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Kept to himself перевод на французский

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Never bothered with anyone in the department, just kept to himself.
Il ne s'est jamais mêlé aux autres. Il restait tout seul.
Kept to himself. None of his neighbors got close to him or his wife.
Aucun des voisins n'est proche de lui ou de sa femme.
Cory's mission was one that he kept to himself.
KARLTON : Cory avait gardé sa mission pour lui.
Something he kept to himself.
mais le garda pour lui.
He was the kind of person who kept to himself.
C'est le genre de type très solitaire qui ne voit personne.
So he kept to himself, withdrawn into the world of his own thoughts which were often concerned with his imagined unworthiness in the eyes of God.
Solitaire, il se renferme sur lui-même... convaincu de son manque de mérite aux yeux de Dieu.
They tell police he was an odd little man who kept to himself.
Ils ont dit à la police... qu'il était un petit homme bizarre introverti.
He always kept to himself.
Il s'est tenu toujours à part.
He kept to himself... a lot.
Il était très réservé.
Kept to himself, he was quiet. Paid his rent on time.
Un type tranquille, qui payait son loyer.
Kept to himself. I never knew much about him.
Je n'ai jamais appris à le connaître.
What he discovered he kept to himself, until some boys were murdered in the Cotswolds.
Il a gardé sa découverte secrète, jusqu'au meurtre de ces garçons en Angleterre.
Let me guess. He was quiet, kept to himself, but always seemed like a nice young man.
Voyons, il était calme, discret, mais il a toujours eu l'air d'un gentil garçon.
The most interesting things- - Those I'm sure he kept to himself.
Le plus intéressant, il a dû vous le taire.
Kept to himself.
Un gars assez solitaire.
Kept to himself mostly.
Ne parlait à personne.
If he did, he kept it to himself.
S'il l'a fait, il le gardait pour lui.
- He might have kept her to himself!
II aurait pu avoir Ia decence de se Ia garder!
I suppose he had some private sort of greatness. But he kept it to himself. He never gave himself away.
Il avait une sorte de grandeur, mais n'en laissait rien paraître.
With me, he kept his fears to himself very successfully.
Avec moi, il a caché sa peur avec beaucoup de succès.
Mrs. Hirsch's. Never made any friends, as far as I can make out. Kept pretty much to himself.
Il n'avait aucun ami, que je sache.
But, he kept it to himself.
Mais il n'en parlait pas.
He kept a lot to himself.
Il gardait bien ses secrets.
He was the sort of man who kept himself pretty much to himself, but what I knew of him I liked.
Il était renfermé mais j'aimais bien le peu que je savais de lui.
Although we are sure Gordon is the man behind this murder ring, he has kept himself so far removed from the actual killings, we are unable to pin anything on him.
Si nous sommes sûrs que Gordon est derrière tout ceci, il a toujours réussi à ne pas être impliqué et nous n'avons rien contre lui.
But when I let him know that I was firm - determined - he kept his extensions to himself.
Mais quand je lui ai laissé entendre que j'étais ferme... déterminée.. he kept ses prolongements to himself.
Only fragments of what he knew got out he kept most of it to himself.
On ne sut presque rien de son travail, il en tut la majeure partie.
He kept pretty much to himself.
- Très peu.
He kept saying that he wanted it for himself... but couldn't pin him down to a firm purchase.
Il disait que c'était pour lui mais il ne donnait pas de réponse ferme.
The baron looked at it differently, but he kept his opinion to himself.
Le baron avait ses propres vues sur la chose, mais il les gardait pour lui.
But he kept it to himself.
"Lui au moins, il a pas flanché. " Ce n'est pas un criminel comme ceux " qui veulent être allemands
Your grandfather could have kept things to himself but your dad didn't keep quiet.
Ton grand-père aurait pu le garder pour lui, mais ton père n'a pas pu rester tranquille.
He was a well-respected gentleman who kept himself very much to himself.
Que savez-vous de ces papiers?
- Kept himself to himself.
- Il restait sur son quant-à-soi.
although Mr. Van Leek kept his intentions pretty much to himself it appeared the plan was to assemble some professionals to help in my endeavor.
Rien. C'est bien ça.
his bold head'Bove the contentious waves he kept, and oared himself with his good arms in lusty stroke to th'shore, that o'er his wave-worn basis bowed, s stooping to relieve him.
de ses bras forts, il ramait à coups vigoureux vers la côte, qui, s'inclinant vers sa base rongée de vagues, semblait l'accueillir. Je ne doute pas qu'il ait, vivant, touché terre.
He should have kept his hands to himself.
Ce n'est pas bien d'avoir la main baladeuse.
Marino kept others to himself.
Il y en a d'autres qu'il gardait pour lui.
En outre, un vrai mec l'aurait gardé pour lui même... au lieu de le refiler à Redeye.
Andy kept pretty much to himself at first.
Andy restait dans son coin.
On his way down past each floor, he kept saying to reassure himself : " So far so good...
Au fur et à mesure de sa chute, pour se rassurer, il se répète :
He kept referring to himself in the third person.
Il parle de lui à la 3e personne.
I kept seeing my brother in this guy... and not wanting Dougie to quit on himself.
Je voyais mon frère à travers ce type, et je ne voulais pas que Dougie renonce à lutter.
So he's already been fired and yet he kept making himself lunches kept putting on his uniform and kept pretending to go to work.
Bien que licencié, il continue à préparer son déjeuner... à mettre son uniforme, à faire semblant de travailler.
If he had like... a form, he kept it to himself because it was a very loose construction.
Si c'était le cas, il le gardait pour lui. C'était une construction plutôt bancale.
Alan kept everything to himself. Never shared...
Alan ne me disait jamais rien.
One Tuesday morning, he went down to the factory, wrote his family a letter... then used a. 9mm automatic they kept there to kill himself.
Un mardi matin, il alla à son usine, écrivit une lettre à l'attention de sa famille et utilisa le pistolet 9 mm qu'il gardait là, pour se tuer.
He just kept referring to himself in the third person.
Il n'arrêtait pas de parler de lui à la troisième personne.
A friend wouldn't have kept something like that to himself.
Un ami n'aurait pas gardé ça pour lui.
Pompée has kept himself from the senate, prefering instead to pass time in no company.
Pompée reste à distance du Sénat, préférant se passer de compagnie.
According to his lieutenant, my great-uncle sealed himself in the engine rooms and kept the reactor on-line long enough for his crew to make it to the escape pods.
Selon son lieutenant, mon grand-oncle s'est enfermé dans la salle des moteurs et a maintenu le réacteur en ligne assez longtemps pour que l'équipage puisse s'échapper.

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