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Kanna перевод на французский

180 параллельный перевод
Here we go, math genius puppy, Kana, from Niigata!
Et voici le génie canin, Kanna de Niigata!
- Kanna please do your best to learn.
Kanna, fais de ton mieux.
Yuki, I leave Kanna in your hands.
Yuki, je te la laisse.
- Kanna!
- Kanna!
This is Hisae Yoshia and this is Kanna Murakami.
Voici Hisae Yoshia et Kanna Murakami.
What's this? You say you're from Kanna Village?
Vous venez du village de Kanna?
Delicious. Rice from Kanna is truly delicious.
Le riz de Kanna est excellent!
Heihachi-sama, I would ask that you please become one of the guardian gods of Kanna.
Hehachi, veuillez devenir un dieu gardien du riz de Kanna.
At this rate, I fear that a collision with Kanna Village is inevitable.
Il va s'écraser sur le village de Kanna, c'est inévitable.
If we keep going at this rate, we're going to crush Kanna Village.
On va finir par écraser son village.
He's the one who said it was unbecoming of Kanna Village- - of peasants, to arm themselves, and that we ought to crush them!
C'est lui qui a ordonné d'écraser Kanna et tous ses paysans armés!
Keep the capital heading for Kanna Village.
Toutes les machines sauf les défenseurs, demi-tour droite! Continuez sur Kanna.
Everyone, go to Kanna Village and take the villagers hostage.
On va à Kanna et on prend les villageois en otages.
You know what, that reward sounds like it would fill you up a lot more than what you would get working in Kanna Village.
Quelle récompense! Beaucoup plus qu'avec le village de Kanna.
For certain reasons, we are passing through on our way to Kanna Village.
On est en chemin pour le village de Kanna.
I told them that all of you were heading to Kanna Village.
Je leur ai dit que vous alliez à Kanna.
Kanna Village is defying their authority.
Kanna s'oppose à la politique impériale.
What did you divulge?
Je leur ai dit que vous alliez à Kanna.
I told them that all of you were heading to Kanna Village.
Comment as-tu pu! Kyuzo!
There's no doubt about it.
Cette rivière souterraine va au village de Kanna.
I can see the neighboring village now.
Je vois le village voisin du mien. Kanna est tout proche.
And what's more, when you consider that Momotaro there is also known to make the girls cry, something might have happened to your girl by the time we reach the village, you know?
Il se passera forcément quelque chose avant l'arrivée à Kanna!
You are a soldier of Kanna Castle.
Tu es un soldat du château de Kanna.
There can only be one fate for the people of Kanna Village!
Pensons aux autres villages. Kanna a scellé son destin.
Then we're going to Kanna Village, without waiting to be contacted?
On y va sans plus attendre?
Village de Kanna
Kanbe-sama is planning to turn Kanna Village into one big fortress.
Kanbe veut transformer le village en forteresse.
So, Kanna Village won, huh?
Alors le village de Kanna a gagné...
I see. Then Kanna Village has been...
Ce qui signifie que le village de Kanna est...
It wouldn't be right to have Kanna Village be the only one that is protected, would it?
C'est atroce de protéger Kanna et de négliger les autres villages.
For that purpose, the best thing we can do is to copy the actions of Kanna Village.
Pour cela, le meilleur moyen est d'imiter le village de Kanna.
Here is a bento lunch for you.
Le riz de Kanna est le meilleur.
She says an exchange of hostilities between the bandits and Kanna Village has begun.
Le village de Kanna a commencé la bataille contre les Brigands. Le village de Kanna?
You're alive, aren't you, Kirara-kun? Tessai, I want you to tell me everything we know about Kanna Village.
Tessai, raconte-moi tout ce que tu sais sur Kanna.
Take a good look. This is the end for Kanna Village, who dared make a mockery of us.
C'est la fin du village qui nous a bafoués.
Pont de Kanna
If Kanna Village hadn't hired those samurai, these reforms would have never happened.
S'ils n'avaient pas engagé de samouraïs, rien n'aurait changé.
The work at Kanna Village is finished.
La mission pour Kanna est terminée.
Say whatever you will, you're still concerned over Kanna Village!
Avoue-le, tu t'inquiètes pour le village de Kanna, pas vrai?
Those who are following Kanna Village's model will dispose of them.
Ceux qui imitent le village de Kanna les tueront.
After you, Kanna Village comes next, Kanbe-kun.
Après toi, mon petit Kanbe, je m'occuperai de Kanna.
Perhaps the reason I was interested in Kanna Village was so that I could make amends.
C'est sûrement pour ça que j'ai accepté de lutter pour Kanna.
Pardon us.
Veuillez apporter cette lettre au village de Kanna.
I'd like to have this letter delivered to Kanna Village.
Avec plaisir.
The underground water here flows to Kanna Village.
I am taking the women with me, in exchange for his life! Are you Sanae, the wife of Rikichi, from Kanna Village?
Es-tu Sanae, la femme de Rikichi du village de Kanna?
Kanna Village?
Leave it to us! They are headed to Kanna Village.
La capitale se dirige vers Kanna.

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