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Kettleman перевод на французский

50 параллельный перевод
Came from some guy named Kettleman.
- Un certain Kettleman.
- They call it Kettleman Hills.
- On l'appelle les collines Kettleman.
Kettleman Hills? Doesn't even sound like oil.
Les collines Kettleman?
I can't believe you're doing this to me when I'm up to my ass in Kettleman plaintiffs which looks to be double the amount of Hinkley.
Comment pouvez-vous me faire ça? Je me farcis les plaignants de Kettleman... qui sont deux fois plus nombreux qu'à Hinkley.
Then we'll take the letter to judge Kettleman.
On montrera donc la lettre au Juge Kettleman.
Saw Jax Teller and his doctor girlfriend at the Kettleman Clinic.
J'ai vu Jax Teller et sa copine à la clinique Kettleman.
What about Kettleman?
Pourquoi pas Kettleman?
Yes, Mrs. Kettleman, so good of you to return.
Oui, Mme Kettleman, merci d'avoir rappelé.
Betsy Kettleman's her name.
Son nom est Betsy Kettleman.
Mrs. Kettleman, Betsy, what are you doing here?
Mme Kettleman, Betsy, que faites-vous ici?
Is there, by any chance, a Betsy kettleman here?
Est-ce qu'il y aurait, par chance, une Betsy Kettleman ici?
There's a woman named Betsy Kettleman.
Il y a une femme, qui s'appelle Betsy Kettleman.
She's married to Craig Kettleman.
Elle est mariée à Craig Kettleman.
Anyway, I thought if I had these two run their little skateboard hustle on Mrs. Kettleman,
De toute façon, je pensais que si ces deux là utilisaient leur petit skateboard pour percuter Mme Kettleman,
- Craig Kettleman.
Craig Kettleman.
Hey, how much exactly did Kettleman get away with?
Combien Kettleman a-t-il volé, exactement?
You know, if Kettleman isn't careful with that money, I mean his whole family could be in danger.
Si Kettleman ne fait pas attention à son argent, sa famille pourrait être en danger.
You've reached Team Kettleman!
Vous êtes chez la famille Kettleman.
Kettlemans, you're in danger.
Les Kettleman, vous êtes en danger.
- The Kettlemans okay?
- Les Kettleman vont bien?
It's not just Craig and Betsy Kettleman. It's their two kids as well.
Ils ont Craig et Betsy Kettleman mais aussi leurs deux enfants.
A neighbour lady saw a suspicious van parked across the street from the Kettlemans'house two nights in a row.
Une voisine repère un van louche garé en face de la maison des Kettleman deux soirs de suite.
You had nothing to do with the Kettlemans?
Les Kettleman, ce n'était pas vous?
I guarantee you one billion percent it's not the Kettlemans'.
Je parie que ce n'est pas celui des Kettleman.
It's not the Kettlemans'.
Pas aux Kettleman.
Maybe the Kettlemans kidnapped themselves.
Les Kettleman ont feint leur enlèvement.
- I called the Kettlemans.
- J'ai appelé les Kettleman.
-... and catch the Kettlemans on the run.
- et d'arrêter les Kettleman.
The Kettlemans?
Les Kettleman?
The Kettlemans are our clients.
Les Kettleman sont nos clients.
Nobody took the Kettlemans. The Kettlemans took themselves.
Personne n'a enlevé les Kettleman, ce sont eux.
Devil's advocate, like the cop said, the Kettlemans'cars are still at their house.
Par contre, les voitures des Kettleman sont toujours chez eux.
And if this Kettleman figured out how to do it, that's what he did.
Si les Kettleman ont trouvé comment faire, alors ils le font.
- Let's go. Kettlemans, time to ship out.
Allez, les Kettleman, on rentre.
Yes, Kettlemans.
Si, Kettleman.
The Kettlemans, all four of them... Safe and sound.
Les Kettleman, tous les quatre, sains et saufs.
Now, and whoever the somebody is who may have warned the Kettlemans got them out of there before you did anything even more stupid.
Peu importe qui a suggéré aux Kettleman de s'enfuir avant que vous ne fassiez quelque chose de plus idiot.
Still, you're the one he called when he found the Kettlemans camped halfway up the Sandias.
- Mais il t'a appelée lorsqu'il a trouvé les Kettleman en camping.
Oh, Christ, the Kettlemans?
C'est pas vrai, les Kettleman?
You're gonna punish her because you lost those batshit Kettlemans?
Tu la punis pour avoir perdu les Kettleman?
They're not really playing with a full deck, those Kettlemans.
Ils ne sont pas réglo, ces Kettleman.
Kettleman did a terrible job covering his tracks.
Kettleman n'a pas couvert ses traces.
But so would you, Mrs. Kettleman.
Mais vous aussi, Mme Kettleman.
Because right now only Mr. Kettleman is on the hook for the whole embezzlement kerfuffle.
Car seul M. Kettleman est visé pour détournement de fonds.
I'm pleased to announce that working closely with the Bernalillo County District Attorney's Office we've reached an agreement for Craig Kettleman.
Après des discussions avec le bureau du procureur du comté de Bernalillo, un accord a été conclu.
We believe this is a just and fair outcome and brings to a close an incident Mr. Kettleman deeply regrets.
Cette issue nous paraît juste, et clôt un incident que M. Kettleman regrette profondément...
Since that Kettleman thing.
Depuis Kettleman.
He did the same thing after the Kettleman fiasco, and Chuck was nowhere in sight.
Comme après l'affaire Kettleman. Rien à voir avec Chuck.

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