanito. You too.
- Faites attention à vous, Juanito.
- Juanito, to the north and south, okay?
- Juanito, au nord, puis au sud.
He's wrong, Juanito.
Il a tort, Juanito.
Juanito, as I told you before, there is too much violence in the world.
Juanito, comme je te l'ai déjà dit, il y a trop de violence dans le monde.
- Juanito.
- Juanito.
Juanito you get everything?
Pas mal! Vous avez tout pris?
You Manolo together with Juanito will attack the army barrack s with our main forces agreed?
Toi, Antonio : tu attaqueras la caserne avec Luis et le gros des troupes,
So long banito.
Salut, Juanito!
Now the mule, Juanito, let's go.
La mule Juanito, on y va.
- I know, my good Juanito, I know.
- Je sais, mon bon Juanito.
Juanito has the voice of an angel. What comes out of his mouth is blessed, Alonzo, what comes out of yours is cursed.
Ce qui sort de sa bouche est béni, Alonso... ce qui sort de la tienne est maudit!
As Juanito is an only child, I tend to spoil him, so here we are.
Comme Juanito est fils unique, et que je lui passe tous ses caprices...
- Let's go, Juanito.
- Partons, Juanito.
Juanito's nothing to me.
Y a rien eu entre nous.
"Dear Juanito, I got your poem and was so surprised."
"Cher Juanito, j'ai reçu ton poème. J'étais si surprise!"
That's because you don't see the hair.
Normal, tu vois plus ses poils! Ah, si Juanito mourait...
Juanito and his mother.
Juanito et sa mère...
Well, Juanito's a good match.
Ben, Juanito est un bon parti.
- Can Juanito come in?
- Juanito peut entrer?
I don't understand. Juanito...
Je ne comprends pas.
I am sorry, Juanito. Que Va.
Je suis désolé, Juanito.

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